The trip back to Neo-Arcadia became characterized by tense attitudes. Since touching the Veil Fragment Elias failed to eliminate his persistent visions from his mind. Elias struggled to connect the vision of the crumbling city with the Veil warrior and the voice that demanded him to bridge the Nexus.
Lyra concentrated on their escape strategy ahead instead of worrying about further actions. She announced as she glanced at the distant terrain that the team now possessed two Fragments. We need to discover a method to combine these two elements. By stabilizing the Nexus we might gain the means to prevent the Collision from happening.
"And how do we do that?" Elias muttered with evident fatigue in his voice.
Lyra grinned. "We find the Nexus Core."
Legend tells that the Nexus Core represents the core linkage point for both systems of the Celestial Veil and the Aether Code. Legend says this site brought together the two systems which made it a bridge connecting different dimensions.
Elias shook his head after seeing the coordinates Lyra had found to say they resembled a fairy tale.
Lyra stated that most legends include some element of facts. We lack plenty of alternatives at this point.
The point of reference brought them to an old temple that lay hidden near the border of the Veil. The complex possessed a huge frame with enchanting rune designs covering its surfaces and an enormous stone entryway serving as protection.
"How do we get in?" Elias became transfixed by the doorway as he asked his question.
Lyra removed the Aether Fragment from her pocket which caused its sparkling light to reveal the hieroglyphics. "We use these."
The door slot accepted the Aether Fragment which caused the runes on its surface to intensify their illumination. A powerful tremor shook the floor after which the enormous stone door started to open to reveal a huge dark chamber.
The pair entered after Lyra made an invitation with her hand for Elias to walk ahead of her.
He entered the room while the pulsating energy from the Fragment in his pocket spread through his pocket. Power thickened the air while the walls seemed alive to the point of humming.
Elias uttered the words slowly while his voice carried across the chamber that revealed such vibrant energy.
Lyra nodded, her expression serious. "The Nexus Core is close. Stay alert."
They navigated deeper through the temple using the Fragment's illuminating light. The oppressive feeling of the air tightened bonds with surrounding walls that seemed to shrink down on them.
At the end they encountered a huge cavern which lost its upper parts to darkness. The Nexus Core enlarged from a pedestal base as a motionless entity between two realms composed of Aether and Veil energy.
Lyra uttered those words filled with astonishment while staring at the Nexus Core.
At that moment Elias moved closer to the Nexus Core while his pocket glowed with increased Fragment energy. When he got close to the Core the room's energy reached its peak and his spiritual visions grew more powerful than ever.
The crumbling city. The Veil warrior. A scream soaked with animal energy pleaded for the Nexus connection.
"Elias!" Lyra used her voice to bring Elias back from his uneasy state of mind.
He blinked, the visions fading. "I'm okay."
Lyra nodded, her expression grim. The Fragments must unite their capabilities with those of the Core. Keep watch because the high level of power could prove hazardous.
Elias breathed deeply while concentrating on the power which passed through him. He inserted the Aether Fragment into the Core which caused a massive illumination through the room.
A powerful vibration spread throughout the ground while electrically charged vibrations filled the air. The influx of power brought back the visions with intense force.
The crumbling city. The Veil warrior. The room was flooded with light during which time Bridge the Nexus! rang out.
"Elias!" Lyra managed to utter her shout while trying to match the noise of the overwhelming power field.
He redirected his full energy towards the Core while working on it. The source of illumination became more intense and the regulatory system of Earth moved in greater waves.
The Core achieved stability at the moment when he exhausted his remaining power which resulted in absolute silence within the chamber.
Elias dropped to the floor as his body experienced intense shaking from fatigue.
Lyra spoke those words with a sense of great relief.
Elias only nodded while his mind remained occupied with other matters. Elias tried to understand the meaning of the visions that appeared to him. The feelings within him suggested more events were ahead.