Somewhere in the vast corners of the omniverse, a golden castle shines brightly for all to see.
To some, it looks like some arrogant snob created the castle to show off his wealth, but to others, it was the home of one of the Observers, Lucien, the god of light.
Suddenly, a blue portal appeared in front of the castle and a boy who looks at around 16 years old came out of it.
He has sapphire blue eyes and has white hair which has blue streaks on it as he wore a white shirt, a blue jacket and blue pants
He is the god of ice, Frost and he has come to pay a visit to his friend.
He sighed, "Let's get this over with." He said as he walked into the castle and pushed the doors open.
After walking up the stairs, he gently knocks on the door to Lucien's bedroom.
"Hey Lucien, are you there?" He asked.
Soon enough, the door opens up and Frost walks into the room... only to immediately scream in embarrassment as to what he saw.
"LUCIEN! WHY ARE YOU IN A BATHROBE?!! Frost yelled at him, as the occupant was wearing a yellow bathrobe, sitting on his bed, watching a movie on his television.
He has green eyes, bright yellow hair and if you take one look at him, you can immediately tell he was more handsome than even the hottest models in the world.
He is Lucien, the god of light and he was annoyed that Frost interfered of his morning routine.
"Geez Frost, can you keep it down? It's 9 in the morning." Lucien yawned, while pausing the movie.
"Can't you get changed already?! I can't look at you properly like this!!" Frost yelled, as he was covering his face with his hands.
"Fine, fine, give me a moment." Lucien said, as he snapped his fingers and his bathrobe disappeared in a flash of yellow light, as he now wore a yellow striped suit with a purple tie and he's wearing shades.
"There you happy?" Lucien asked him.
"Yes, very!" Frost replied back.
"So what do you want? Your interrupting my morning routine." Lucien asked him as he sit cross-legged on the bed.
"Well, I kinda have a favour to ask you." Frost said, as he walked closer to Lucien until he was right next to him.
"And that is?" Lucien asked, as Frost leaned into his ear and whispered his plan.
"Oh, now I'm intrigued." Lucien grinned, liking the idea.
"Yes I know, so can you please help me out? Normally, I wouldn't bother with that kind of stuff, but I'm..... preoccupied at the moment." Frost said as he rubs the back of his head.
Lucien thinks about it for a moment before he nodded at him, "Fine, but you owe me one." He said, as both of them teleported away, ready to carry out their plan.
{Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss Universe}
That day begun like countless others, people beginning to go to work, teenagers hosting parties and kids going to school, there were no signs of any peculiar premonitions or eerie atmospheric hints signalling the extraordinary events that were about to transpire.
Malibu was one of those places that every jock/bimbo visited at least once in their life. Sure, it had the average California resident strolling on the street, maybe a family or two enjoying the view, but the boardwalks were mostly crowded by tourists.
Lucas was neither a stereotypical jock nor a man of worship but he was someone who frequently meets dozens of people since his job as a local bar owner on the beach strip of California, he saw the innocent to the deprived come through his doors and at no point did he stop to question where they went after they left his bar.
But that all changed on a random Saturday afternoon, the bar was open as usual as the customers come and go, ordering their drinks. Lucas was tending the mildly busy, sticky bar as the guests were talking about Veroskia Mayday's pop-up concert on the beach a few weeks ago had ended in disaster, with attendees either going missing or crazies spouting off some nonsense about a "sea monster".
And yet, life moved on. Some weird videos of said sea monster were posted on Tik-Tok and Twitter, but it was probably some sort of publicity stunt.
Again, it was nothing new for Lucas as he was absently listening whilst cleaning some glasses, until the tv and practically every device in the room switched to static. An uncomfortable and grating buzzing noise filled the room, causing a shift in the rooms atmosphere.
"Hey! What fucking gives!? We were watching that Shit!"
"Hey Asshole!"
"Oh come on! Right when it was about to get good!"
"Hey bartender! Fix your crappy TV!"
The local community of Jocks cried out in annoyance, they must have been lacking some brain cells to even notice it wasn't just themselves getting interrupted by this strange frequency.
"Lucas for fucks sake get your internet fixed!"
