XIA MAKI!" The jade emperor yells out, enraged.
"You are found guilty of fornicating with a mortal, how do you plead?" The Jade emperor asks with disgust in his voice and in his enraged stare piercing through Xia's soul.
Xia looks up and connects eyes with the jade emperor and the rest of the council of gods. All of the council except the Jade emperor covered up by the massive star behind them.
Xia tilts his head down a bit. His long brown hair covering his eyes. A visible frown of disappointment crawls onto his face like a parasite. He then looks down onto the chains made out of spirit energy, rattling them a bit. Suddenly the entire council and the rest of the heavenly court goes silent.
"What will it be? Guilty or Not guilty?" The jade emperor asks one last time, annoyed with the feeling of this entire situation being a waste of time.
Then Xia looks up and utters the words:
"Buddha, is a fucking coward and I… am glad that I betrayed this disgrace of an empire."
"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" One of the council members yells out to Xia, absolutely enraged.
Xia then starts to smirk.
"My descendant will be YOUR downfall, Jade emperor… Or should I say Okhwang?" Xia asks, with a giant confident grin on his face, ready to face his punishment.
A spear pierces through Xia's chest, making him cough up blood, then he slowly fades out of reality, never to exist again.
"Find the woman and the child and kill them." The jade emperor orders the rest of the heavenly army and then walks through a portal with the rest of the council following shortly after.
The heavenly army swarms the mortal realm, descending from heaven and destroying various villages and cities in the process. Destroying each city, country and mountain they can cross their paths with. But their two targets are nowhere to be seen.
After hours of searching, most of the heavenly army has given up looking for the woman, not being able to detect her spirit energy for some reason, as if their targets are in another realm.
"HUFF, HUFF, HUFF!" A woman covered in a robe to block one's spirit energy from others. She's holding a child covered in the same robe. The child fast asleep not knowing of the current situation.
"Where did Xia say I need to go again?" The woman asks herself, stressed. The woman runs into a forest. She keeps running and follows an extremely narrow path. Suddenly, her robe gets stuck in a branch.
"Shit" The woman struggles to untangle it, but then she sees some of the heavenly army looking up from the skies and is forced to rip off her robe, exposing her spirit energy.
The heavenly detect her spirit energy and start blasting forest into nothingness.
After the smoke clears up, the army sees the woman completely unconscious, however they notice the basket holding the child is gone.
One of the soldiers flies down to the woman and grabs the woman by the hair.
"How pathetic." The soldier says while holding the woman.
"Where's the kid?" The soldier asks the woman.
The woman gains a little bit of her consciousness back and utters the words: "Kontoro Maki, take care.. My son."
The woman begins to glow, looking up to the soldier holding her by the hair, she smirks and a dark and negative aura.
"YIN ENERGY?" The soldier asks himself, surprised that a mortal had access to that kind of power.
"Fuck you." The woman says before blowing herself and the entire army up into absolute nothingness.
Joining her lover in whatever there is outside of existence.
"Your majesty, the south army has been wiped out from reality by a powerful suicide attack" One of the Jade emperors subjects reports.
"I see, what about the child?" The jade emperor asks, intrigued.
"We couldn't find the child, we assume the child died in the explosion as well."
The jade emperor ponders the possibility of the child somehow surviving the blast, but concludes it would be impossible for the kid to survive.
Meanwhile in a location hidden in the mortal realm, hijima pond. A place where lost souls go waiting for their judgement.
A wandering spirit hears the cries of a child. The spirit looks from a distance and sees the basket holding the child and some mysterious beast looking down onto the child.
The spirit looks in shock at the scene in front of him. The intense spirit energy coming from the beast.
The beast notices the spirit and teleports away, leaving white and red flames around the basket.
"What the?" The spirit mutters to himself.
The spirit floats over to the basket and sees the name 'Kontoro Maki".
"What happened in the mortal realm." The spirit asks himself, grabbing the basket.
"Hello there Kontoro Maki. I'm Shibi, guess we ghosts got a mortal to take care of." Shibi says.