In the Johnsons' bonus room, Mathew engaged in an intense foosball match with his father. This was a rare occasion, as Jefferson had a day off. "I got you this time, Matt," he said.
"Dream on, old man."
With a resounding crack, the small plastic soccer ball rocketed into Jefferson's goal. Ending the long ten-minute match.
"Hah! That makes three weeks of throwing the trash out!" Mathew chuckled. Jefferson groaned and fished out the ball.
"One more? But this time, whoever loses has to throw the trash out for two months," Jefferson placed the ball on the center and rolled his shoulders. "What do you say?"
"Fine. But don't come crying to me when you lose."
Grabbing the handles, Mathew and Jefferson entered into another intense match. The ball shot back and forth as both men twisted their handles, each hoping to score a goal. Eventually, one of them succeeded and continued the process. This continued for several more goals until the score was tied at nine to nine. The next goal would determine the winner.
"So," Jefferson said with a grin. "What do you think of Alex? You ask her out yet?"
The sudden, unexpected question caused Mathew to lose focus briefly. Seeing his opportunity, Jefferson struck the ball into Mathew's goal.
"Victory!" Jefferson pumped his arms. "Have fun throwing the trash out for two months."
"That's cheating." Mathew lightly glared at his father. Jefferson shook his finger.
"Don't hate the player. Hate the game." Jefferson chuckled as he walked over to the plush couches behind them. With a satisfied sigh, he fell back and took a drink of his water as his eyes landed on a random game of college basketball.
Mathew grumbled at his father's shenanigans and dropped beside him. "I'll keep that in mind."
"I'm sure you will. And besides, I didn't just say that to throw you off your game. You and Alex spend a lot of time together. There's got to be a reason for that." Jefferson wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Mathew could only shake his head in annoyance at his father's childish attitude. At times like these, he wished his mother was here to help control his father's behavior. Unfortunately, she was stuck in the middle of a big case.
Then again, she would probably join in. She always loves to tease me too about my non-existent love life. Mathew thought with a sigh. "There isn't. We're just friends."
"Really? But you two spend so much time together. Even I didn't spend hours with my female friends when I was young unless I was dating her."
"This is different. We just study a lot."
"Hmm. Seriously?"
Jefferson didn't buy what his son said, but he decided to let it slide. My son is going through the rough times of youth. I better cut him some slack. I don't want him to end up ignoring me out of embarrassment.
"Hey, Dad... Can I ask you something?" Mathew frowned as he turned to his father. The question that's been plaguing him for several days is still at the forefront of his mind.
Jefferson quickly noticed the serious expression on Mathew's face and dropped his playful demeanor. "Of course, Matt."
"What would you do if you could excel at anything?" Mathew asked carefully. "Like, if you could do whatever you wanted with the assurance that you would succeed. What… would you do?"
Jefferson eyed his son and thought about the question. "That's a tough one. If I could choose any career path with the guarantee of success, then the world would be my oyster." He then placed held his chin in thought. "Personally, I would choose the path that would secure my financial security… but that's a pretty boring answer."
"I thought that, too." Mathew nodded. "Being a celebrity seems like a pain in the ass, but it seems like you can't be great at something without a group of paparazzi being on your tail these days."
Jefferson smiled. "That's true. Then, I'd choose what was most fun for me. No matter the money."
"Fun?" Mathew mumbled. "With limitless potential, you'd choose something that's… fun?"
"Why not?" Jefferson grinned. "If you can't enjoy what you do, then why do it? And as you mentioned, if you become good enough at something, money and fame will quickly follow. So why not choose something you enjoy?"
Mathew's eyes widened in surprise at his father's unexpected words, the realization washing over him like a cold splash of water. All this time, he had been tirelessly mapping out the most lucrative path toward wealth and success, driven by ambition and the promise of a comfortable future.
Yet, in his relentless pursuit, he had overlooked a crucial element—whether he would find joy and fulfillment in the career he ultimately chose. The weight of this revelation settled heavily on his chest, prompting a wave of self-reflection that he had long avoided.
"But… what about if you could help make the world a better place? Like going into the sciences or medical field? Or even technology? Wouldn't it be a waste not to use my potential to help?" Mathew asked. His voice was heavy with distress.
Reaching out, Jefferson placed a hand on Mathew's shoulder. "Mathew. Your life is your own. You get to decide what to use it for. Whether it's for your enjoyment or the betterment of humanity, that's still your decision. So choose whatever makes you happy. And if that decision helps others, then great! If not, then that's okay too. But in the end, that's your choice. Whatever you choose, remember that your mother and I will support you no matter what."
Mathew sat in silence, his father's advice repeating itself in his head. After a few minutes of the two sitting in silence, Mathew smiled.
"Thank you, Dad."
"No problem, Matt. It's what I'm here for."
The two sat back and continued to watch the game. A comfortable silence hung over them. That silence was quickly broken by Mathew.
I think it's finally time to enact that plan. He thought.
"Hey, Dad. Can you help me with something?
With Jefferson's assistance, Mathew was able to open his own bank account. Because of his age, it needed to be a joint account. This joint account would not only help him manage his finances but also give him an early opportunity to build his credit.
After completing all the necessary paperwork and setting up the account, Mathew promptly deposited all the money he had saved throughout his young life, totaling $1,470.
Once they arrived back home, Mathew thanked his father and rushed to his bedroom. Jefferson watched his son with a small smile, amused by Mathew's excitement. As soon as he reached his desk, Mathew powered on his computer and began typing on the keyboard.
"While it would have been better to have done this back in 2009, I was still too young and lacked the funds. Not to mention, my parents wouldn't allow me to throw money away for something they didn't quite understand. At least, not yet." Mathew muttered as he typed away. "Better late than never."
Using $1,000 of his hard-earned savings from years of allowances, birthday and holiday money, and mowing lawns back in Chicago, Mathew hesitated briefly but ultimately clicked the enter key. "There. One thousand dollars worth of Bitcoin purchased."
Leaning back in his chair, Mathew grinned at the 112.4 BTC in his possession. Immediately, he secured his new BTC onto a secure hard drive while making a copy and throwing it into his Infinity Backpack.
No way am I losing this.
While he knew the return on his investment was still several years away, Mathew was more than happy to wait.
Why wouldn't he? In a few years, his $1000 would turn into millions of dollars.
Mathew hesitated for a long time before investing in Bitcoin because he recognized the differences between this new world and his past one. He questioned why he would risk so much of his money on something that he wasn't sure would evolve in the same way as his previous world.
With this in mind, he meticulously tracked the fluctuations of Bitcoin in this world, his attention unwavering. Mathew immersed himself in various news articles, industry updates, detailed reports, and emerging market patterns, each crucial to understanding the cryptocurrency's trajectory.
His keen analytical eye sought to uncover parallels and divergences, ensuring that he grasped every nuance of its development.
After three years of dedicated observation, Mathew became increasingly convinced that the Bitcoin here would leave a similar mark on this world, resonating with the same transformative power it did in his past life.
"Now… we wait," Mathew murmured with a bittersweet expression. "Goodbye to that Lego Star Destroyer I've had my eye on… you will be missed."