A young boy with silver hair wearing a white robe walked out of a large mansion with two guards escorting him. He was excited a lot more than his straight face would lead others to believe. The main gate opened to a very large city as the boy walked out with a destination in mind accompanied by his two guards. The guards wore purple robes and exuted a certain type of energy that brought life to their surroundings.
A lot of heads turned not just because of the energy the guards exuted but also because it was extremely rare to see the young master outside his mansion.
He had turned 16 years old two months ago and was extremely excited about it. His mother as always sent a gift along with a message but nothing else. He was told to prepare for a new chapter in his life.
He walked all the way to the city walls where he had to do absolutely nothing as one of his guards went to talk to two soldiers also in purple robes, guarding the door to the city. The city door was a very huge and thick metal door that was made to withstand large explosive force. A display of strength he was hoping to achieve someday occurred right before his eyes as the guard jumped to meet the other two on top of the huge metal door. The door was thick enough that defensive constructs like missile turrets were stationed up there with round the clock guards and surveillance.
The large and thick metal door opened inward slowly as the guard jumped back down. Walking outside the city itself, he walked into the spaceship hanger that had been built a little bit to the side of the city walls. The hanger had been cleared of all ships except a large vanguard class crew ship. He took a few minutes to admire the ship exterior before his guards opened the door to the ship. Entering the ship, he walked with his guards through the ship as the door closed behind them. He walked through sleek metallic corridors with glowing blue conduits along the walls until he entered the Command Deck.
From one side of the Command Deck to the other was filled to the brim with a hundred other people all dressed in purple robes just like his guards and releasing the same amount of aura as them. All one hundred people bowed down to the young master as they greated in unison.
"Welcome aboard young master Kael."
After a short introduction and speech later, everyone spread across the entire ship returning back to their work stations. Kael was given a tour of the mesmerizing ship.
There were five sections of the Vanguard class crew ship. The first was the Command Deck. The command Deck contained the central control hub which was a reinforced command center at the forefront of the ship featuring holographic displays, external sensory arrays and more. Following that was the Navigation station which was a small cubicle like area containing the ship's navigational controls complete with comfy seats for the pilot and his four co-pilots. The Command Deck also contained the tactical war room which was basically a large roundtable where important meetings and mission briefings took place and finally, the Captain's quarters which Kael decided to visit later seeing as it was his room.
Next was the crew quarters which consisted of the main dormitories. The dormitories were divided into four sections that housed 25 members each in bunk-style sleeping pods with privacy curtains. Each pod contained personal lockers and temperature regulators. It also contained the officer's quarters which were currently not being used because high ranking members hadn't been selected yet. Then came the Mess hall, a multi functional common area with ration dispensers, seating booths and a holographic entertainment console. The crew quarters also contained a standard medbay along with a standard crew training area.
The third section of the ship was the Engineering and Utility section. This section consisted of the Engine core room which housed the ship's primary reactor, encased in reinforced plating with coolant pipes running along the walls. A workshop and Fabrication bay where crew members could repair equipment and build spare parts for the ship using nanofabricators. And the power grid control which was a secured chamber regulating energy distribution.
The fourth section of the ship was the Armory and Security section which consisted of an empty weapons storage room, a combat loadout room containing personal lockers, armor racks and quick access stations for gearing up before missions, detainment cells that would be used to contain captured enemies, rogue crew members and temporary detainees and the internal defense systems which included blast doors turret nodes and energy shielding to safeguard against internal threats.
Then, the fifth and final section of the ship, the Storage and Deployment bay. It consisted of a drop ship and vehicle hanger which had five drop ships for planetary excursions and ground operations. The supply storage which stored all the food rations, fuel reserves and survival kits for some reason. And five deployment tubes to allow for the quick deployment of the five drop ships within the hanger.
After familiarizing himself with the interior of the ship in the next hour. Everyone got to their stations as the ship was prepared for takeoff. They all buckled up as the large hanger roof opened up to the clear blue sky of Kael's home planet. The ship lifted of the ground and started climbing high up as it gained more speed eventually escaping the planets gravitational pull.
They had successfully made it into space and Kael used the opportunity to admire the beautiful planet below that was his home knowing he might not be able to return to it for a very long time. He then turned his attention to the vast expanse as a new chapter opened up in his life. A few coordinates were passed on and eventually set as the ship sped off in a certain direction.