seated on a chair is a young handsome man who was 27 these year ' what am I doing wrong why is it no working ,could it be that the whole theory is wrong , no that can not be I have confirmed these countless times and there is no problem with the theory the problem must be the process .' Annsel said to himself .HE was in deep thought that he did not notice the vortex that had had had mysteriously appeared above the machine that he had been working on the whole night. He was a scientist who had been studying on different ways in which energy could be used. He had been trying to study whether energy can be converted in way such that it can be used directly by humans to strengthen them self and to cure deferent type of diseases ,these was project he had received from his father who was also a scientist and he had died seven years ago when annsel was 20 years old .By then he had already taught his son annsel what he knew. If one were to go close to the vortex he could feel a weak suction force coming from the vortex .When the vortex started absorbing electricity though the machine that was below it annsel noticed that something is not right "Hah what is going on here, "Annsel asked himself with a confused expression on his face "Wait don't tell me I succeeded," he exclaimed .As the vortex continued to expand ,a white dot appeared at the center of the vortex. The suction force also continued to intensify as time went ,the rate at which it was absorbing the electricity also increased coursing the whole city to be black out. "I can't allow these to move on or else I will be in deep trouble if any one were too know that all these was coursed by me," Annsel panicked as he did not know how to stop the vortex that was already three steps wide and it was still expanding . He tried to get closer to the vortex to separate it from the machine which he thought was the one which created that vortex but he discovered that the suction force was too strong for him to even get close to the vortex and the machine. 'what should I do ' he did not know what to do as it had already surpassed his understanding ." Or could it bi that I have made a black hole by accident, no that can't be a black hole does not contain any light and I can clearly see white light at the center of these vortex' Annsel thought to himself . 'Or could it be that I really succeeded , but even if succeed I will be sent to prison for coursing too much damage, or I might even die as a result, it will be bad if these continues .' Annsel thought to himself silently as he tried to think of a solution that could help him solve the problem that was before him. He tried to think but he could not come up with any solution. While he was thinking the suction force intensified pulling the machine in to the vortex ," what tha hell is going on here ,where did it take the machine . He was thinking of a way to separate the machine from the vortex to stop the vortex from expanding but upon these sight he knew there was no going bock ,there was no way he could stop the vortex from continuing to expand . The vortex had already expanded to five steps wide and the suction force had intensified such that he had to stay a distance of ten steps to make sure he was not sucked into it also. After few breaths the vortex stopped expanding but the suction force did not stop. while he was busy observing the change on the vortex the computers that were behind him started to operate on their own .The only thing that was getting enlarged was the white light that was at the center of the vortex, it was about the size of a football .The suction force was also intensifying with out a stop ,there was nothing he could do apart from observing the changes that were happening on the vortex. All aver sudden he heard an explosion behind him .Turning back, what he saw made him to almost cry ,"why is this happening to me ,what did I do to deserve these, who the hell did these ,come out I promise we will just have a chat "he started to talk as if he was talking to same one "how am I supposed to pay these ,why am I so unlucky ." The computers were full of cracks and smoke was coming from them ,these him to be on the verge tears. These computers did not belong to him ,he was doing all these experiments at work place and these was work place laboratory so any damage would be counted on him and he would have to be deducted his salary for a long time before he would be able to repay the damage .Counting together with the machine that was sucked in to the vortex , he could not repay the damage coursed even if he worked for with out receiving any for the lest of his life , for that machine was worth millions of money. while he was busy lamenting his bad lack, light suddenly filled the room ."Hah! shocked Annsel turned to see the source of the light ,on turning he saw a white mass of light floating in front of the vortex. These was the same mass of white light that was floating at the center of the vortex 'when did it come out ' he had no idea ."wait have I succeeded, he could not help but wander ." he suddenly saw the mass of light start moving towards him . 'could these be some advanced computer that want to take over my body ,' upon these thought he took two steps behind with fear clear in his eye. The mass of light suddenly rushed towards him, his heart jumped upon these sight "You stop there ,do not come any close!!" he shouted to the mass of white light while trying to retreating backwards .The white light suddenly increased its speed and entered his body before he could react . he felt immense strength enter his body and before he could feel the change in his body the suction suddenly intensified pulling Annsel to the vortex and he disappeared in to it. After about two breaths the vortex closed with a great explosion that destroyed the whole facility .Â