It's been a few days since our encounter with that dog.
When we returned to the village, they thanked us for ridding them of the monster, and even paid us, and we also sold the ore.
Which made us a little richer. Although with the money I took from the castle, we were not poor.
In these few days, Raphtalia rose to level 18, and in addition, there was a growth spurt, and now she looks 18 years old, which complicated our trips to the bathroom.
When I first saw her head, my nose started bleeding and I lost consciousness. Well, so what? I'm a virgin after all, and I've never even held a girl's hand!
Raphtalia didn't know what was wrong with me, and thought I was sick, but I told her that I was fine.
We constantly went out into the fields so that Raphtalia could level up, so that Naofumi could stuff all sorts of materials into his shield in the hope that it would change, and I would test the limits of my abilities.
When I used the Heavenly Rain skill, I began to adjust its range, setting it to maximum, and at that moment a large pearl appeared above the forest, which began to rain ice shards down on the forest, killing all living things.
Naofumi was aghast at my demonstration of power, and Raphtalia's eyes sparkled, she ran up to me and said that she wanted to play in the snow.
I wanted to satisfy her, so I began to manipulate the pearl, and instead of ice shards, snow began to fall from it, which filled the entire forest in an hour.
Raphtalia, jumping happily, began to make a snowman, I just watched her with a smile, what the girl needed to be happy was snow.
Until that little brat threw a snowball in my face.
"So that's it? Well, two can play this game," I said, and instead of making snowflakes with my hands, they materialized in the air next to me from my cryo-energy. Raphtalia started running away, and I laughed and started shooting at her like a machine gun.
"Big sister, it's not fair!" Raphtalia shouted, hiding behind a tree.
I laughed and answered her.
"You're to blame for this, and now you're getting punished!" I said, shooting at the tree, which couldn't withstand my fire for long and fell, and behind it was a pale Raphtalia, who immediately raised her hands.
"I give up!" she said, and I immediately removed all the cryo-energy around me.
"Okay, and what lesson did you learn from this?" I asked her
"That my sister is really scary!" she replied
"Not only that! I always come out on top in everything, so when you challenge me, you've already lost." I told her with a toothy smile.
We spent the whole day playing with her, building snow castles and snowmen, my snow, unlike usual, could be adjusted in temperature, because of this Raphtalia didn't freeze and could calmly roll around in the snow and sculpt from it.
Meanwhile, Naofumi went and collected the corpses of animals that my skill killed, I hope I didn't break the ecosystem by killing so many animals.
A couple more days passed, Raphtalia raised her level to 18, continuing to kill monsters, I just watched her, and Naofumi again played with his shield, feeding something to it.
One day, a porcupine attacked Naofumi and left its quills in him, and Raphtalia ended up chasing it all over the field, which made me laugh, of course, I had already taken care of healing Naofumi's wounds with my krioropower.
"Naofumi!" Raphtalia screamed when the porcupine attacked him again, but this time it used a shield skill and chained him, and Raphtalia killed it by piercing it with her sword.
"What's with that gloomy look?" I asked the shield hero.
"The wave is coming soon, we need to update our equipment."
I smiled and looked at Raphtalia
"Raphtalia, we're going shopping!"
She turned pale and wanted to run away, but I grabbed her by the waist, pulling her towards me.
"You can't run away from me!" I told her with a grin.
"NO!" she screamed.
And her reluctance is due to the fact that I took her with me to a clothing store, where I tried on various beautiful dresses and other things for her, which she didn't like. Of course, I wasn't going to buy anything for myself, since I don't want to wear a dress, because I just like Gan Yu's clothes, and I bought several dresses for Raphtalia, you never know if we'll get to one of the noble banquets, since the king will soon be overthrown by his wife, who is a very kind woman, then we might be invited to banquets.
"Okay, I'm just teasing you, we need to buy better equipment, so we're going shopping."
"What a relief." Raphtalia said
"What, don't you like shopping with your big sister?" I said in a feigned sad tone.
"Don't be sad, I like going shopping with you, I just don't like wearing dresses!" she said
"But you're so cute in them!" I told her
She just blushed and turned away.
