Chapter 1: Because that's what friends do.
"Marcus, this hot chocolate is one to die for!" Jude shouted in excitement. "Well I always aim to please Jude." Marcus responded calmly. expecting him to like the hot chocolate anyways. "This restaurant is going to be a success, I can feel it bro."
"Thank you Jude." Marcus opened a restaurant two weeks ago, his passion had always been about food. He had loved to make recipes since he was a child and now his dream to open up a restaurant had been actualised. His best friend Jude had come down to
Woodford to try out one of the menus. Marcus and Jude had always been the closest of friends since primary school. They were basically Ying and Yang, the inseparables. Both of them were practically brothers. Marcus wore black Gucci shades, hiding his dark brown eyes. He had a toned figure, which was accompanied by his low cut hair, he dressed smart, like the renowned businessman he was.
Jude on the other hand had brown puffy hair, he was of a lighter skinned complexion and he was slightly taller than Marcus. Jude was the friend who always had a smile on his face. Always positive no matter the situation. Jude had been the biggest supporter of Marcus, he spurred him on to take on the culinary world. Jude always had that kind of effect on people. "Marcus look around you, the restaurant is already filled to the brim. People already love your cooking. You're basically uptown now." Marcus sipped on his red wine. Letting his friend's words fly by.
"So Jude, how's work been?" Marcus asked so suddenly. Jude noticed the shift in conversation but let it slip by. "The warehouse is fine, the boss stopped getting on my case but it's still hard nonetheless. But it's manageable." Jude smiled with the response.
"Are they still making you work overtime?"
"Yes they are."
"Doesn't it get tiring bro?"
"It does but I'm happy to have a decent paying job." Jude replied. "But why Marcus?" Jude quickly asked.
"Well you're like a little brother to me." Marcus answered. Jude bellowed out in laughter, attracting the attention of the other customers for a brief second. "Mate you're only one month older than me." He shut down the statement. Marcus then joined in on the laughter. They both laughed and embraced each other. "Yes that was funny. I was only kidding." Said Marcus. "But I would consider giving you a job here."
Jude cut the laughter and looked at him dead serious. "Marcus don't joke like that. Are you being for real?" Jude questioned him seriously. "Yes bro why would I joke about that?" Marcus grinned. Jude grinned too then he stood up to hug his friend. "Marcus I would love to work here with my brother from another mother." Jude accepted the offer.
"Well working for me would be good for you Jude, you would love it here I promise."
Jude smiled once again and embraced him before both of them sat back down. "Now there's something else I want to talk about." Marcus announced suddenly.
"I don't think Diana would be a good girlfriend for you brother."
"And why's that?" Jude asked with suspicion. Diana and Jude had been talking for 3 months and Jude had already fallen in love with her. They spent most of their days together, if Jude wasn't working. They had already been on dates and both of them had already met each other's parents. Jude had told Marcus that he thinks she's the one.
"The other day, I was at the shopping mall, that was when I saw her with another man, they were both holding hands."
"What?!!" Jude shouted. Marcus patted his shoulder and gestured for him to calm down and let him finish. "When was this?" Jude questioned.
"It was two days ago." Marcus answered. "And I've heard some rumours about her- rumours you wouldn't like."
"Why didn't you inform me from the get go?" Jude questioned him. Because I didn't want to tell you through the phone. That was the other reason why I brought you down here. So I could tell you to your face." Jude still couldn't believe it, but he began to look worried. "I spoke to a couple people back in secondary school, and they told me how she's been around the block if you know what I'm saying?" Marcus informed Jude.
"What meaning that she's a slut?"
Marcus nodded.
Jude facepalmed in shame. "Marcus, please tell me this is a joke." Jude pleaded. "I wish it was bro but the facts are the facts. She's not trustworthy."
"Thank you bro, I know you don't want me to go through what you went through with Keisha." The comment sent chills down Marcus's spine. it made his eyes twitch but he quickly hid it away from Jude. "Exactly my bro, I don't want you to experience the heart break that I did." Marcus assured him.
"I just find it difficult to believe that Diana's like this. Maybe that's why she's recently been leaving me on delivered."
"Exactly Jude, I didn't think she'd ever be like that but I guess she is." Jude shook his head in utter disappointment. "So what are you going to do bro?" Marcus asked him.
Jude scratched his head. Then he said. "I'm going to have to call it quits with her bro, I do have feelings for her but I have to respect myself." Marcus nodded in agreement. "Marcus are you sure this is true?"
"Jude when have I ever lied to you? You come first before any other girl."
"Same for you my bro." Jude said.
Both friends got up and hugged each other. Jude felt heart broken however at the same time he was happy to have a friend like Marcus on his side. Marcus grinned to himself like he had completed his own mission. The food had finally came out for both of them. The waitress put the Sirloin Steaks on the table, both of them looked at it and got ready to dig in.
Chapter 2: Diana
Jude was at Night 56, a nightclub situated in Shoreditch, London. He had been recently fired from his job and he was feeling down. So his friend Jodecaiah brought him here so he can forget about the misfortune. Jody was a fairly chubby man. He groomed his long black beard very well and he had gotten a haircut before arriving at the club. He wore a navy polo shirt with fresh white air force ones.
