Lily felt her whole world start to crumble when the redhead woman said she was Dimitri's fiance. She tried to brace herself knowing it was always a possibility, but her heart still felt like it was breaking. Trying to clear her head she practically ran to the dragon king's office almost avoiding him.
Lily looked at his face when he pulled her back knowing her feelings were showing on her face. Reminding him of work she walked in faking the smile she gave her professor. She explained how the prince and her met the king and Prof. Magnus listened to Lily shocked by her words.
However, when Dimitri spoke up about making her part of the family Lily's mind started to spin. "Are you telling me that...." "Yes, Father I am. She is my soon-to-be mate." Lily's head was getting lighter as her ears began to ring. Her vision finally went black as she passed out from the news.