Pete was now convinced in his heart that there must be a possibility of getting out of the land of gold. Indeed, if a few so called wealthy and powerful men in the world, had access to the land because of their affiliation with the land gods; it must mean that there was a safe portal one could reach either in the red, blue, black, green or yellow arrow marking that would aid in escaping to the outside walls of the land of gold.
They always used this marking when leaving one passage way or corridor through the entrance into a new chamber, the arrow markings would always indicate the path they were entering next in the land of gold. It was imperative for him to keep his vision alive; that which concerns his ability to make the escape outside of the land of gold.
Pete believed now that they had gone through the black arrow, red arrow markings and these had led them so far to meet the secret revealer. So then there was still possibility of positivity in his conceived ideas about escaping from the land of gold if he would try, blue, green or yellow arrow indicators at the entrance with his sister Jenny.
All that was in the plans Pete was arranging to execute by morning after they would have just woken up from their sleep as usual in the land of gold. Pete had left Jenny still on the bed as she had been feeling very sick the day before, and Pete went into the opposite room in the golden chamber to say good morning to the secrete revealer and to tell him about Jenny's poor health conditions and how she had been sick often since she entered the land of gold with him.
"Excuse Sir, good morning to you, please what name do I call you?" Pete asked the secret revealer.
"My name is Pauli. Henceforth call me Uncle Pauli," the secrete revealer replied Pete.
"That name reminds me of my friend Pauline, back in school at Zinatano city; she always told me stories about the land of gold; and then she would always insist I do not reveal these things she told me to anyone. And I will promise never to reveal the secrets to anyone at all. I always believed I will enter into the land of gold one day; many times we sat at the garden close to the principal's office, as she told me stories her grand mom had told her about the land of gold. I could imagine myself inside this place and how I would gather all the gold I needed and return back to Zinatano and marry Pauline my dear friend. I miss her so much and I wonder how much she must have grown and she would have certainly changed Pete," commented.
"How can I help you today Pete?" Uncle Pauli asked, it's a good day for us to explore some new chambers with hidden treasurers and secret new places in the land of gold. What do you say my good friend Pete? I could take you guys through a blue arrow entrance that leads into chambers with special pods that will take us to several path ways and corridors and into new golden chambers which are filled with unbelievable treasures gathered in golden chests, boxes and carts of jewels.
"Are you sure about that Uncle Pauli?" Pete responded back. "But I have to tell you Uncle Pauli, Jenny my sister is very sick today. Can you get her some medicine to help her recover faster in the land of gold and keep her better before we go on our new adventure today?" Pete asked Uncle Pauli.
"Yes I can take you to the garden where the gods grow different herbs for the treatment of different diseases; it's very close to the valley of the twin waterfalls. Come on lets go quickly. I will take you through a short cut that should take us right straight to the garden of herbs for healing, there we would get all sorts of herbs for healing all sickness."