Chereads / Claimed By A Dragon Prince / Chapter 9 - Ambushed

Chapter 9 - Ambushed

Lily waited a moment before leaving her room and walking down the stairs to the front to pay her tab. There weren't many people in the main room, so she paid her tab heading outside. People were going on about their business the morning air was crisp and cold as Lily made her way to the edge of town. Lily stopped at a couple of open stalls, buying a few items she needed.

One of the merchants looked concerned, looking around as if he was waiting for someone to show up. Walking away, Lily stayed on her guard as she made her way to the field Dimitri told her about. She was almost there when a group of eight soldiers jumped out, surrounding her. "Looks like we have a rogue wolf traveling alone. What's a girl like you doing traveling this road?" The soldier circled her, picking at her attire, trying to get a rise out of her.

When he reached up, touching her hair, Lily had a smirk on her face. "Making sure assh*les like you treat a free citizen fairly. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to continue on my way please." The soldier jerked on her hair, forcing her to step closer, their faces an inch apart. "You better watch your mouth, or I'll give it another use." In one motion, Lily hiked her knee up hard between his legs, forcing his hand to release her hair. The soldier stumbled back, holding his privates, groaning in pain.

"Get her!" Three rushed her as Lily stepped between two of them just as they reached for her, colliding together. The two closest to her grab her arms, holding her in place when the first soldier got up limping over to her.

Just before he reached her, a loud roar followed by Dimitri landing next to them, shaking the ground. Lily used this opportunity to shift her weight as she leaned back, knocking the two soldiers' heads together. Releasing her, Lily runs to Dimitri, quickly climbing up his back and turning back to flip the soldiers off.

"Should have treated me fairly. Sucks to be you!" Lily yelled as Dimitri jumped into the air, flapping his wings to gain altitude. Pulling her coat closed from the chill in the air; Lily settled into his neck as he took them toward the capital.

She leaned her cheek against his scales, which felt warm upon touching them. Suddenly, she heard a voice in her head speaking about her. *That woman is going to be the death of me. She didn't even make it out of town before they tried to snatch her. I should just lock her up in a room so no one can hurt her.* *She won't like that.* Hearing Dimitri's voice told her that he must have been speaking with someone.

Wondering if it went both ways, she tried to reach for his thoughts. *Do I get a say in this?* Dimitri stopped for a moment, surprised to hear Lily's voice in his head before flying on. *Umm, How much of that did you hear?* She smiled against his scales, feeling his anxiety from being caught.

*Locking me in a room won't work. I know how to pick most locks.* The awkward moment between the two was almost comical to her, knowing he gave it some thought. *I had the situation handled. I would have met up with you in a couple of minutes.* Dimitri could see some of the abuse she went through as she collected her thoughts, but when she got to the Academy, she made sure to take the physical training courses.

*I'm sure you would have been fine, but the last thing I want is for you to take on all those men alone. I am here for you.* Her heart fluttered hearing this since no one had ever cared if she was hurt or not. Dimitri felt how his words touched her, glad that she knew he meant them. They stayed silent for the remainder of the trip, which took a couple of hours for Dimitri to reach the castle.

Tucked away in the mountains, making an attack impossible because of the steep slopes and high peaks. The castle itself had seven towers, two of which were large enough for a dragon to land on. Lily found the sight memorizing since she had never flown before, this being her first flight. *Wow, it's so beautiful.*

Dimitri was enjoying her reaction to the sight of his home. Feeling her emotions like this had him convinced of who she was to him. He never thought to find a mate since she would always be a target. With Lily, he didn't feel the fear he thought to have with a mate. She was strong and confident, with enough compassion to help someone in need, even at the risk of her own life.

His older brother wanted Dimitri dead because he threatened his position. The more good Dimitri did, the less favorable the First Prince appeared. Lily would need to be on her guard around his brother as he took any female he felt like having, no matter who they were with or belonged to. Landing on the Western tower, there was a group of people waiting for him. Lily slid down his back, reaching for his pack to pull out his cloak as Dimitri shifted.

The group was shocked to see a woman with the second prince, as he never showed any interest in females publicly before. A woman stepped forward who appeared to be the queen with her many attendants behind her. They glared daggers at Lily when Dimitri took her hand, walking up to the woman. "And just who do you think you are riding on the back of a prince?!"

*And this is why I avoid royalty like the plague.* Dimitri had to fight the urge to laugh as the queen assessed Lily. Gaining his composure, he answered the queen. "She is my guest and a new researcher for the Dragon moss plant we are in desperate need of. Please try not to judge someone based on their looks." The Queen's face turned bright red as she reached up to slap him.

Lily was having none of that, catching her arm and throwing it back. "Lay a hand on him, and you'll lose the use of it. I don't care who you are he did nothing wrong in answering your question. Please show some tact." The queen was shocked anyone would stop her from punishing her stepson, let alone a nobody. "You will have the same fate as him if you ever touch me again." "Looking forward to it." Lily, having enough of these people, grabs his hand, pulling him to the stairs.

"Your father is looking for you! Leave the stray in your room!" The queen yelled after them as they descended the stairs. Suddenly, Dimitri pushed her into an alcove, hiding them behind the curtains, kissing her senseless. No one had ever stood up for him like that, not even his own family. He was finding it harder and harder to contain himself around her. Lily was shocked at first, then leaned into his kiss, feeling her soul wrap around him more with every touch of his lips.

"Thank you for standing up for me. We better head to my father's office, or he'll just come looking for me." Lily nodded as they made their way to the Dragon King's chambers. "So you don't need to put the stray way?" Lily tried to get a smile out of him but only got a small smirk approaching two large doors. The first thing they hear walking in is, "What the hell do you think you're doing letting a commoner manhandle the queen?!"