I laughed at her reaction and we headed into town.
There we went into the bald man's shop again.
"Wow! I didn't even recognize you, you've grown into a real beauty!" he said then added.
"Haven't seen you for a while, what have you been doing?" he asked Raphtalia.
Yes, this boring thing had to study, in fact, it wasn't that unpleasant, it was even fun with Raphtalia.
"I see, I see, she's grown up, there's no trace left of the former brat!" the bald man said, to which Raphtalia puffed out her cheeks, which I wanted to pinch.
"Really?" Naofumi asked, looking at Raphtalia.
"Yes, Naofumi! And what kind of city do you have, pedophiles everywhere, picking on my Raphtalia!" I said to the bald man, to which he laughed.
"Anyway, we came here to update our equipment!" Naofumi said, and he meant himself and Raphtalia.
In the end, I bought Raphtalia a new sword, and Naofumi ordered armor, which should be made tomorrow.
After leaving the store, we headed to the nearest pub to have a bite to eat. All the people who noticed us either looked away or ran away. Mostly, they were afraid of me. Which was very good, since no one bothered us, only those who want to part with life would go against me.
Sitting down at the table, I ordered everything Raphtalia asked for, well, within reason, and wine for myself. Naofumi ordered a cheap lunch, which was strange considering that, unlike in the anime, I was paying for Raphtalia, and he got a lot of animal skins, which he then sold. He must have a solid amount of money by now.
After lunch, Raphtalia and I decided to walk around the market, where of course I bought her some pastries. She ate her bun with one hand, and held my hand with the other.
"Hey you, what's up with the beastwoman? Do you want to sell her?" I heard some guy's voice.
I didn't even look at him, he wanted to come up to me, but he was pierced by an icicle.
Everyone who saw this ran away, because they didn't want to be next, and Raphtalia didn't notice, continuing to eat her bun.
In the evening, we returned to the hotel, and after taking a bath, we went to bed, but this time already dressed, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stand her naked pressing against me.
In the morning, we headed back to the armorer's shop, where we got Naofumi's new armor.
Afterwards, we saw how people gathered on the main street, watching the procession of knights.
"Why are there more soldiers in the city?" - asked Raphtalia, looking at the knights.
"The wave is coming!" - answered Naofumi.
"Yes! But don't worry, my sister won't let you get hurt." I told Raphtalia, earning her a sweet smile!
"I wish I knew where and when she'd show up." Naofumi added.
"Didn't they tell you? There's an hourglass in the cathedral in the center of town. And when the last grain of sand falls, the heroes and their comrades will head straight for the wave."
"Then our next stop is the cathedral!" I said and added.
"Okay, thanks for everything! See you there, baldy!" I said and laughed at how the vein on his forehead bulged.
We arrived at the cathedral where "sister" was already waiting for us, it's strange that they knew we were coming.
She told us to follow her, which we did.
The cathedral was... well, a cathedral. I don't even know how it's different from the others.
We approached the pedestal, where we saw a giant hourglass.
"This way!" said "sister" and left.
We approached the cliff, where a ladder immediately extended for us to cross to the other side.
As we approached the clock, my bow and Naofumi's shield lit up and beams appeared from our weapons, one green, the other blue, which headed towards the hourglass.
As the beam reached the hourglass, I saw something like a video game interface in my eyes, and there was a countdown at the top.
There are 20 hours left until the wave!
"Naofumi, is that you there?" I heard that nasty voice, then I turned around, and he turned pale when he saw me.
"Sister Ganyu, Naofumi, who are they?" Raphtalia asked us.
Naofumi didn't answer and just walked away, I smiled at Raphtalia and took her hand and followed the shield heroes.
"Hey you..." - the red-haired girl wanted to say something.
"Shut up, slut!" - I said and my voice was clearly contemptuous, which made the blond pedophile shudder.
Of course, at that moment I let go of Raphtalia's hand, and that was enough for this pedophile to approach Raphtalia, like in an anime.
Life teaches him nothing, I approached him and hit him in the face with a spin, which sent him flying to the other side of the clock.
