The palace was in a state of panic as the queen fell into labor. "The queen is in labor! The queen is in labor!" the maidservants rushed to inform the king.
King Edward was in his throne room, attending to some matters of state, when he heard the news. He quickly sent for the midwife, who arrived promptly, having already heard the news.
The queen was taken into the delivery room, where the midwife quickly prepared everything needed to attend to her. The midwife, an experienced woman with many years of practice, moved with calm efficiency, reassuring the queen and her attendants.
As the queen's labor progressed, the king paced anxiously outside the delivery room, waiting for news of his child's arrival. He had always hoped for a son to inherit his throne, but now, as he waited for his child to be born, he didn't care if it was a boy or a girl - he just wanted his child to be healthy.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the midwife emerged from the delivery room, a broad smile on her face. "Congratulations, Your Majesty," she said, curtsying to the king. "You have a beautiful baby girl."
The king's face lit up with joy as he rushed into the delivery room to see his new daughter. Queen Sophia lay on the bed, looking exhausted but happy, with the baby nestled in her arms.
"My dear, you are amazing," the king said, embracing his queen and daughter. "I am so proud of you."
Queen Sophia smiled weakly, her eyes shining with happiness. "We have a beautiful daughter, my love," she said. "Let us name her Elena."
And so, Princess Elena was born, bringing joy and happiness to the kingdom of Azura.
The king and queen shared a tender moment, basking in the joy of their new arrival. Though King Edward had secretly hoped for a son to inherit his throne, the arrival of Elena brought immense happiness to the royal couple, who had waited years for a child.
News of the princess's birth spread like wildfire, drawing people from far and wide. The kingdom of Azura erupted in celebration, with guests arriving from the east, west, north, and south to join in the festivities. The grand celebration was a sight to behold, with feasting, singing, and dancing that lasted long into the night.
Musicians played lively tunes on their instruments, while jugglers and acrobats performed daring feats. The kingdom's chefs prepared elaborate dishes, filling the air with savory aromas. Guests laughed and chatted, enjoying the merriment.
As the night wore on, King Edward stood before the gathering, holding his daughter in his arms. "My dear friends and family," he declared, "tonight we celebrate the arrival of our precious Princess Elena. May she bring joy and prosperity to our kingdom."
The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, as Queen Sophia smiled radiantly beside her husband.
Deep deep in the forest,a strange occurence took place. A hidden door behind a thick veil of foilage creaked open,black smoke emitted from the door way swirling into the air like a living entity. and the seal that bound Ramel, the devil, was broken. Ramel emerged, his waist-length hair and silver eyes gleaming in the dim light. His features were striking: a slightly pointed nose, pink lips, and moderate cheekbones. A sly smile spread across his face as he gazed upon his new surroundings.
Ramel had been sealed away by the powerful wizard, Azrael, centuries ago. The wizard's magic had held Ramel captive, preventing him from unleashing his evil upon the world. But now, the seal was broken, and Ramel was free.
"I am finally free," Ramel whispered to himself, his voice dripping with malice. "It is time for me to take my rightful place in this world."
With a wave of his hand, Ramel vanished into the shadows, eager to begin his exploration of this new world. The kingdom of Azura remained blissfully unaware of the evil presence lurking in the darkness, waiting to strike.
Seventeen years had passed since the birth of Princess Elena. She had grown into a beautiful young woman, with long, golden hair and sparkling blue eyes. But on this particular night, Elena was not at peace.
As Elena slept, she dreamed of a handsome guy. He was tall, with chiseled features. Elena fell deeply in love with him in her dream. They were together, walking hand in hand through a beautiful garden filled with vibrant flowers and towering trees.
The guy was acting lovingly, gazing into Elena's eyes with adoration. Elena felt like she was on cloud nine, her heart soaring with happiness. But as they continued to walk, the guy slowly began to change.
At first, it was subtle. His eyes turned a darker shade of silver and red, his smile seemed to grow wider. But then, his transformation accelerated. His body began to contort, his limbs stretching and twisting in ways that seemed impossible.
Elena's dream-self was horrified, but she couldn't look away. The guy's skin turned a dark, scaly gray, and long horns sprouted from his forehead. An extra-large tail burst forth from his back, swishing back and forth with an ominous swish.
Elena screamed, waking up from her dream with a start. Her heart was racing, and her sheets were drenched with sweat. She sat up,trying to calm herself down, but the image of the demon guy lingered in her mind.The queen rushed into her room, concern etched on her face.
"Elena, are you okay?" Queen Sophia asked, rushing to her daughter's side.
Elena shook her head, sweat dripping from her brow. "No, mom, I'm not okay," she replied, her voice trembling.
"What happened, dear?" the queen asked, trying to comfort her daughter.
Elena took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "I had a dream," she said, her eyes wide with fear. "A terrible dream."
The queen's expression turned serious. "What kind of dream?" she asked, her voice gentle.
Elena hesitated, unsure of how to describe the horror she had witnessed in her dream. "I saw...I saw a dark figure," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "He was tall, with silver eyes.. He was coming for me."
The queen's face paled, and she exchanged a worried glance with the king, who had entered the room unnoticed.
"Don't worry, Elena," the king said, trying to reassure his daughter. "It was just a dream. You're safe."
But Elena knew that her dream was more than just a product of her imagination. She could feel it in her bones, a sense of foreboding that lingered long after she woke up.
Little did Elena know, her dream was only the beginning of a nightmare.