Ranks: There are eighteen ranks from unranked to SSS and these ranks pertain to the population or size of a village, the strength of a skill, dungeons/ruins, and some items. The way to rank up a village is to increase the population, increase the military strength and size, expand the village size, increase the lord's strength, and acquire a special token. The ranks may change, and they may stay the same.
Monsters: there are different categories of monsters (aberrations, fiends, humanoids, dragons, beasts, undead, monstrosities, plants, constructs, elementals, giants, celestials, oozes, and fey) these monsters/creatures live in various places some intelligent and some mindless killing machines.
Aberration Monsters
Mind Flayer: A sadistic Cthulhu-like aberration feared across the multiverse.
Beholder: Large floating aberrations found in very dark places.
Flumph: Mysterious aberrations that resemble squids.
Afilate: Afilates are small quadrupedal creatures that feed on magic. They have iron skin plating with exposed flesh visible in between the plates. They have no facial features except for a single circular mouth with many rows of teeth.
Argos Hound: Argos hounds are large dog-like or lizard-like creatures that are occasionally found in the tunnels surrounding the lair of a beholder. In place of a normal head, they possess a mass of one hundred eyes each alert and searching for the slightest oddity or movement.
Beast Monster
Tressym: A magical beast resembling a small, winged cat.
Almiraj: A jackalope, or a rabbit with a longhorn.
Pheonix: A powerful elemental bird with the unpredictable nature of fire.
Albino Moray: The albino moray is a huge, pallid eel that dwells in underground lakes, preying on fish, smaller monsters, and anything else that comes too close. They have foul skin, coated in an awful-smelling poisonous mucus, which helps defend them from predators.
Aracha: An aracha is a larval moldarach. This small creature will cling onto any creature that it possibly can, but it will normally stray from creatures much larger than themselves. Aracha very rarely live to adulthood.
Austroraptor: Austroraptor is docile compared to most other raptors, as long as you don't get too close, they don't really mind you. Austros are pack predators, often hunting prosauropods and smaller animals, however, they do have some unusual habits.
Angels: Called assimon, are immortal, winged beasts who serve God.
Archons: Personifications of the law and good. They hate demons.
Guardians: Animal-featured guardians are protectors of God.
Acceptance: Among the nine ranks in the angelic hierarchy, acceptance belongs to the bottom of the third sphere called angels, the hierarchy's lowest rank. It appears to those who are moments away from death in a half-human, half-pegasus form with glittering wings.
Akresti: The akresti are lesser celestial beings that resemble blue-skinned humans with several leonine attributes, and large wings that resemble those of an eagle. They despise fiends, especially demons, attacking any they discover, usually watching them disguised in an animal form before striking.
Emerald Carbuncle: Carbuncles are foxlike denizens of the upper planes notable for their gleaming coats and their insatiable curiosity. They can occasionally be found exploring the material plane, either of their own initiative or as the familiars of mages.
Construct Creatures
Crawling Claw: An amputated hand that can walk with the use of magic.
Helmed Horror: An animated suit of armor used as a guardian.
Homunculus: A small, winged Construct that often acts as spies.
Bostik: Bostiks are constructed golems made of clay or any other resource that is proper 'golem-making material', they are completely stationary and have long winding arms that can stretch up to 20 feet and contort in unnatural ways.
Clay Man: A man made out of clay. These animated statues come from the living city of Polythreme, and are born when the King with a Hundred Hearts, himself an ancient and gargantuan clay man, dreams. They are imbued with a sliver of diamond filled with vital essence, giving them life.
Lesser Dragons: Lesser Dragons are described as less intelligent, powerful, and magical than True Dragons. While they don't grow more powerful with age, that doesn't mean they aren't capable of taking down a True Dragon with a bit of training. You'll come across the following.
True Dragons: Dragons that become more powerful as they age.
Aurozenti: Aurozenti are flightless cousins of the quazenti with the tails of snakes, and four arms that move at incredible speed. They tend to use scimitars and pikes in combat, though their bites carry vicious poison.
