Recently, living hadn't been so bad. But now that it's Monday, I feel like I'm back to being stuck in a rut. The weekend was a nice break, but now it feels like my freedom's being taken away again…
As I gazed out at the sky, I noticed something odd. "Huh? What's that?" I mumbled. My mom was riding our E-bike, with me on the back. I held on, taking in the beautiful view. A strange formation had appeared among the small clouds. It looked like a hand, but with one finger missing...
'Is something unexpected going to happen today?' I wondered.
I kept focusing on the formation, it was strange but definitely not weird, People must've seen the same thing. But i had a strange feeling in my chest that wouldn't go away.
Minutes have passed and i finally arrived at school, it's the 4th quarter specifically the last quarter. I have to be a honor student before this school year ends, but I don't really have any motivation for that.
I walked until i arrived to the classroom. To be completely honest, I just don't like it here, I mean to say that this isn't what I expected for my first year in high school.
I saw that some people have arrived before me, But that's alright because I don't really like being first to arrive as I'm scared of seeing a ghost in the classroom, especially because this school used to be a cemetery said by our classroom president.
I also remembered that we have a program about Anxiety program, only five of us were chosen in our classroom. Probably because our score on the Anxiety test was high, mine was 15/21? i don't really remember.
"We have to arrive at 8:30 after recess." I murmured.
Anyways, this boy beside me is Jian carlos also known as Jc in our classroom. We aren't that close in my opinion but he's a little reliable, I just don't know why i help him on quizes though.
We're on the first row, as always, for me, I've always been in the first row in class unless if it involves group activities, because i don't see very well and i have a graded glasses so it isn't exactly that hard.
Time quickly passed by, it was time for us to go to the training center for the Anxiety program. It was boring but also refreshing because the breathing technique was strangely comforting.
We arrived back after what felt like an eternity. I couldn't check the time since I'd left my phone behind. Luckily, we got back just in time for the last subject. I let out a deep sight. "So boring." My lack of sleep was catching up with me while in the training center, I should've gone to bed earlier.
All of a sudden, a shaking acquired. 'Must be an earthquake.' I thought. What i thought was a simple thing turned intense, a feeling that i've never felt before. My feet were stuck on the ground, unable to move because of the shock.
"Fuck it, why go to school when it's the reason i die?"
It was miserable, i saw my classmates running. The roof was terribly shaking and crumbling, why run when you're going to die either way? it's simple, people have many reasons to live and it's their instinct.
"Ah, well... should I run too since I'm a human? but running takes way too much time or I can just jump. Jump like a bunny? that's silly but also could work."
"Oh, wait... those clouds, were they giving me a hint?" I asked myself. "They're terrible at giving hints, I mean who even looks at the clouds and imagine something is going to happen later on?"
Oh, yep, that's definitely me... I just mocked myself. "... Rather than standing here, i'll just run."
I quickly ran down the stairs, i brought my backpack with me because this earthquake could have more unexpected things going on.
I soon saw my close friend, Myrtle, we're also in the same class. I realized that she's with Thimothy, but that's good because i can see that they're safe and not injured by the earthquake.
We were safe from the earthquake, I guess because being in tall buildings is worser than being outside.
"Being in the open might be better than being trapped in a tall also crumbling building." I glanced around, taking in our surroundings. "We're in the center of the school, I think... right in front of the entrances. With all these buildings around us, it might not be as safe as i thought."
I edged closer to my friends, my instincts on high alert. If things took a turn for the worse, at least we'd be together.
Just then, I noticed something strange appearing before us. "Oh, seems like i was right," I muttered, my eyes fixed on the large entrance in front of us.
'A portal was something i so longed to see. I want to go inside but i have to hold back until I'm prepared.' I thought, I always liked the stories where they include the status windows and portals. It was basically a daily habit for me to read them.
"Hm, I might not be a honor student but at least i know this much." I smiled. '"Let's prepare for this portal, shall we?"
To be continued…