Jude kept it simple, he wore a plain white t shirt with white shoes. His hair had been slightly trimmed, which was to his displeasure. He was truly in a bad mood. "Have you heard anything from Marc?" Jody slipped the question in. Jude stared at him, knowing the question would permeate his mind. "We haven't spoken since. He tells me he's too busy with the restaurant." Jude shrugged his shoulders in acceptance. "I don't know about that one bro, that smells fishy to me." Suspected Jody. "Jody, he's my boy, he'd never do me like that." Jody looked at him with displeasure.
Jody had never been friends with Marcus, neither did he want to. He thought of him as a snake, although there was nothing to prove that as fact. He was still adamant about his opinion on him However.
The pair looked around them as they sipped their double vodkas and coke. They didn't like the vibe. The atmosphere was too serious. They both put their jackets on and made their way out of the club in search of a new one.
Both were outside in the night breeze. Strolling down the narrow Shoreditch street. It was a Saturday night so the streets were bustling with noise and drunk people. "Listen Jude, you're my friend and I care about you. But you need to watch who you call your brother." Jody expressed to Jude. "Jody, Marcus and me go way back. He's still my brother from day one." Jude responded with a tone of optimism. Jude still maintained his faith in his best friend, even though they hadn't spoken in a while. Jody shook his head.
"Oh yeah, what happened between you and Diana? I heard you cut her off." Jody suddenly asked.
"Yeah, I had to cut her off quickly."
"Because the girl's a hoe."
Jody stopped dead in his tracks and gave him a look of astonishment. "Diana? A hoe? Since when?"
"Marcus told me about how she's been around and stuff. He saw her with another guy at a shopping mall." Jude revealed.
"Bro- I've never known her to be a hoe." Jody denied.
"But she was regardless." Jude doubled down.
"No bro I think you made a lapse in judgement." Jody challenged.
Jude stopped and looked him dead in his eyes. "Look Jody, I appreciate you trying to help me out but you need to leave this shit alone." Jude expressed while slightly raising his tone. "I know you're not fond of Marcus but that's my right hand man, he's got my back the same way I have his." Jody looked at him and scoffed. He put his hands in the air as if to say he was surrendering the idea. "Fine bro I'll stop."
A black limousine parked on the opposite side of the road, right in front of a club named Palm Springs. From the outside of the club, it looked lavish. Two palm trees stood tall right beside the entrance to give off a vibe like Miami. Both men admired the extravagant limousine, the exterior looked like the stars, it was shining like glitter. However, they took their attention away and kept walking down the road.
"We should go to The Cherry bar down the road. I think I want a chill vibe tonight." Jude decided. "I don't mind Jude, as of right n-"
Jody halted and he wasn't talking this time. Jude realised and asked him if he was okay. However Jody looked like he had seen a ghost. Jude turned around to see what Jody was seeing. The Limousine had driven off and it revealed Marcus, he was wearing a magnificent black suit with a red velvet scarf wrapped around his shoulders. He looked like a superstar. His aura captured the attention of onlookers.
Jude was happy to see his best friend however his smile turned to horror when he noticed a tall light skinned woman kissing Marc's cheek. Her hair was vibrant, she let it hang down, it was silky and curly. Her skin looked soft and it glistened. Her white dress made her look like a high profile model.
"Marcus!" Jude shouted across the street. Marcus turned around to see Jude. He looked bewildered to see him. Jude recognized the woman, he didn't want it to be so. The girl turned around to meet Jude's confused expression. It was none other than Diana herself. She looked conflicted, like she didn't know what to do. Her green eyes were alluring, it captured the people around her.
Jude on the other hand felt like his chest was pierced by the sharpest sword. His heart dropped. He had realised he was wrong all along. His best friend was a snake and he had just lost a girl that was actually for him. A tempest of emotions ran wild inside him. tears were fighting to break out.
Anger whispered in his ear. Telling him to kill Marcus.
"You Fucking Dickhead!!" Jude bellowed. The line of people waiting to go into the club turned their attention to Jude who had lost all conscious thought. "You Fucking Snake!!!"
Jude took steps towards the road. Jody grabbed him by the back and held him. "Jody let me go now!!" Jude shouted. "Jude calm down bro, it's not worth it." Jody tried to calm him down. "Nah, fuck that. I'm going to kill him. He lied to me then took Diana for himself."
"I know bro but you're just going to make things worse for yourself." Jody reasoned. "I don't give a fuck about that. He's dead." Jude rejected. "So Marcus is this who you are? You fucking bitch! You coward!! If you're a man. You'd come and face me right now!!!" Jude screamed at the top of his lungs.
After witnessing Jude's tirade, Marcus ushered Diana to the entrance. Both of them entered in, never to be seen again.
"Jude please bro, lets just leave."
"Nah bro fuck that, It's all-"
Jude stopped struggling. "It's all my fault. I stupidly listened to him. I did this to myself?" Jude started to come to terms with reality. He couldn't blame anybody but himself. He was the orchestrator of this outcome. The facts were to overwhelming to deal with in his head. He covered his face as he began to cry. Jody being the good friend he had always been, embraced him.
The End