"What the fuck?! My phone's not working!"
Looking left and right as people began having the similar issues rang out across the bar, Lucas couldn't help but feel he had a migraine coming on as he pinched his nose, already telling this was gonna be a long night... and oh boy was he right.
Pedestrians murmured in fear, shock, and confusion as almost every flatscreen TV filled with the same static. A little girl clutched onto her mother's hand, as she tilts her head. "What's happening, mommy?"
Her mother looked at the screens in worry. "I don't know, sweetie..."
A scruffy homeless man scoffed and pointed at the screens. "I bet it's the end of the world! Aliens are trying to hijack our signals, and take over the world!
"Man, stop taking those damn drugs, dumbass." Another onlooker sneered at him. "It's obviously a cyber attack, or something. I bet it was the North Koreans, or the Russians."
A tourist pulled out his phone and began recording until someone piped up whilst waving their phone. "Holy shit! This is happening all around the world!"
The onlookers turned towards the frantic teen with shocked looks as he pulled out his iPhone and shows them videos. "Britain, America, Australia... hell, all around the world! All TVs are going on the fritz on this one channel!"
"Fuckin' shit! I told you guys it was aliens!"
"Is this the end of the world?! Fuck yeah! I don't have to do my finals tomorrow!"
"Oh god... may Jesus have mercy on us..."
Government employees were scrambling around, trying to find out the cause of this mess as the glass doors to the control room slammed open. One of the higher-ups walked with purposeful strides as he hastened towards them, evidently informed of the sudden collapse of internet connectivity in what they assumed to be a significant portion of Brazil.
"Is this some kind of cyber attack- by the Chinese? Or a Terrorist group?" He asked the group.
Amidst the chaos, a nervous engineer sweated profusely, darting from one computer to another on his chair. Other agents joined him in a state of panic as the display screens, that were used to display analytics and statistics, now showed nothing but black and white static.
"I-I don't know sir... we're trying to pinpoint the exact location but we can't confirm anything! It's like they're a ghost, thought it cannot be more than one person!" He stammered.
"That's impossible!" The higher-up slammed his fist on the table, startling the rest of the workers, "Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?!"
"Damn it... this is bad," Someone muttered wearily. The sense of impending trouble weighed heavily in the air, palpable in the tense atmosphere of the room.
"Has anyone notified the prime minister yet?" The higher-up asked.
"No sir, but we are trying to contact him now." One of the employees replied,
"Shit... god have mercy on us all- I'm losing this fucking job" Another employee said as he shook his head.
Unbeknownst to them all, this sentiment was felt across the globe by engineers and technicians who were all working simultaneously to try and fix this mystery, running around like headless chickens at the demands of their bosses.
"Mommy, what's wrong with the TV?" A little girl who's age is no more than five years old asked.
Marcy loved movies. She loved them ever since she was a baby, and she continued to love them till this day. She loved the art, the music, and especially the characters. Movies are her happy place, where she could experience any adventure she could find, anytime she wanted... at least while she was at home.
And her favourite movies were about Princesses.
She loved Princesses. She loved how pretty they were, how kind they were and she loved how they never backed down in the face of cruelty from others, and always strived to do what was right. It always made her feel... inspired.
Her favourite movie was "Cinderella". She watched it whenever she could, sometimes multiple times per day. It was something she simply couldn't get enough of. It had everything she wanted in a movie: a beautiful princess, fantastic art, wonderful music, and her favourite part was the relationship between Cinderella and Prince Charming, how she managed to find true love despite living in a cruel household.
And now the TV was acting weird.
Her mother was pressing all the buttons on the TV and remote she could, but it didn't change anything. It was still all... "static-y".
Her father found that something similar was happening with his phone, and her brother, James, had come downstairs complaining about how his computer was acting strange as all the devices in the house with a screen were not working.
Marcy's mother sat down on the couch and sighed deeply, "I just don't understand. I've tried everything, what's wrong with it?"
Marcy's father slumped down farther into the couch right next to her mother, with her brother doing the same thing, "Who knows. What can be done now is to just let it sort itself out." Her father could be lazy like that and it drove her mother crazy sometimes.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, surprising all of them as they wondered who could it be on the other side.
