It was March 12 1999 I was going to a friend's house to celebrate my birthday at the time it was me and my friend 360 his real name was Richard but I started calling him 360 due to the fight that he got in a month ago. When I went to his house all I heard from the window was (Hey Ray over here) 360 was at his window calling me. The reason I wanted to celebrate my birthday with him was to cheer him up due to his family had left him on vacation so we started to watch TV and play a good game of chess When night fell we went outside to his backyard yard and started playing with his German Shepherd Congo. When 10:00 hit we started getting tired And 360 asked (do you want to sleep on the couch tonight Ray) I said (Sure I don't mind) so I slept on his couch for the night
When 2:00 rolled around woke up and walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water when I was walking back to the living room I saw something strange out of the window I have seen a lot of flashing lights outside of the house when I looked out of the window I seen a group of people walking down the road and then one the people in the group and start talking and yelling out(everyone get out of you homes and come outside) then I see my neighbor in front of the house come out and ask what was going but on this day was the day chaos started happening
A man pulled out a knife and stabbed the neighbor and pushed him onto the floor then he yelled out(BURN THEM ALL) and started throwing bottles at the house and lighting them on fire when I have seen this happen 360 woke up and asked what going on and I tell
him(WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW) and he asks (Why what going on) so I tell him(look out the window) he sees the chaos that is going on so he tells me to get all the important stuff out of his house then he tells me to get Congo and put him in the truck Then I ask him (do you have a gun in your house) then he tells me to get the 22 out of the cabinet and the ammunition out of his parent's bedroom so I get all the stuff a put it in his truck but then group and the road see me and 360 and tells his group(KILL THEM) So I tell 360(WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS TOWN NOW ) so he gets out of the house and start the truck and then we drive off.