Chereads / One Pice: A Game Blue System. / Chapter 14 - CH-14:)

Chapter 14 - CH-14:)

I roll my eyes and sigh before slapping another 500 Beri into his waiting palm.

"Six shacks down, take a left, follow that road till you see the place with the pale green roof. He holes himself up in there."

"Much appreciated." I murmur without really meaning it.

Finding the building with the green roof was not a hard task, the directions I'd received were more than clear enough. Staking the place out however was exceptionally boring. It was roughly 10 in the morning when I had arrived at the place and for the past 13 hours I have been waiting silently in the shadows inside of this shabby little hut waiting for him to waltz through the front door. As an aside I would just like to say thank god for my [Inventory]. Between food, bathroom needs, and boredom I don't think I could have survived without it.

Finally, at around 11 at night my target creeps through the entrance, smiling and giggling like an excited school boy. He's clutching a solid black briefcase to his chest and cradling it with such adoration that one might think he would die were he separated from it.

'Not sure what's got him so giddy but I'm about to spoil his night. I almost feel bad.' I rise up from my spot in the dark and Buchanan's eyes immediately dart to the movement. At first he panics -as any normal person would- only to then visibly relax a few seconds later.

" must be from the boat." he sighs with relief. "That was quick. The new guy said I probably wouldn't get picked up until the morning." he continues, regaining that wide smile back to his face. "Picked up?" I tilt my head.

"Yes yes. The new guy filled me in after he took the product. Not to mention when he handed me my reward," Buchanan briefly paused to nuzzle the suitcase against his cheek. "He said someone would be by in the morning to help me sail back to Philridge. That's why you're here right?"

'Philridge? That's the capital of Caeba right? I never really ventured outside of Yeutton... You know what, I'm clearly missing something important here. [Observe].'

Wulfric L. Buchanan, Mafia Goon, Lv. 13

Wulfric is mid-level grunt employed by the 'Masserida Crime Family' based inside Philridge, the capital city of Caeba Kingdom. Wulfric deals with blackmail, extortion, arson, and even some poisonings. After his identity was ousted from botching a job irreparably, Don Masserida sent Wulfric on a wild goose chase to hunt for Devil Fruit in the jungles of South Blue. The Don promised to pay Wulfric handsomely if he succeeded and to welcome him back into the family with open arms.

Health: 180/180 [ELATED]: Wulfric is so happy right now that he is not thinking clearly. He is receiving -3 to all mental traits.

STR: 20 VIT: 18 DEX: 39 INT: 15 (-3) =12 WIS: 4 (-3) =1 LUK: 25 Ok. There's a few things to digest there...though lets just focus on what's immediately important. Capturing this guy. His STR and VIT are even lower than Reggie's were so Wulfric is clearly not a fighter despite the much higher price on his head. He is decently quick though. His DEX is easily the highest of any of the marks I've gone after. Fast as he may be though, I'm even quicker, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue. 'Although I am a little jealous of that LUK score. I still have nothing but theories on what that stat actually does.'

"Sorry." I apologize with a somewhat dark grin. "I don't really know anything about that. You see the reason I'm here tonight," I chuckle knowingly as I unfurl the mans wanted poster. " for something a little different."

Buchanan's whole stance shifts and I tense myself in preparation for the fight. 'His speed is his best skill so I need to be on the lookout for jabs to the throat, hidden knives, or -DID HE JUST RUN AWAY?!'

"Oh fucking hell!" I cursed as I bolted out the door after him. There's my idiot moment of the day. Every other guy, every other guy I had gone after had tried to fight their way out of getting captured. I had grown so use to that being the norm that I had forgotten that some would just rather pull a runner.

Buchanan sprinted through the streets like a fire was lit under his ass. I was slowly gaining ground on him but I think his better LUK stat was influencing things. Either that or the universe has suddenly decided it hates me. He'd slide perfectly around corners. I'd have to swerve around a stumbling drunk. A perfectly placed trash bin would let him hop a fence. I'd have freshly spilled garbage tripping me up when I got there three seconds later. He'd magically dodge every obstacle. I'd only rip off his jacket when I finally did catch him by the collar.

"Goddamn it! Get back here and take your beating like a man you little shit!" "Help! Hurry hurry hurry! I need some help!" Wulfric cried into a baby Den-Den-Mushi attachment on his wrist. "He's after my head! We're by the old fishers market! Hurry!"

'Gah!' For 10 minutes straight I chased that cowardly loud-mouthed jackass through rows, lanes, and abandoned stalls of the broken down long-dead marketplace. Always just barely unable to catch him. Which was frankly really really pissing me off.

'I feel like I'm in a goddamn Benny Hill chase scene!'

"Got ya you son of a bitch!" I shout triumphantly as my hand closes over the back of his shirt. I tackle him from behind and slam him painfully face first into the ground. The briefcase he had been so desperately clutching loosens from his grip and goes sliding away.

"MY MONEY!" Buchanan cries out, one of his hands reaching out pitifully for the black case. "SHUT IT!" I screech, my fist clocking him in the back of his head.