Joe's death was as anticlimactic as his life had been. It was sudden, sure, but not in the way you'd expect. No heart-stopping moments, no "Goodbye, cruel world!" proclamations. It was just a fall, a bump on the head, and... that was it. The end.
Let's be clear, though. It wasn't tragic. It wasn't even that sad. Joe's existence had been so thoroughly average that it would've been strange for him to go out any other way. Honestly, if his life were a movie, it would've been a straight-to-DVD release with a budget of $7.99.
The best part? Joe didn't even have to clean up the mess. You know that pile of dirty dishes he'd been avoiding for weeks? Yeah, those would just stay there. Forever. The pizza boxes? They were now museum pieces. The microwave? Well, it was free to judge someone else for a change.
But let's talk about the moral of the story here. It's not some deep, philosophical thing about the fragility of life. Nope. It's simpler than that: Life is messy. Life is random. And sometimes, the thing that ends your life is a stupid banana peel.
If that doesn't put things into perspective, I don't know what will. So here's to Joe—the most average man who ever lived. He might not have left a legacy, but he sure left us with something to laugh about. Because honestly, if you can't laugh at someone slipping on a banana peel and dying, what can you laugh at?
But hey, at least Joe got out of doing the dishes. Lucky guy.