Alexander took the pill from Aryold who was still trying to convince him "My Lord it will make him tell the truth "
Leonardo was become sacred and tried convincing them against it " Are you sure?, Is it dangerous ?"
Farin assured his master not aware he was trapping himself "My Lord it isn't, I've been tested with this pill, it only makes one tell the truth "
Alexander said straightly " Then test it again "
Farin said ".....m-m-my lord ...."
Alexander handed the pill over to Leonardo "Feed it to him "
Leonardo didn't take it and continued "Brother you know the truth pill looks exactly like the Jade pill, what if this is accidentally the Jade pill, his life would be in danger "
Alexander shrugged "Then so be it "
Leonard's frown deepened " Brother just try it on Jevon directly"
Alexander turned to the him "Are telling me what to do ?"
Leonardo shook his head continuously "I dare not brother"
Alexander smirked showing his one side dimple.
Thousands of years ago two princes were born to the King of Artena
**King Walter is a nine tailed Fox and his wife Bella is Demoness**
The ten Sacred guardians of the Xian Xia world bestowed their powers on the princes.
Seven guardians gave their powers to the first prince 'Leonardo' and the other three gave their powers to the second 'Alexander' but he died while receiving the powers of the Sacred guardians and aafter the ritual he was awakened, his usual golden eyes turned red, with the spirit of the Ferret and Lynx he almost became a wild beast, 72 guardians of Xian Xia created a pill for their blood and spirits, his wild spirits were chained and he gained all 72 powers, he then became more powerful than his elder brother.
Leonardo has red eyes but when he shifts to his beast form his eyes become mismatched turning green and black, As the crown prince he gained the powers of the Fox, Demon, Lion, Gray Wolf, Vampire, Dragon and Wildcat, he is cute and mature, fit to be king but....
Alexander was born with eyes as golden as the sun but after his transformation his eyes turn red and blue depending on his mood, he is one of the most dangerous creature in Xian Xia because of his overflowing powers from all the 10 Sacred guardians and the 72 Great guardians from the Fox to the Lion, Wolf, Vampire, Dragon, Wildcat, Ferret, Lynx, Puma, even the fairies, the red Panda and what not, all spirits forming a small orb in his stomach and becoming one with him him, everything about him screams 'danger'.
He is unbelievable and dangerously good looking.