27 - "The Rhythm of Steel"
You may notice that sometimes the timing won't make sense or something like that. I just wanted to finish the Alabasta arc once and for all—after all, it's not my favorite arc. Obviously, it's a good arc, but it always had its flaws in the anime. I think at that point, Oda hadn't planned Haki yet and only created it much later.
So don't complain and just read, hahaha.
Leave your votes; they're always welcome. And drop some comments—it's way too quiet here.
Without further ado, the chap—
P.S.: Remember that I upload about five chapters per week on Patreon for just $3.
—Tsk, that woman only knows how to give orders —Zoro muttered as he walked through the capital of Alubarna. Kara had sent him and Chopper to arrest some high-ranking members of Baroque Works—. Don't you think so, Chopper?… —he asked, looking behind him, but there was no one there.
—Tsk. That guy got lost again —he said, continuing to walk aimlessly.
As he walked, he heard the sounds of a fight, so he quickly headed in that direction. Upon arriving, he found Gin fighting against a man who seemed to have the upper hand.
—No matter how much you try, with those things, you'll never be able to beat me —the man said, looking at Gin, who was covered in blood after taking so many blows from Mr. 1 without being able to harm him with his tonfas.
—Cough… That may be true, but my captain sent me to stop the members of Baroque Works, so I will fulfill my duty —Gin said, barely managing to lift his tonfas again.
—Baroque Works, huh? —a voice interrupted both of them.
—You're the Marine who was with her —Gin said, recognizing Zoro.
—Hey, it looks like you're losing, and I just happen to need to capture the members of his group. Would it be okay if I take him down for you? —Zoro asked with a grin.
—... Sure —Gin said before collapsing unconscious. He knew Kara was Luffy's sister, so he had some trust in someone who followed her.
—Hm, foolish. You'll just be another corpse in this place —Mr. 1 said, looking at Zoro with disdain.
—Well, finally, an interesting fight. I'm tired of fighting weaklings along the way —Zoro said, drawing his swords with some excitement.
After all, on the way here, even though Kara made him fight some pirates they encountered, they were basically rookies who were easily defeated, so they didn't provide an interesting fight.
Without further words, Zoro attacked directly with his swords, while Mr. 1 simply planted his feet firmly and clenched his fists. When Zoro's slashes hit, they only sparked as if he had tried to cut metal.
—Oh… Interesting —Zoro said, seeing that he hadn't hurt Mr. 1.
—My turn —Mr. 1 said, attacking Zoro with his hands like claws.
Zoro easily dodged by shifting to the side, but he saw how the slashes from his opponent's hands destroyed a wall behind him.
Mr. 1 didn't give him a break and continued attacking rapidly, while Zoro dodged with slight movements. After all, he had trained with Kara, who occasionally caught Zoro, Tashigi, and sometimes Chopper. If they didn't dodge the nuts she threw at them while sailing, they had to wash the clothes of all the Marines on the ship.
But even if Zoro dodged every attack, when he struck at Mr. 1, his sword still couldn't cut him, so the fight was at a stalemate.
Suddenly, Mr. 1 launched a kick at Zoro, which transformed into a sharp blade. Zoro had to raise his sword to block it.
—Now I remember… Your face looks familiar. If I'm not mistaken, you were a famous bounty hunter from the West Blue, right? —Zoro said, staring at Mr. 1—. The one they called the Killer. But now you're just Crocodile's lapdog. You must be wagging your tail for a bit of money.
—Bastard —Mr. 1 growled in anger upon hearing that, preparing another attack that destroyed the building behind Zoro, turning it into cubes.
—I know someone who can do that, but way better —Zoro said, attacking Mr. 1 again without much effect.
—Slashing and crushing attacks don't affect me. I ate the Dice-Dice Fruit, so my body is completely made of steel, and I can turn any part of my body into blades.
—What a hassle… That means if I can't cut steel, I won't be able to hurt you, huh? —Zoro said, stepping back again—. And since I can't cut steel yet, I can't defeat you right now.
—Hm, so what will you do? —Mr. 1 asked sarcastically.
—Like I said, I was tired of fighting weaklings, so I was waiting for a tough situation like this. I pity you —Zoro said with a slight smile—. If I want to be stronger, at least to compare myself to that woman… If I can defeat you, I will be a man who can cut steel.
—If you can defeat me. Since I obtained the powers of the Dice-Dice Fruit, no swordsman has ever been able to scratch me —Mr. 1 said, getting back into his stance.
—That's because we had never met before —Zoro said, preparing his three swords for the attack.
