Chereads / Mutant Gamer In Marvel / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3


Physics Lv.1=>2

+1 Int

New Skills: Chemistry Lv.1, Geography Lv.1

Lv.1 0/1000 XP => 70/1000 XP (After 7 periods) 


' I need a nap.' I thought after coming out of my last period, my body felt full of energy and ready to move, but my mind felt saturated with new information and temporarily full, maybe it had been the well-rested effect disappearing, that could have been the cause for my need for seeking new information, what I was sure of was now is that it disappeared, I didn't feel as sharp as before.

' No Adrian, you still have to go to work, then you can go take a nap.'

Living alone after being thrown out of the orphanage had forced me to search for work, the little money the government gave me could only help with food and the rent, to pay for the school books, clothes, and other necessities I need to work that shitty convenience store, and because my boss pays me illegally he can pay me however he wants, most times it's not enough for the month, but this is my life.

After taking the bus to head back home, I went back in ready to take a cold shower, change clothes and head to my job, but someone knocked on the door.

' Am I waiting for something? No, Am I waiting for someone? No, Is there a chance that whoever is knocking has the wrong address? Maybe.' I thought while ignoring the knocks and searching for some clothes that didn't stink.

" Mister Riviera, could you open the door?" A voice came from outside my door.

That made me stop, if they had my name, they were here for me, please don't be the IRS.

Looking through the peephole I saw a black woman with white hair, a small man with sideburns, and a man in a wheelchair waiting for me to open the door, if they were for the IRS they were the strangest agents I had ever seen.

I didn't open immediately, pondering if doing so would be a good idea, if they were with the government then ignoring them could be a serious issue, they might even take the door down, but just letting them in didn't sit right with me, so I placed the lock on the door and only open it a bit, letting them see my face and nothing else.

" Can I help you?"



New Skill: Mind Fortress Lv.1(Wis) (Improves your ability to organize your mind so that intruders aren't able to read the memories you wish to keep hidden)


I immediately shut the door, what the fuck had just happened made my body shiver, the thought that someone had read my mind, seen my memories, and tried to know what I thought made me almost puke.

" Mister Riviera, are you ok?" The voice that had called me before asked once again.

" STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKING CREEP," I shouted, my voice coming horse from the acid that had risen from my stomach, my hands trembling because of the idea of what they could have seen, but something was stopping me from going full panic mode, from actually having a panic attack, it felt strange, to know how I should feel but having control over my action and mind.

Silence came from the other side, a few seconds later another voice came from the door, this time it was a woman.

" Mister Riviera, could you please open the door, I just want to talk."

" So you can read my mind?" My voice came out with pure venom.

" I assure you that I have no way to do such a thing, I just want to talk."

Taking a big breath I started meditating to calm my nerves, gaining another level up and a point in wis, when I finally calmed down, I realized that even if I was inside my house, if one had powers, the other two might also have them, and weak wooden door could do jack shit against them, so I opened the door.

Saying that the woman in front of me was hot would be an insult, built like a brick, with hair down to her hips, and a calm expression on her face.

I looked around to see if I could see the other two, but when I didn't I let her inside, I didn't have much in my house, but I at least had two chairs where we could sit and stare at each other.

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Adrian Riviera, my name is Ororo Munroe, could I know the reason for your previous outburst?" 

" I think you are aware of the reason, I am sure no one likes you to have his mind raped by someone."

"So our guess was right, could I know how you were aware of such a thing happening?"

" No, you may not."

" Regardless, I deeply apologize for my friend's manners, his intentions were pure, he was just making sure that you weren't someone dangerous with more powers than he could handle, could you excuse him?"

Taking a big breath, my mind relaxed, speaking with facts, what he did was something anyone would have done, you are going to face an unknown threat with unknown capabilities and an unknown objective, anyone would have done it, but it just didn't sit right to me that he refused to talk and straight up went for the mind rape.

" I see his reasons, but I still want to excuse him, you are three against one, most likely all of you have powers and considering how few you are for an "unknown threat" you three are more than capable of fighting me, I am 18, what could I have ever done to even remotely be a threat to all of you?"

" Let's start from the beginning, are you aware of what mutants are?"

My eyes closed, the final piece of the puzzle finally placing itself and completing the picture, of all the types of superpowers I could have unlocked it had to be a mutation, defining me as a mutant, and making me one of the most hated things in face of the earth.

" So I am a mutant then, guess that explains it."

" So you are aware of your powers."

" No reason to hide it if you already know, it's not like I can hide it."

" Are you aware that some of your memories are unreadable?"

"Yes, that is a part of my powers that protects itself from being shown people like the mind raper."

She seemed to cringe at the nickname I had given to whoever had read my mind, but paid no mind to it, seeing and understanding my point of view.

" Could you describe your powers? Through the machine that we use to detect mutants, we were able to detect that your power is among if not the strongest we have ever detected."

My face darkened, I could understand my powers having potential, with the idea of endlessly growing through perfecting new skills and all that, but how could it defined as the most powerful ever detected when there are mutants able to cause earthquakes and burn whole cities in a second?

" Have you ever played a game? More specifically an RPG?"

She looked at me strangely, wondering where I was going with my speech.

" While I can't say I have, I am aware of the terminology and what it implicates, why?"

" I turned the world into one, or at least the world around me."

"... Could you please explain what you mean with it?"

" This morning I woke up, and I somehow knew ways to make myself stronger, faster, smarter, I knew how to improve my skills faster the others, and the world around me gave me opportunities to improve myself even further, and there's also seem to be other abilities that I still have to explore, once again, I woke up only this morning with these powers."

" So you are using your powers, while indirectly, to change yourself and some other aspects of the world, but you still don't know what those aspects are?"


" I understand the reaction that Cerbero had now, while indirectly you are warping reality to aid your growth."

" Once again, I don't know how to stop it and how to control it, if you hadn't arrived I would have simply continued living my life normally, maybe I would have used them to become rich, but nothing else" I said, trying to make her understand that I had no evil intentions.

" You don't have to worry, while your powers might be powerful, you are not our first omega mutant."


" It's how we describe a mutant level of power, epsilon being a mutation that only brings flaws, and an omega mutation being a power with no foreseeable limit, the levels in the middle are delta, gamma, beta, and alpha."

We then stayed silent, my brain processing the information I had just received regarding what the potential of my power was made my mouth dry and my hands tremble, but I stayed calm.

" So what now?"

" Would you like to see our school?"