It was a normal day like any for me as normal as can get. The birds were singing there lovely songs, the wind was blowing in my face as I walk down the street. As I was walking past a tree ,for a second I swear a wanted poster that said crazy murderer psychopath on the loose call this number any sightings of him. Here's the thing when I saw that wanted poster the number was obviously 911 but I thought nothing of it and just strolled on my Merry way. But here's the thing though I couldn't stop thinking about it because so many ,of these killings are close to this area of the area I'm in. I just shrug it off because at this point it's just paranoia and ,so nothing about it I need to go to the grocery store so I can buy some food. As I walked into the grocery store and, walk the past a few aisles. I start seeing myself, but not myself instead of my look of messy black hair, blue eyes green eyes,and usually wearing a black, hoodie and, black pants instead? It's a demonic version myself suddenly feels like the lights all of a sudden, got dimmer and every customer. In the building to turn and look at me with a demonic smile, the figure of me with the demonic smile it had a red hint to it looked. On me and started walking closer my phone, wouldn't booted up as I begin to run. It felt like I was in slow motion frozen, before the monster caught up! To me my phone ringed as I look around me I was just standing there. People give me weird looks because I've been standing there for 15 minutes. I've got on my phone and realize it was time, for my medicine. Thinking it was just illusion because of my paranoia. I quickly grabbed the pills from my talking and down them. As I exited the store I swore I saw him, again standing there with his smile like he was mocking me rubbing my eyes he was gone. As I walked home with my groceries in hand I saw the one in poster again but this time I took a closer look. The man was wearing a blue jumpsuit, with a mask covering his face but ,the mask had a creepy smile on it and it was captured out of angle where you can only see the mess staring at the person who captured it. As I got home I took a shower washed up but, before I went to bed I saw him in the mirror but, with a message in blood it read black and blue me and you are the same person you might not think it but we are alike but you're hiding it. I stare and confusion what that message might mean. Not pondering it too long I went to bed. As I went to bed I have the strangest dreams like I was in a room but pitch plack nothing in sight except for the darkness. Then I saw him standing there laughing at nightly myself, with a demonic smile he walks closer I couldn't move like I was having a paralysis demon staring over me. I trying trying to move my body but, it won't budge like I'm completely Frozen like a statue, everything I try to do but I won't move I'm frozen like a deer in headlights. Then the demonic version of myself spoke, I couldn't understand them these words jumbled into nonsense, they're going understand even if I tried but the only word, I could have got was me and you are similar. After he said all those words all of a sudden, I got horrible Visions people being chopped, up their intestines being used as party, decorations their eyes ripped out of their sockets their heads brutally Twisted off a lot of graphic things. All of a sudden I spring up for my bed realizing it was just a nightmare I was panting heavily cold sweat running down my forehead. Then I look at the clock, it was 7:00 a.m. I got up and decided to make me some breakfast, today I had to work so, I got ready and went to work.