Marcy's mother quickly rushed to answer it. As the door opened, Marcy saw Mrs. Clara at the door. She liked Mrs. Clara, she was nice and she baked really good cookies.
"Hello Martha, how are you?" Mrs. Clara asked. Martha was what other people called mommy.
Martha sighed, "Not well. All the screens in our house are acting up. We aren't sure what happened."
Mrs. Clara clasped her hands together, as she looked troubled, "That's what I came to talk about actually. It's not just you. Everybody on the street has completely lost all signal. My son, Alex went across the neighbourhood to see if they were having the same problem, and they were. Everyone's screens are showing nothing but static!"
Everyone's screens weren't working? Why? What was happening? Was it bad? Were they in trouble? Marcy hugged her stuffed plushie tighter to her chest. She was feeling a bit scared.
Martha gasped, "Everyone? But if that's true... what could have caused this?"
Overhearing this bizarre change of events, James sighed, "Oh for the love of... what the Hell is going on?!"
"James, watch your language!" Martha said sternly.
"Father Joseph, what should we do?" A priest asked him.
Father Joseph was a devout servant of God. His complete faith in the divinity of his lord had helped him become the pastor of his hometowns church. He preached his lord's word faithfully, and with the conviction that his lord's plan would lead all those with faith in him to salvation. He and the staff of his church had complete faith in that plan, whatever it may be.
Screens were never his specialty. He had nothing against them, or any technology for that matter. He willingly accepted all changes in technology that came into being, as well as the cultural changes of the world. Furthermore, he accepted all people, whether they are gay, trans, lesbian or whatever else the newer generations were discovering or rediscovering. After all, if they were doing so, then it was the lord's plan.
However, sometimes he understood his generation's hatred for these accursed technologies. They were impressive, yes, but they were so complicated. Even the slightest problem could cause the entire thing to stop working entirely. Which is why he always liked to listen to his radio for the upcoming news instead of watching the television unlike most of the younger generation.
He sighed, disappointed with the turn this meeting had taken, "I don't know. These screens have never been my specialty."
He and the rest of the staff had gathered in the main staff room to discuss their plans for this weekend's sermon, until the screen in the room had turned into static, and there was nothing anyone could do to fix it.
Madeleine, one of his closest co-workers sighed while looking down at a tablet that was connected to the TV. The tablet itself had briefly been covered in static before she had hooked it to the TV and now she was trying to fix both it and the TV.
She fiddled with her cross necklace, as she often did when bored or stressed, "Well, they're my specialty, and even I can't figure out what's wrong. It's as though the lord himself reached down and scrambled the entire system."
"Knowing our luck, Hell itself," one of the younger employees joked. Some of the fellow youngsters chuckled, while the other older members gave disapproving looks. Joseph merely rolled his eyes and sighed. Hell itself? As if.
Far, far away, in another plane of reality, the television screens in the rings of Hell were similarly engulfed in static. From the backwater country towns of Wrath to the party cities of Gluttony, all denizens were suddenly introduced to this unusual yet strangely familiar phenomenon—especially for the sinners of the Pride ring.
A succubus chuckled, leaning against a lizard-like sinner. "Reckon Vox has something to do with this?" The sinner snorted, and checked his claws as the monstrous crowd mumbled and jeered around him. "Nah. Vox hates it when his little broadcasts are interrupted... I wonder what hotshot is trying to take his overlord position?" The succubus wheezed out, "Hah! As if they'd actually do anything!"
Across the pentagram, sinners didn't hide their contempt with the interruption of their day-to-day lives, especially in the face of the upcoming extermination. In Club Hell 666, that were rich with sinners seeking increased indulgence, whether it be through hardcore alcohol, drugs, or even sex, as the atmosphere shifted from one of hedonistic revelry to one of annoyance and discontent. The once-thumping rave-like music was replaced with the irritating sound of static, stopping the sinful indulgences of those gathered within.
Still, everyone in hell was wondering about this strange phenomenon and who could have done this.
Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor's grin widened as he saw the TV in the Happy Hotel's lobby flickered and turns to static. Charlie and Vaggie stopped their idle conversation, as the princess of Hell noticed his expression. "Huh. That's odd... Why are you happier than usual?"
The Radio Demon's static crackled and popped in sadistic joy. "Oh, my dear! It appears that all of the TVs in Hell seem to be hijacked!" Everyone's eyes widened as Husk did a spit-take with his alcohol. Alastor continued on, while twisting his staff. "And it's so entertaining! I bet Vox, that uncultured fellow, is pulling on his wires in anger!"
Charlie gasped, "Like... all the televisions in Hell? Even outside the Pride ring?"
Alastor shrugged, still grinning. "As if I have a clue, dear! Sinners can't leave the Pride ring, remember?" The Radio demon smirked, as he twirled his cane. "But I have heard from a few natural-born associates... If that is the case. How mysterious and wonderful!"
Charlie looked at the TV warily. "This... might be dangerous. If it's affecting all of Hell and not just the Pride ring, then Dad and the other Princes of Hell might get involved. This isn't your usual overlord bickering..."
Angel Dust struts closer, popsicle in hand as he leaned on the couch. "Wonder who's doing this... must be a real big shot to try and enter one of the three Vees's domains just to mess with them. Vox is going to be livid."
The hotel's inhabitants shuffle closer to the bar, looking up at the TV. This was too interesting to pass up.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, at first they didn't heard it due to the static of the TV, then the knocking became louder until Charlie opened the door, only to see no one.
Suddenly she heard a tiny squeak as she looked down and saw three yellow creatures that made her squeal.
The three yellow creatures have tiny yellow hands, legs, little fox ears with small tuffs of orange on top of it, a small little fluff on their chests and a tiny tail as they all looked at Charlie with curious green eyes.
"EEEEEEEEE!!!!" She then picks up the tiny yellow creatures and hugs them close to her chest.
"You're all so cute!!!" She cried out, as the tiny yellow creatures managed to escape from her grasp and ran inside the hotel.
"Wha- Charlie what are those things?!" Vaggie shouted at her as the tiny yellow creatures looked around the hotel in awe.
"I don't know, but aren't they just so cute!" Charlie cooed as one of the tiny yellow creatures holds on to her leg.
Alastor looks at the tiny yellow creature in front of him and he grinned, it seemed unfazed by it and was just staring at him.
'Interesting, not many demons were unafraid of me.' He thought, wondering just what are they during this time of hour.
For the first time in what seemed like eternity, since the dawn of time or Lucifer's fall from grace, the very foundations upon which Heaven rested were shaken, and its perfect image was cracked as a sense of unease spread across the divine realm. Never before had they encountered a challenge of any kind, no speck of dust nor sickness had plagued the people of Heaven, yet for the first time they do and they have no solution to solve it.
"Sera! Sera! Have you seen the problem we're having?" Emily, the young Seraphim cried out as she flew urgently towards her sister's office. Rushing from her celestial duties, she tried to find a solution as quickly as possible. Never in her hundreds of years of existence had they been interrupted like they had been today.
"Yes Emily, I have. I've got cherubs on the case and Saint Peter calming the people- I've even got the archangels on the other line just in case. Do not worry." Sera replied when Emily opened the door.
Standing in the doorway of her elder sister's office, Emily felt her wings fluffed anxiously as she entered, beginning to pace around in a new and unfamiliar manner she hadn't ever experienced before. Despite her sisters usual steadfast, stoic yet gentle attitude Emily could see the faint cracks in Sera's façade, something happened recently that made her worried, something was up and Emily wanted to get to the bottom of it.
"I keep telling myself it's just some static but it's all over the city! Cherub Town, the Promenade, everywhere! Citizens are getting worried Sera, WORRIED! It's my job to keep them happy and I'm failing!" She exclaimed, trying to calm herself down but quickly failng.
"Emily- EMILY."
The younger angel froze, her frantic pacing coming to an abrupt halt as she turned to face the elder angel standing before her. Not even once had she heard Sera raised her voice before. This sudden departure from her usual composure could only mean one thing, this situation is serious.
