So, I mainly use the Superpower wiki to see and determine the limitations and level of mastery Kata has over his abilities. Basically what he can and cannot do.
So I decided to lost it down here, both for myself to keep track of, and for anyone else who wants keep track of it. They'll be split like the wiki, with basic, advanced, expert, master, ultimate and absolute levels. Although I doubt well reach the later ones anytime soon.
I plan to mostly stay within this tiered system and not jump tiers, but there will be a few exceptions here and there, and not all abilities might get mastered from each tier. So check out the wiki if you want more info.
The strength of each is obviously based on his power and mastery of the ability itself, which he'd have to train.
Basic Telekinetic Abilities:
Levitation (No levitation inducement)
Object Calling
Orbital Field
Telekinetic Choking
Telekinetic Grip
Telekinetic Maneuver
Telekinetic Push/Pull (All derivatives)
Pressure Strike
Advanced Telekinetic Abilities:
Object Manipulation
Simultaneous Interaction (including Tactile Telekinesis)
Telekinetic Compression
Biological Manipulation
Damage Inducement
Homing Effect
Motor-skill Manipulation
Telekinetic Attacks
Telekinetic Aura
Telekinetic Combat
Telekinetic Constructs
Telekinetic Destruction
Telekinetic Flight
Telekinetic Pressure
Telekinetic Surgery (in regards to precision)
Telekinetic Tethering
Unarmed Weapon Wielding
Vibration Emission
Expert Telekinetic Abilities:
Molecular Manipulation (Only Elemental Manipulation and Molecular Acceleration)
Master Telekinetic Abilities
Ultimate Telekinetic Abilities:
Absolute Telekinetic Abilities:
Pretty empty compared to what it could be for now. Let me know if I should include descriptions for each power, or if them being on the wiki is enough, since some of them seem similar.
Next is his current raw power when it comes to Telekinetic Might. I'll split it into the different metrics to keep track of it. The (+) just means it's above that value, but hasn't reached the next major threshold.
Weight Limit: 10,000kg+
Force Output: 100,000N+
Range: 1km+
Max Instantaneous Speed: 500m/s+
Precision: Can manipulate large objects extremely easily, but struggles to focus on multiple smaller objects and control them finely.
Stamina/Duration: Can continuously use his power intensely for at least an hour without strain.
Multitasking/Nō of Objects: Can precisely control 20+ large object.
Defense: Equal to Force Output
I hope this gives a clear idea of how strong he is. I'll lost which chapter it's based off of in the title.