Basilisk Dragon: Sometimes a basilisk will mate with a dragon. Their offspring are known as basilisk dragons. Basilisk dragons look like basilisks and keep all basilisk abilities but also gain wings, a breath weapon and a dragon's massive size.
Broiling Drake: A broiling drake is a stocky, wingless variety of dragon known for its incredible sturdiness and its scales that are almost indistinguishable from stones, lending a broiling drake a boulder-like appearance.
Broiling drakes are slow and cumbersome creatures that hunt from ambush, spewing flame at their prey and eating their scorched flesh, though a broiling drake can survive by eating plants and even stones.
Gargoyle: A vicious predator imbued with pure magic.
Invisible Stalker: An air Elemental that suffocates its victims.
Mephit: Imps that can be of any Element.
Air Orb: A tightly bound orb of elemental air, an air orb sounds like a light breeze when in motion. Its body is an ephemeral mass of wind, and is easily broken apart, dispersing the orb. It can summon strong winds, and it moves very quickly.
Arrowhawk: By twisting its body and varying the cadence of its wingbeats, an arrowhawk can fly at top speed in any direction and its ability to levitate aids it in flight.
Arrowhawks have four wings and four eyes (one pair on either side of its beak). They are covered in blue scales with the occasional tuft of yellow feathers.
Pixie: A race of mischievous Sprites that enjoy playing pranks on people.
Korred: Also called the Dancing Folk, they are carefree and boisterous.
Mite: While they look similar to gremlins, they are curious and violent Fey.
Cait Sidhe: Their inherent appearance, which resembles a slightly large cat, helped them blend into the humanoid society, especially human society. Many cait sidhes benefit from their "owners", who pet them without even realizing that their "pet" is actually much, much older than themselves.
Cinder Hag: Cinder hags can be found wherever temperatures are high, such as sun-baked deserts, steaming jungles and scorched plains. Cinder hags have coal-black skin and piercing red eyes, while their hair is a mixture of red and orange and occasionally moves on its own, such that it resembles a burning fire. A cinder hag often rubs her skin with ash and charcoal, though they prefer bone ash from intelligent creatures, humanoids in particular.
Howler: A predator with a mind-shattering howl.
Hell Hound: A ferocious pack hunter that attacks on sight.
Nightmare: They are intelligent and can speak several languages. Occasionally they will serve neutral-aligned creatures for evil purposes but will never willingly serve a good-aligned creature unless they plan to betray the creature later.
Mandragoran: Mandragorans are demons with power over nature. They are known to some as root demons because their bodies are covered in roots and vines, with their arms being made entirely of thick vines. They are primarily carnivorous, skewering small animals and indoctrinated followers on their sharpened, stick-like teeth.
Prowling Demon: Prowling demons are created from demons that have failed demon lords as servants for their mortal followers that perform truly evil deeds. They look something like eels with two long tentacles covered in eyes, and they slither on the ground like snakes.
Scamp: A scamp is a weak daedra that lives in Mehrunes Dagon's Deadlands. They appear to be half mouse, half elf with a scaly torso, curved ears, and fanged teeth.
Giant Monsters
Ajul: Ajul are blue- or red-skinned giantkin that tend to live in small groups in caves or underground. They rarely provoke others, and in turn rarely attack unless provoked, though true giants sometimes use them as guards or soldiers, for they slavishly follow any order from their superiors.
Cave Troll: The troll is a creature that is formidable in its own right. However, deep within the precipices of the Underdark, lives a diverged relative to them. Dumber, larger, and stronger, cave trolls are ferocious creatures that fight tooth and claw for a decent meal.
Forest Ogre: Arvelith ogres, or forest giants, have the obvious inclusions of hukolgur sloths in their genetic makeup, though they still retain the titanosaur base, so they are surprisingly lightweight and nimble despite their size and enormous torsos.
Helgot: The helgot are a race of towering beasts born of humans who worshiped the forbidden giant deity Aakronus. All helgot are born with metallic dark grey skin and 4 piercing yellow eyes. Helgot are nomadic raiders, moving in giant caravan cities, sending out lone members to hunt and rob any passing travelers or merchants.
