??: "369 years ago in a kingdom named Furanzé. There was a man who didn't possess such wealth nor unimaginable power whether physical or magical but he wished to conquer the world."
Morning, 220th day of 729th year of GM.E. (Great Magic Era), Muilre, Furanzé.
My name is Lessori, you can call me Les. I am an average looking guy, average height, average face. I have been in a military called Filth for 3 years now. King Losiniliano the fifth, the current monarch and all of the royals in this kingdom are hated by furanzens because they demand such ridiculous amount of tax with such horrible way to deal with those who are unable to pay them. They have an army called Mantra's command. It consists of 9 units, each stationed in each part of Furanzé: Center, North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, and Northwest.
Lessori: "Magnus." I said to the man walking beside me. Magnus Pierre André, the captain of this unit, unit 1 of center Filth, I am the vice captain. Magnus is several years older than me, he introduced me to Filth's army since 726, which I joined in. I was promoted to be in this unit since 728.)
Magnus: "What is it, kid?"
Lessori: "Is that a man standing over there?" Today we have a battle against unit zero of Mantra's command, almost the whole unit is here, I saw an armoured man looking at us. The man is standing several ten of maenneadejes away from me. He is holding a bastard sword in his left hand.
Magnus: "That's definitely a man from Mantra's command, but why only one?"
(Indeed, I also think of it the same way as Magnus, but if he's going to be a bait or a decoy of some sort, why do I sense no magic users nearby?)
Lessori: "Let me handle him, Magnus." I said with confidence. The man looks powerful but I am not easily intimidated by just magical aura.
Magnus: "Go on then, we will support you from behind. Everyone. Support the vice captain." Magnus ordered the whole unit, sharply.
I ran up to the armoured man with my bastard sword drawn out. I half-sworded by bastard sword and aim at the gap between his helmet and chest piece but it is blocked by his barrier. He half-sworded his bastard sword and thrust into the gap between my armor but I created a barrier to blocked his strike. We both stepped away from each other. The man quickly rushed in and striked at me with his sword. I parried it and we both stood still at that moment. It seems we both used immobilizing shock onto our sword, so that the next time it is shook, the enemy will be temporarily immobilized, but surprisingly. The man became mobilized much quicker than me. He half-sworded his bastard sword once again and aimed at the gap between my helmet and chest piece, before the tip of his blade reaches my neck. He backed away and dodged hundreds of fireballs which my unit casted and aimed them at him. He slashed several of them by using "magic dispelling magic" on his sword, then he quickly ran away, then I was able to move.
We went back to our camp afterwards, not wanting to tail the guy because it might be a trap.
Lessori: "When will CC.B.H.A. help us in this war by providing forces?" CC.B.H.A. is an abbreviation for Center Continent Bounty Hunting Association, a branch association of W.B.H.A. or World Bounty Hunting Association. They helped us by providing weapons, armor, and also set up bounties on some of Mantra's command's men and the royals. The main association has been established since 81 years before GM.E.
Magnus: "It's been 4 years, I think they have their own reasons, we can't understand thoughts of the CEO of W.B.H.A. after all." (CEO of W.B.H.A. , the person who is said to be the most powerful person in this world, no one has ever seen his face except his secretary and the top one bounty hunter of each continent. He is on our side in this war, but he hadn't send any bounty hunters to aid us in battle yet.)
Lessori: "Well, I dreamed to conquer the world, will I have to surpass him one day?" I have a dream since I was a little kid. I want to conquer this world, to become a man who is more powerful than anyone else. Though it seems childish, I still don't think it's impossible.
Magnus: "That's up to you, Les, and I have something for you to do" Something for me to do? What could that possibly be?
Lessori: "What is it, a solo mission? What do you want me to do?" This is not the first time I got a solo mission, but it's the first time I got one from Magnus.
Magnus: "Yes, it's a solo mission, what you have to do is infiltrate Mantra's command's camp and get some information from them."
Infiltration huh? Now that's the first time I got a solo mission that wants me to become a spy.
