So we've all heard and dreamed about the ability to stop time, but what if I told you that if you had the ability to stop time you would die?
So when a character is portrayed to be able to stop time, their always able to move and interact with the world around them and here is why I think that's probably not how it would play out.
To demonstrate my point further I'll try to give an example: Imagine you found a Genie's lamp and you wished for the ability to stop time, you would then proceed to do so and stop time. The problem? You would stop time for yourself too and then there wouldn't be anyone who could unstop it and I have no idea what would happen then.
Ok so what if it didn't stop time for you? Then you probably would die eventually, because if you were to stop time, then I'm guessing that it would stop for absolutely everything except you, which either means the molecules in the air dont allow you to move because only you are affected by time, therefore nothing else can move and you cannot see because light is frozen in place, or even if you can interact with the air and move it, it still means you have to constantly be on the move so you have enough oxygen to even breathe, but you still won't be able to see.
Now let's say things like air and light aren't frozen in time and you are able to freely move around while also able to move others,anything you do touch, once time is frozen will instantaneously feel the full force of your mass at speeds beyond light, basically killing them, of destroying the ground that you walked on.
Now let's talk about gravity, does it still effect you once you've frozen time? If not then the blood in your body will have trouble carrying oxygen to every parts of your body like the legs, of course it will still cary it, it will just have trouble doing so, so if you only stop it for a short amount of time it won't matter. But what if you jumped? Will you stay in mid air? Will you continue moving? I don't know.
Now let's say you stopped time on the planet, did it stop moving? Did all other planets and suns stop moving? What are the implications of that if light is still being produced (otherwise you aren't able to see). What if when you stop time it only stops for a small area, like maybe 10 cubic meters, what are the implications of that? What if you stopped time for our solar system but everywhere else it continued to move? How what that impact things on the galactic scale? Would we smash into another solar system? The questions keep pilling up and things are getting more out of hand.
Now let's say you stopped time everywhere in the universe, and the sun continued to burn, producing light and the molecules in the air didn't hinder you(which I think is not realistic) like I mentioned earlier you every move would have consequences, but the thing that I want to highlight is that your lifespan will be used up. The amount of time you spend in stopped time is time you won't be able to regain once time continues to move forward, if your not careful you could stop time when you were a teen and unstop it once youre old.
Another question that comes to mind is what would happen if you died while time was stopped? Would the rest of the world be doomed or would it unstop time. Would they even know time was stopped?
You're probably thinking that I'm overthinking this, that it's just some made up superpower and that it's not supposed to be realistic. And my answer to that is that yes, I am thinking way too deeply about something that doesn't exist, but I find it fun and that's the only reason I even wrote all of this. I thought it would be fun and it was.
I'd be happy to hear all of your opinions on what you think about stopping time as a superpower, correct me if I made any mistakes related to physics or any other concept.
And last of all, thanks for reading my little rant, cya next time(if I ever release another chapter)