Pearl Titan: Pearl titans are the self-proclaimed rulers of the high seas. They're known to create massive storms at sea, to exert their power over the land that surrounds their estate. These underwater fiefs span miles outward from the titan's home and encompass the territories of many creatures, such as merfolk or sahuagin.
Humanoid Monsters
Acid Lizalfos: Also known as "black lizalfos," this variety of chameleon lizalfos has adapted to particularly humid climates, and its physiology has been altered.
Bakemono: Bakemono are believed to have been the first spawn of the formorians from where goblins, orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears, ogres, trolls and various formorian humanoids come from. They are also known as boggarts, boggins, and slaugh.
Caligati: Caligati are nasty little buggers with greed so strong and respect for life so small that any one of them would stab their own brother for a copper piece. They are fast, though, and they pick up new skills very easily.
Charred: Near death creatures born from those killed in the Great Fires that swept across the realm. Their flesh turned to char, the only thing keeping them alive is the fire within them, forever burning and sizzling away. Desperately seeking to reclaim their original visage, they take beasts, humanoids and whatever they can find, skin them and affix that skin onto themselves, this is however a temporary satiation as the skin eventually bubbles and blisters away, and they return to their bitter aggressive selves once more.
Drop Bear: Resembling a small, simian, humanoid creature, a drop bear is an aggressive herbivore with the fangs of a baboon, the claws of a sloth, and the general moral outlook on life of a Hutu soldier during the Rwandan genocide.
Ooze Monsters
Baby Slime: A simple, gelatinous creature that swallows anything and everything whole. It takes a long time to digest anything. Baby slimes gestate inside the bodies of mother slimes for extended periods of times; they grow continuously and will eventually grow large enough cause their parent to burst and let them escape. If the mother is killed before this happens, the baby slimes will swarm the attacker.
Claymate: Made from the sentience of dead slimes in a lush forest, Claymates are reincarnated slimes slain during battle. They consume large amounts of dirt to gather up the thick clay from the inside of the earth until they become entirely clay with a runny yet thick consistency, because Claymates are weak in damage, so instead of consuming travelers they work together with larger slimes.
Gel: More akin to pests than monsters, gels are palm-sized blobs of sticky slime that "attack" by latching onto their prey like slugs and squirming wildly. Their squirming and stickiness hamper the prey's ability to move and resist, which make them easier targets for nearby zols or other monsters.
Rancid One: When an oozing one dies, its body liquefies, such that its remains become a mass of slime with a vaguely humanoid shape. Dark rituals can imbue these remains with some of the hunger of the Faceless Lord, granting them a new life.
Shifting Jelly: Vicious oozes that seem to constantly change colours, shifting jellies are feared for their unnatural cunning and their ability to polymorph into humanoid forms or hideous ooze-humanoid hybrids with sharp claws.
Plant Monsters
Arrowplant: Arrowplants, so named for their incredibly sturdy branches that are perfect for creating arrows from, are small shrubs that contain powerful toxins. Some creatures cultivate them to use them as guards for lairs in heavily forested areas, though the toxins rarely do much to deter especially powerful creatures.
Cactaron: What treants are to forests, cactarons are to deserts. Dwelling in ever-changing dunes and amid ancient rock formations, cactarons prefer to hide among inanimate cacti, spending days, months, and years completely still in silent contemplation.
Crawling Creeper: A crawling creeper is a poisonous plant that thrives in dank, dark places. They hunt anything they can bludgeon to death with their vines covered in poisonous spores, then tear it to pieces with their spiny mouths. Whatever they can't digest, they release from their bodies, so the hunting area of a crawling creeper is often littered with coins and other metal objects.
Fire Vine: Fire vines are crimson vines with bright red leaves that grow around trees in large clusters. The vine slowly strangles its host tree as well as plants nearby, and so needs to survive on animals. Sometimes fire vines will take over entire forests, killing everything in them.