Mr. 1 rushed at Zoro and tried to cut him with a bladed kick, but instead of dodging, Zoro blocked it with both his swords.
—How many minutes will you last? —Mr. 1 asked, looking at Zoro with disdain.
—I could ask you the same thing —Zoro said as he swung his swords, pushing Mr. 1 away and quickly slashing his chest again, which once more only sparked.
Mr. 1 didn't hold back, and with his fingers turned into blades, he began attacking Zoro with full force. The two of them destroyed the buildings around them, showcasing the power of each attack.
At one point, Zoro dodged a strike aimed at his head, took advantage of the opening, and struck Mr. 1's forehead with the tip of his sword, sending him flying several meters back.
—Demonic Slash! —Zoro shouted, appearing right in front of his enemy and slashing him again, sending him flying. Then, he jumped and delivered another attack as he fell towards him— Tiger Hunt!
After the attack, Zoro stood watching the direction where Mr. 1 had fallen. To his surprise, Mr. 1 got up easily, completely unharmed, making Zoro even more serious.
—I told you —Mr. 1 said, spreading his arms to show that the attacks had done nothing.
—This is the first time my opponent has remained standing… —Zoro murmured, adjusting his breathing.
—That's because we had never met before —Mr. 1 replied, repeating the same words Zoro had used earlier.
The two continued exchanging slashes. Zoro dodged every attack he couldn't block with his sword, while Mr. 1 simply took his hits without flinching, though some managed to push him back.
Zoro started using every technique he knew, pushing his power to the limit, but even then, he couldn't hurt him. Meanwhile, he was noticeably getting more exhausted, barely able to dodge Mr. 1's attacks.
—What an unbearable bastard —Zoro cursed as he saw his enemy get up once again after all his attacks.
—Same here —Mr. 1 responded, annoyed. Although Zoro dodged all his strikes, he could clearly see that he was getting more and more exhausted. It was only a matter of time before he fell.
Then, the sound of a Den Den Mushi interrupted the fight.
—… —Zoro wanted to ignore it, but the sound was coming from one of his pockets—. Tsk. Hold on a second —he said irritably, pulling out the snail to answer.
Buruburu Cacha
—I'm busy right now —he said quickly, annoyed.
—Zoro? Mmm… I think I got the wrong number then —Kara's voice responded as the snail took on her appearance.
—Damn it, I'm fighting for my life here! —Zoro complained, glancing at Mr. 1, who was waiting patiently.
—Oh, really? So, are you about to lose? How sad… Do you want me to bring flowers of a specific color to your funeral?
Zoro immediately hung up, annoyed by Kara's attitude, and put the Den Den Mushi away again.
—Where were we? —he said, getting into his stance as if nothing had happened.
—It's time to finish this. That woman was right… it's time for your burial —Mr. 1 said, launching attacks at Zoro and the buildings around him, intending to bury him once and for all.
After watching the debris fall on his enemy, Mr. 1, somewhat tired, turned around and started to walk away.
However, he suddenly stopped upon sensing something behind him. He quickly turned around and saw Zoro standing in the same place, completely unharmed.
—Did he dodge all the falling rubble? —he murmured, surprised. It was one thing to see him dodge attacks, but avoiding several collapsing buildings was a different story.
Zoro was also surprised. He had a faintly familiar feeling… similar to when Kara had attacked him and Tashigi with her ability in Loguetown after their training.
He closed his eyes to concentrate.
—I didn't dodge those rocks… I knew where none of them would fall —he whispered, deep in thought.
Then, he noticed something.
—My swords… —he looked down at his waist and realized one was missing—. It's under that rock… I can feel it.
He approached a giant rock beside him, lifted it effortlessly, and retrieved his sword from underneath.
—It's similar… I can hear my heartbeat clearly… I felt like the stones were giving me a hint, as if they were living beings… No. It was the rhythm of the stones, just as the earth has its rhythm… just like the palm trees… and I can hear the rhythm of his steel… —Zoro gripped his sword's handle, understanding what was happening—. Could this be what Kara calls Haki?… I have to try it.
He took his sword again and turned to face Mr. 1.
—Looks like you're ready to die… Perfect —Mr. 1 said, charging at full speed with his hands turned into blades.
Zoro held one of his swords still in its sheath, stood firmly in place, and at the instant Mr. 1 passed by him, he drew and slashed in a single motion.
Immediately after, he sheathed his sword again.
—I did it… Now I'm closer to them… —Zoro whispered before falling to his knees from exhaustion.
Meanwhile, Mr. 1 collapsed to the ground, defeated.
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