Taking Raphtalia's hand, we continued on our way again, and I saw how the red-haired slut almost died of fear.
And the sword hero looked at us in shock and wanted to say something, but changed his mind.
By evening we rented rooms again and had a good dinner. And unlike the anime, Naofumi was not so gloomy, he liked to see how this blond pedophile gets punched in the face, and I liked to beat him myself, only after that you have to wash your hands three times with soap.
The next day in the morning, we gathered in the square, where there were many people, those who followed the heroes.
And as soon as the timer counted down the required time, the sky turned red, and a yellow glow formed around us.
We were teleported to an unknown place, where we saw strange swirls in the sky.
"Is this a wave of disasters!?" - asked Naofumi, not addressing anyone.
A swarm of some beetles similar to wasps began to appear from these swirls.
"There!" - said Raphtalia, pulling me by the sleeve.
When I turned around to see what she was pointing at, it was a signal flare asking for help.
"Quick! Quickly to Lutia."- Naofumi shouted and ran.
Raphtalia and I ran after him, and when we reached the village, it was already pretty battered, and there were already monsters like skeletons and flying wasps in it.
Entering the village, we noticed a local resident who was wanted to be killed by a skeleton, Naofumi rushed to him and blocked his blow with his shield. I, in turn, fired an arrow charged with cryo energy, which instantly killed the skeleton.
"I will distract the enemies!"- Naofumi said
I nodded and answered
"And I will cover you."- as soon as this was said, Naofumi ran towards the enemy, simultaneously knocking down some of them, and I killed the enemy who got too close to him with arrows.
There he saved a few more people, and Raphtalia took them to take them away from here.
While I was covering Naofumi, a horde approached me with a bow, I quickly jumped back and a lotus appeared in the place where I stood, which destroyed all the enemies within a 10 meter radius.
Meanwhile, Naofumi gathered a large number of enemies who were chasing him, I activated heavenly rain, which fell on the enemy, sweeping them away, with the exception of the wasps that could dodge because they were in the air. But I destroyed them with a bow.
Naofumi climbed the towers, and I heard a bell, but nothing happened.
In the end, he blew up the towers and we dealt with the monsters that surrounded the locals and ran to look for Raphtalia.
When we found her from different sides in the sky that rose up and connected in the center, I immediately activated cryo energy creating a dome in which we were, in addition to my dome, Naofumi also created a shield around my dome. Just in time because rain and fireballs began to fall on us.
"Do they want to kill us!" I snapped, but I knew that something like that couldn't kill me, but I can't say the same about Raphtalia and Naofumi.
Then we heard laughter when the rain stopped and knights appeared.
"In one fell swoop, they burned everything." One of them said, then added seeing us
"And the heroine of the bow and the hero of the shield, how tenacious!" but he couldn't say anything else, since I activated heavenly rain, which instantly killed them.
"Musou!" I said, looking at their corpses with contempt.
But there was no time to relax, new monsters were approaching us, I decided to activate my heavenly rain at full power. It swallowed the entire city, and began to kill all the monsters, bypassing people.
As soon as the last monster was destroyed, the wave of disaster began to recede, and the sky turned blue again.
We stayed in the village, so we did not want to get close to that disgusting blond pedophile.
People were slowly coming to their senses, helping others bandage wounds or clear rubble.
"Great heroes!" - we heard an old voice behind us.
Turning around, we saw an old man bowing before us.
"Thank you very much! If it weren't for your honor, I don't think we would have survived."
"Lucky, that's all!" - answered Naofumi.
"No, it's only thanks to you that we are standing here alive!" - said another resident.
"And we will never forget this!" added another.
"It's up to you!" said the shield hero and turned around.
"Admit it already! They're right, if we weren't here, who would have saved them? That pedophile or the emo goth? I don't think so!"
After my words, Naofumi laughed loudly, as did I. Rafialia didn't understand why we were laughing and decided to just laugh with us for the company.
That's how our first wave of disaster ended, which in reality wasn't that scary or difficult.
Although I'm probably saying this because of my strength...