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Chapter 1 - DISCOVER OF KI

{{" How did it happen? you and i who were nothing but closer than anyone , now standing against each other. " sukia said with a faint hint of regret on her face and trembling hands which were holding the sharp knife which was stuck into the kisha's chest and even if the knife was not deep enough to sliced through her skin on one end to another , it was enough to make sukia's hand realise the warmth of her blood and coldess which her body will have once this warmth will not be there anymore.

[ It was the daytime , almost every members of "KINKURO" had anticipated the end of Kisha but no one anticipated the role Sukia was playing for her end]

"Hey one [ a name Kisha used to call Sukia to tease her]"

the one word and all her strugle to hide the pain which she tried to covered by showing a brave yet a bit regretful face started to change derastically which signified the impact of her each word

had on sukia.

The same dark blue eyes which were almost lifeless a moment ago started to glow with the hope of getting the answer which she desperately wanted to. 

[But she soon realised the foolishness of her , as a single word broke all her illutions in an instant]



[she continued ]

"never regret anything you ever did w...with me , to me or you ever had to. okay ?

"Because i will never."

the voice was hardly reaching to the ears of Sukia , but just the look at her face and she knew what she was taking about.

the words uttered by the one who lost in this fight and their life.

Yet her face showed the pride of a person who, through this fight lived once again after an eternal death.

And probably for her this exchange of life for life was anything but a decision to feel depressed about.

"regret ha!?, "


"why would I be the one to feel it? " Sukia asked as if she reall didn't get the meaning behind these words.

Her[Sukia] cheeks which were naturally pale ,were now filled with the staines of the salty tears but there were no signs of her silent sobbing to stop.

yeah.. , [ Kisha said with her head facing the ground ]

Sukia pushed the knief even deeper to show that she isn't the one to back off.


aah!!!!!! [scream, due to uncontrollable pain]

and i think t..that [ breathing becomes heavy and heavy ] 

I won't for you there,

so,..[ her eyes which were almost wet, forced her to let the tear flow through the corners of her one eyes]

[Kisha looks in the eyes of her and after watching her face,

Kisha unconsciously tried to reach her hand near the Sukia's face , to feel her emarace her

to console her.]

[but as she snaped back to reality she pulled it a bit back before it could even tought the shadow of it,]

"live," [she grabbed her dress from another hand as if to fight the pain, which became unbearable ]

"Good ba... bye my joy." 

[the tear slipped though her cheeks to chin and as she closed her eyes it dropped on the ground, which was already stained with the Sukia's. ] 

"You really broke the promise first , even after all those talks. Ha?"

just as she--}}}}

"You seem a bit too much into these kind of books now a days , listen to my advise and don't get yourself to attached to the charecters of this book otherwise it gonna hurt you quit a bit dear."

Ligna tadre , wispered in the ears of Yamika, a women with dark brown hairs and the eyes which resembeled the sand of mountains in summer a bit too well, who was so emersed in reading the book which she borrowed a few months ago from tadre but could not read before due to her busy schedule.

Actually it wasnt just any book, it was the collection of the few conversations and stories which her friend's clinets shared with her and gave their permissions to do her resarch on them with others.

Yamika schoked by the sudden wishper, almost fell from the corner of bed but was saved by tadre , stared at her with her brown eyes and continued the conversation ;

" Yeah, yeah for you all their dreams are stories and the emotions they experience are sure nothing but some mere characters, ain't they? isn't that the reason you add these dramatic lines in between for no reason?

"And isn't it being the way it is the reason you were reading it loud just now with different voices of yours ? hmm? "

Ligna showed a smirk after answering as if just to tease her more.

"by the way what do you think of the Kisha ?, was it right of her to betray her people for a mere emotion" Yamika tried to change the topic as see didn't want to continoue this argument with her.

With a serious tone she replied" Yami , i told you to not emarge yourself too much in these reasearch papers , they are not the real people but they can influance you in a way you never wanted yourself to be."

they are the shape which their mind gave to their emotion, and emotions are something which controls the human just like a rope does a elephant "

"I know bu-" 

Yamika was about to say something but her phone rang, she saw the contact. She hurried towards the exit just after that and said in a hurried voice .

"Goodbye, see you again."

b- bye.

she wore her shoes without tying the lashes.

After a few minutes she got a taxi and seemed a bit relaxed and the driver started the taxi .

the driver dropped her in the black ally, a place famous for it's uniue design, in a few minutes .

Yamika , opened her pouch made of rough green cloth to check for the 2 gold coins but then she realised that something is wrong . 

She never told an specific location to driver , 

neither did she knew why she hurried to leave the house to come a place like this

which she never visited. 

as she looked up to ask the driver , the was was already gone without her realising.

It was strange and a bit creppy at the same 

Although for some reason she felt a strong urge to go a bit more inside the ally .

As she walked she realised that there is some lingring fillings of her which are forcing her to discover the place which she missed unconsciously .

a woman wearing black and blue asian attire , dark green eyes, healthy pale body with something strange attached over her lower curve came near me at a very fast speed and bent over on her knees asked with a bit craked and teary but firm voice something strange to me:--

What are the orders lord?

we are ready as you instructed, say the word lord.

just as i was about say something a bunch of people wearing the red and blue coloured ancient attire with some strange pink coloured cloth in their hands and in one firm,exited and desperate voice they said:-

Welcome back kaishu hiyari

Welcome to----