She slammed her hand on the desk in a fit of rage.
"It's unbelievable."
Rias lifted her head up and looked over to Sona, whose violet eyes narrowed darkly.
"I can see Sirzechs-sama allowing permission for Riser to fight Issei Hyoudou. But...I cannot see him allowing Riser to murder Issei's cousin. It is not like him."
"Are you saying that Sirzechs-sama was not aware of Riser's plans?" Tsubaki asked.
"It's possible. However...that still doesn't change a thing. As a result of the combined actions of Rias's Onii-sama and Riser...Issei's personality...perhaps it is never going to be the same."
Saji and Yuuto exchanged mutual glances and they both lowered their heads in unhappiness.
"Damn that Riser. Now because of him, Issei..." Yuuto began.
He felt that he couldn't say anymore, and he sighed in sadness.
"Newby..." Saji said as he crossed his arms.
Azazel's Headquarters
Azazel, and a surprised Raynare sat as they watched the fight between Issei and Riser through a magic viewing portal.
"I...I can't believe it! Is that really Issei?" Raynare said in amazement, and a little bit of fright.
The young boy she had been trying to get close to. He was so shy and quiet, and yet so kind. And here he was, transformed into a much more powerful state with his mind clouded by extreme fury.
Azazel hummed as he crossed his arms.
"Hmm. It's Always the Quiet Ones. Who would've thought?"
Arena in the Underworld
Riser Phenex was a lot of things. He was known to be an over-confident, arrogant, and aggressive playboy with a holier-than-thou personality. He was the third son of the powerful Phenex Clan. He was also...
A douche.
A very contemptible douche.
Riser always thought he was a great tactician, armed with a powerful peerage, and his own smarts.
'I really really should have thought this through.'
Those were the thoughts that ran through Riser's mind as he stared directly into the pupilless eyes of the boy he had foolishly harassed.
Issei Hyoudou.
For many years, Riser had sensed the boy's immense power. For years, the thought of Issei's power had tortured Riser's mind, and it admittedly began to make him just a bit paranoid. Then out of sheer brilliance, Riser had gotten the bright idea of summoning his peerage to capture Issei and that cousin of his, in order to get Issei to fight him. After that, he chose to deliberately insult Issei, and then...he showed Issei Yubelluna 'killing' his cousin onscreen.
Dumbest idea he has ever had.
And to top it all off, he had made a risky bet with Sirzechs and Lord Phenex. If Issei won, he would inherit all of Riser's possessions: His mansion, his wealth, and...
His servants. Well wealth was what concerned Riser the most. After all, the Phenex Clan wasn't exactly poor. There was a reason they were more than just noble.
Although at this point, Riser would have guessed that Issei wanted nothing to do with his servants, especially after the idiotic stunt the Phenex male had just pulled. He had really pulled a huge gamble, and now it was backfiring greatly.
As Issei glowered at him with his orbs of sight, Riser couldn't help but feel an overwhelming chill down his spine. Shrugging off the feeling, and narrowing his eyes, Riser got into a battle position, and out of his back, burst forth flaming wings.
Staring coldly at Riser, Issei remained where he was, his eyes narrowed into slits. All he felt was overwhelming fury. All of the suppressed rage he had built up from when he was younger, had finally manifested in the form of his Solar transformation.
And now Riser was going to be the target of Issei's wrath.
His rage growing by the second, Issei flared his aura, the light from it illuminating throughout the arena of the Underworld. The Devils sitting above the arena, noticeably shook in consternation. They were extremely frightened, yet they were also shocked and amazed that a mere child possessed so much power.
Sitting in his throne, Sirzechs Lucifer had an expression akin to bewilderment and shock. Originally he had agreed to allow Riser to fight Issei, merely because he wanted to see how powerful Issei was. But what Sirzechs didn't expect, was how Riser intended for Issei to fight him.
'I did not foresee this.'
He certainly didn't expect Riser to go through what he just did. Insulting Issei, goading Issei into fighting him, and the last act of Riser's foolishness.
Killing someone who Issei apparently had close contact with. Had Sirzechs known what Riser was actually going to do, he would have immediately canceled the fight...had it not been for Lord Phenex, the father of Riser.
Sirzechs Lucifer widened his blue-green eyes as he watched Riser's Queen eradicating the brown-black-haired girl with her staff. As he looked down to Issei, he felt such great sorrow for the boy. Narrowing his eyes, Sirzechs went to stand up to cancel the fight, until he was stopped by none other than Lord Phenex.
"Lord Phenex?"
"Let the fight commence."
"Why? For what your son has done-"
"I know what my son has done. And it's unfortunate for this young boy. That is why I am allowing the fight to go on uninterrupted."
Narrowing his eyes, Lord Phenex turned to look at Sirzechs.
"What my son has just done was foolish. From this battle...he is going to regret his actions, and learn that he cannot manipulate the lives of others to get what he wants."
Sirzechs stared in shock as he listened to Lord Phenex's words, and he lowered his head in shame.
'It''s my fault.'
With a snarl of rage, Issei charged at the Phenex male in a great burst of agility. Riser, surprised at the speed, didn't even have enough time to dodge. Issei tightened his hand into a fist and landed a harsh punch to Riser's face.
Riser yelled out in pain as he flew back from the impact.
Gritting his teeth at the pain, Riser finally smarted up and used his wings to balance himself. He widened his eyes when he saw Issei charging at him again. Narrowing his eyes, Riser charged towards Issei, lifting his hand into a fist to counter.
As the two soared towards each other, Issei dodged Riser's punch. Widening his eyes in surprise, Riser was unprepared as Issei kneed him in the abdomen, causing the Phenex male to cough out blood.
Closing his mouth in order to prevent any blood from coming out, Riser flared his energy aura, successfully blowing Issei away from him. Riser clenched his hands into fists, and harshly glared at Issei, who glared back at him with great ferocity.
If there was any indication that Issei had heard him at all, the boy didn't show it. All he did was glare harshly at Riser, his pupilless eyes showing nothing but the pure intensity of his inner wrath.
His eyes widening in rage, Riser let out a scream as his wings grew to a great size. Above the wings, a colossal energy sphere manifested, its essence containing the pure flames of the Phoenix itself.
After declaring, Riser shot the colossal sphere of flames towards Issei, who remained where he was. Riser widened his eyes as he noticed this.
'What the hell is he doing?! He's not moving!"
As the sphere of flames drew closer to him, Issei narrowed his eyes, and he lifted his head up as he let out a great scream of fury.
The sphere of blazes collided with Issei, seemingly consuming him entirely. Riser looked on in shock momentarily, before his face broke out into a wide grin.
The Devils looked on in shock at the sight in front of them. Riser's attack had completely obliterated the young boy entirely. As Riser looked back down, his eyes widened further, and he felt his breath leave his throat.
The sphere of flaming blazes he had summoned onto was growing smaller.
The entire arena amplified the scream of Issei, as the young man absorbed the essence of Riser's attack. The Phenex male looked on in horror as he witnessed his sphere of blazes being consumed by Issei's energy aura.
Suddenly, Issei's body glowed, until a much more distinct aura manifested around him. The initial aura Issei had previously, emitted a orange-yellow color, but now the aura manifesting around Issei emitted a blackish-gray color. The aura engulfed Issei, causing a bright flash to illuminate within the arena.