Vincent sat at the dining table and thought about all that had happened since her death. He looked at the rotting wood of the ceiling, wondering if it would come down and kill him right then. He had nothing to lose now anyway. Closing his eyes, he smiled to himself. " I am sorry I took so long, Father", he spoke softly. Opening his eyes, he looked at the bodies sitting beside him at the dinner table. Rotting flesh and bones were all that could be seen, their identity lost to the infestation of maggots. " I am home".
8 months before...
Vincent sipped his coffee peacefully, undisturbed by the noise of the outside city. He could see people talking on the evening strolls, couples laughing and holding hands, and children fooling around. The sky was a pink hue, and he was lucky the owner of the house had let him stay. It had taken a bit of persuasion on his part, but he had sorted it out. Tomorrow, he will start college. Unlike the usual evenings, today he was feeling a little bit excited. Maybe he would find something to entertain him for a while. "Maybe even...", he stopped himself. Such thoughts will make him weak. Vulnerable. And he couldn't afford to be vulnerable. Finishing his drink, he sat down at his table and took out his laptop. It was almost time for dinner, and he had not eaten lunch either. Checking the cameras, he quietly observed the girl behind the counter. It was almost time for her shift to end, and he did not want to miss the opportunity of savouring it. After a few more minutes, she closed up and exited the shop. He got up and carefully checked everything he needed. At last, he put on his coat, closed the door quietly, and headed out. As he walked, he thought about the last meal he had. It had been a particularly tough one, it had resisted strongly. But he was strong, and he was confident. Even now, as the moment drew near, his heart remained calm, his thoughts only on what was in front of him. And he struck swiftly.