"Calm down everyone! Everything is ok!" Saint Peter shouted.
Hovering above the gathering of inhabitants on the heavenly promenade, Saint Peter's voice echoed through the city, slightly tinged with panic as he addressed the demands for an explanation and the hushed whispers of worry among the people. The peaceful serenity of Heaven was quickly disrupted as the winners leaned over their balconies along the celestial buildings, their faces etched with confusion and concern as they peered down at the chaos below. Every one of their celestial devices displayed the same static with black and white screens, an anomaly of which they had never encountered before.
In another instance, within the comforting confines of her heavenly abode, an angel sat alone, surrounded by the redundant noise of static emanating from her vintage yet impeccably new radio. Despite being in the prime of her celestial existence, she bore the appearance of someone with dozens of experience, as her features etched with a sense of wisdom and grace.
Her tight pink curls sprouted proudly from her head, forming a fluffy cloud-like halo around her. The smooth, matured dark tone of her skin seemed to glow with the ethereal light filtering through her window. Two small antlers protruded elegantly from her hair, their presence adding a touch of uniqueness to her holy appearance. Despite her petite stature, she sat proudly, her hands politely placed elegantly on top of her long skirt.
Sitting beside her radio, it seemed like nothing else mattered to her. She was wholly convinced that if something was to happen even without the usual visuals that one would get from the TV's she had seen developed through her time in Heaven. Since she had arrived in Heaven, her memory was spotty like most others, she had felt this undeniable loss of something or rather, someone, and the thing that would always draw her back was the radio.
"May, dear, are you still waiting for something to happen? That static must be getting really tiring by now..." Her neighbour said.
Standing in her doorway was a fellow angel, a neighbour who had made themselves at home. After all, there's no worry about burglars in Heaven, so why lock your doors, right? She was a moth demon, with an animalistic head and beautiful wings that cascaded around her like a dress.
"Ah- Genevieve honey', sorry bout that I didn't hear you come in- I just... don't wanna turn it off and miss anythin' really. I just feel somethin' important is gonna happen..." Her voice carried a softness reminiscent of a mid-transatlantic accent as she spoke gently.
Suddenly, there were multiple tiny yellow creatures appearing all over the promenade in a puff of yellow smoke, alarming the inhabitants as they have never seen something like this.
Then, one of the tiny yellow creatures noticed Emily and started to run towards her and grabs her by the leg.
Of course, Emily was alarmed by this but she immediately started to squeak at the sight of it.
"Oh! You're so cute!" She cried out as she grabbed the tiny yellow creature and hugs it.
"Emily! What are you doing? Put that creature down right now." Sera said but then she looked around and saw that those tiny yellow creatures were everywhere on the Promenade and they all have scattered around, looking to find other people.
Sera exhaled deeply, wondering if this day was going to get even worse.
Yeah, and it's going to be catastrophic.
Exterminator Angel Bunkers:
While everyone was trying to figure out why the TV's have stopped working, there was a place that not many Angels know about, it is the Exterminator Angel Bunkers, home of the Exorcists that killed Sinners once a year, and boy do they have a problem.
"Sir, all of the TV's in all of Heaven have turned static, and we still don't know what caused this!" The lieutenant of the Exorcists, Lute yelled.
"Yeah yeah I heard that Lute, I'm trying to fucking fix the damn thing!" Adam yelled back as he was smacking the TV hard, trying to bring it back to normal.
Suddenly, there were dozens of tiny yellow creatures all come running inside of the bunker startling everyone, including Adam, and Lute who were at a lost for words.
"Woah, what the fuck?! How the fuck do those fucking things get here?!" Adam yelled as every exterminator tried to kill them with their Angelic Spears, but it bounced off harmlessly across their soft bodies.
This of course shocked everyone as they all have never seen someone or something was unharmed by an Angelic Spear.
"What the fuck?! How the hell do they do that?!" Lute yelled as she swung her sword at one of the creatures but it got back up with no damage.
"S-stay back!" One of the exterminators cried out as one of the tiny yellow creatures just looked at her and raised its arms, asking for a hug.