Lessori: "Is it going to be easy?" It's unit zero of Mantra's command we are talking about here.
Magnus: "It's not, that's why I gave it to you. you will travel to their camp the next morning, so meet me at my tent."
Lessori: "Got it, any particular fellow to be aware of?"
Magnus: "Since we got little information about them, I would say no. Muilre's B.H.O. set up a bounty of 100 gold furgras coin for one of them, his name is Francois." As I heard that name, my blood boils with rage. Francois is the guy who killed my parents when I was 10 years old, now he has a bounty that could make one become a richer by killing him.
Magnus: "Looks like you hold a grudge towards him. Don't attempt any irrational act while you are in their camp, vengeance is the best fuel to move a man, use it wisely." Magnus probably said that because of the face I am making right now, and that last part he said about using vengeance as fuel, it's a quote from around 1,600 years ago, if I am not mistaking it.
Lessori: "Why bring up quote of a legend? You are a big fan of him, aren't you?" Magnus talked about that guy to me for several times already, I think his name is Ambrosius.
Magnus: "He is my most favourite person from ancient times after all, and also a legendary figure." There we go again, I should shut him up before he start talking about that guy.
Lessori: "I don't want to hear anything about that guy, I am not in the mood."
Magnus: "Alright." Magnus said with a sad face, why does he have to be sad about it? All I did was just turning him down.
The day went on, the night came and we slept through it.
Morning, 221st day of 729th year of GM.E. , Muilre, Furanzé.
I woke up and get ready for my mission, I dressed up like a commoner with an arming sword. I walked to Magnus's tent, he is standing there.
Magnus: "Are you ready?"
Lessori: "Of course." After I replied, I blinked, when I finished blinking, I appeared in front of a restaurant with Furanzé's royal crest at the door. This place is definitely a restaurant for their men. I walked inside and taken a seat on front of the counter and people in there don't mind my presence at all. Opposite to me is a man with a mustache.
Lessori: "I want some fish and bread."
The man with a mustache: "You decided to eat here, but ordered somethin' you could easily make at home? Livin' extravagant ordinary, eh?" He said then walked back into the kitchen. I haven't failed this mission yet, it seems.
A man walked to sit down on a seat to my right, I looked to see his face and see Francois, the man I currently hate the most.
Francois: "A commoner eating here, that's unusual, tell me commoner, have you paid tax yet?" He said, I have to calm myself down and not punch him in the face.
Lessori: "Tax? Of course, I did, you guys sure live quite the life with us commoners' money, better make it worth every coin." I said, Francois laughed a little.
Francois: "You know what I did to those who don't pay taxes?" He said, my blood started to boil, but I calm myself down and replied.
Lessori: "What?" I said, doing my best to maintain my composure.
Francois: "I killed them, if they got no money for me, then killing them should be no biggie." He said, every second that pass, I am losing a little bit of my composure.
Lessori: "Sounds right, it's their fault for being poor after all."
Francois: "Exactly, you sure understand what I am trying to say, unlike your parents." I used magic to make myself be faster and stronger, then used my right hand to try grabbing his neck, but he quickly grabbed my wrist.
Francois: "Did I hit a nerve? Lessori." I pulled my arming sword out from its sheath then slashed it at his face but he created a barrier to block it.
Francois: "Vengeance is the best fuel to move a man, use it wisely, but it seems you don't, Lessori." He then kicked my stomach as he let go of my wrist, making me stumbled back. He pulled out his bastard sword and slashed it at my neck. I created a barrier to block but it bypasses the barrier and reaches my neck.
I thought I was going to die but I am alive, I quickly checked where his attack could have landed on, it appears to be just a tiny cut on my neck. I looked around and I am in a vast forest, this is definitely in Ataranos. How did I end up here? Did Francois use magic to send me here? But how? As my head is filled with questions, lost in my thoughts. A ridiculously long sword sweep at my face, I stepped back and see that it's a robot that's using it?