Unsure of what to do of the situation, she slowly lowered her spear and the creatures ran to her and give her a hug.
"Viola, why are you hugging it?!" Her friend, Claire asked in shock as why she's hugging an intruder.
"They're harmless everyone, look! They're peaceful!" Viola shouted, causing the rest of them to look at her before slowly looking down at the tiny yellow creatures, who were confused as to why they stopped attacking.
Adam sighed while rubbing his eyebrows, "Great just great. Can someone tell me why the fuck are those things here in the first place?!"
Nobody have an answer to that, but they will all know soon enough.
Suddenly, a giant crack begin to appear, across all three planes in existence, slowly it begin to forms a giant rectangular yellow screen, one each in Earth, Hell, and Heaven as it hovers over them menacingly.
Immediately, there was mass panic ad everyone was screaming as they all took pictures at the giant screen, trying to figure out how this happened.
Soon enough, the screens then showed a human who was sitting on a golden throne, but that's no ordinary human.
["Good evening everyone! I apologized for this unannounced introduction." The 'human' replied.]
The words spoken by this strange figure blasted out of every sound system imaginable, in various languages. English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, every language, along with perfect subtitles. The figure simply sat and stared, allowing the people from various planes of reality to adjust to the sudden shock.
Everyone was completely confused. Who was this man? Why was he on their screens? Is he the one responsible for all this?! What was he talking about?!
["Now I'm just going to introduce myself so please hold your questions. He replied as a spotlight then appeared on top of him and announced, "My name is Kieran, the God of light, and I'm an observer, it's nice to meet you all."]
As soon as those words were spoken, all planes of reality, on Earth, Hell and Heaven, everyone was completely freaking out right now.
A God of Light?! An Observer?! Just what the ever living fuck is going on?!
["Before you all start panicking, I'm not really in charge of this section of the Multiverse, I'm just occupying for a... friend so to speak."]
[Kieran then clapped his hands, "Now all of you are wondering why are all of those screens that somehow magically appeared everywhere, it is because I want to show you the future, yes the future that is for mankind, hellborn and heavenborn!"]
That had caught everyone's attention, the future?! That has to be a joke right?! Wait did he say hellborn and heavenborn?!
["You might be thinking why I mentioned the last two parts is because both Hell and Heaven is real folks!!!" He snapped his fingers and soon dozens of pictures regarding both Heaven and Hell were shown to the world.]
Everyone on Earth, were silent before they all went ballistic as the revelation that both Hell and Heaven exists, while on Hell and Heaven, they all felt a chill down their spines as they all continued to watched.
["Yes yes, the biblical stuff that you were all taught was true and God does exist, but he's merely.... an employee while we are the employers."]
In Heaven, they were all gobsmacked at the realisation that God, the one who created the universe was... an employee to someone like him.
["And for your information, if anyone of you has managed to come in contact with the Kitsunas" He then showed a projection of the tiny yellow creatures that were scattered around the multiple planes of reality. "Well, they are for... other purposes besides looking cute and adorable.]
Now everyone was on high alert as they have never encountered those creatures before while the ones who have come into possession of them just looked surprised and confused.
["Since I have been granted special permission by an another Observer, I have been allowed to broadcast EVERYTHING that will change your minds and rock your worlds!!"]
Then he sits down and smiled, "So please, keep me entertained and let's all watched the beginning of the Hazbin Hotel!" He shouted as the screens suddenly turned yellow as a timer for 1 hour began counting down.
While everyone was watching the screens too stunned to speak, only two individuals were watching this with cautious and intrigued.
While everyone was watching the screens too stunned to speak, only two individuals were watching this with cautious and intrigued.
The first one was a woman who was lounging on a golden beach hair, her eyes looking at the Kitsuna who was in front of her and the holographic screen in front of her.
'Hmm, this is certainly unexpected.' Lilith thought, her vacation momentarily interrupted by this surprising turn of events.
Meanwhile in a different plane of existence, a Kitsuna was trembling in fear as a female was analysing both it and the golden holographic screen hovering before her.
She smiled, "Oh this will be interesting." Roo, the root of All Evil said as she cackled, eager to watch this all unfold.