Grey Fungus: The grey fungus is a slimy fungus that overgrows all kinds of surfaces. Creatures that are exposed to the fungus risk being infected by its spores and starts mutating slowly. Beings that die this way will rise as an anthropomorphic fungus with the desire of further spreading the grey fungus.
Undead Monsters
Zombie Child: Children are not exempt from the machinations of necromancers. Undead children constantly cry out in high-pitched strangled moans or baby-like screams.
Patchworkman: The patchworkmen, sometimes also called pseudo flesh golems, are the monstrous creations of necromancers stitched together from multiple humanoid corpses and then reanimated like a zombie instead of making use of the more complex magics and materials required to create a true golem.
Floating Skull: Floating skulls are exactly so, skulls that float. They are occasionally posted as decoys by demiliches, or disguised with illusions so that they resemble flameskulls. A necromancer that has resorted to using floating skulls against his enemies is either biding for time or has run out of more potent undead soldiers.
Bloodbound: Bloodbound are creatures created by vampires as servants. Bloodbound are translucent bloody red with purple and black streaks, though this is not because they drink blood. Rather, it is because a bloodbound is created using the blood of a willing minion who was a priest at one point in their life.
Alghoul: Alghouls, while can be found alone, many more can be found within packs of normal ghouls, leading them and using them to their advantage.
Monstrosity Monsters
Amamir: Anamir are rather small creatures that like to swarm in small groups. They are very sociable unless they have been starving for a day or two.
Bacar: Bacar are a unique breed of Maztican giant ants created from the pluma and hishna magic of Greyst Seven Cloud to forever protect his dying city of Ixtzul, or rather the magical bindings of the star worm H'Calos that lay below its main plaza.
Bleeding Gasper: The bleeding gasper perfectly resembles a large, plump leech at rest; however, when a creature draws near, sucker-lined flatworms spring out and attack. Sometimes known as a "Bleeder" for its tendency to spray pungent, bitter, sticky blood from its suckers and minute pores in its skin when threatened, this creature is a true ambush predator; it anchors itself in an underwater location and will spend days or weeks motionless as it waits for suitable prey to wander close enough.
Chignoble: These creatures are the result of the unnatural fusion between a human and a parasitic mite. Though small, the chignoble's corrosive chemical secretions and ravenous appetite make it remarkably dangerous, especially since they are often found in groups numbering in the dozens.
Eyepicker: The eyepicker is an incredibly tiny but remarkably dangerous creature skilled in the dissection of living and unliving bodies. Originally created to assist with surgical procedures, this mouse-sized, panicky monster is sensitive to the subtlest vibrations, easily mapping the internal layout of a living body with a few taps of its many-jointed digits and flexible trunk.
Gryph-hound: A gryph-hound is a hybrid of eagle and dog with the ability to understand speech in the Common tongue and in Elvish. Some humanoids train them as war beasts, and some Small races have been known to ride them into battle.
Locations: there are sixteen continents, countless islands, a multitude of dungeons and ruins, villages, cities, towns, and an abundance of mysterious places.
Sapparizan: Sapparizan is a beautiful tropical island, north of Renar. The Sti River separates Renar from Sapparizan. Home to many different races of creatures (Lizardfolk, Jungle Gnomes, Hobgoblins, and more).
Americana: A continent that appeared over two hundred years ago now the home of 13 kingdoms, fifty large cities and countless small villages also the home of a multitude of different races.
Valgora: A land of ancient peace, war is a distant memory for most but a vastly approaching reality for all as long-rooted political corruption and deception become apparent. Valgorian adventurers are often curious as to what tomorrow's uncertainty will bring, and generally a pleasant bunch.
Errelm: A continent on the cusp of a new age, where revolution in cities is brewing; not a rise of a new nation, but a new technology: the first steam powered machines.
Patronage: Patronage is where the "gods", such as they are, walk the earth amongst their subjects. These are not gods in the conventional sense. Rather, they are immensely powerful immortal creatures, with great knowledge and ruthless ambition. The lesser races cower in their presence, either hoping for their Patrons' benevolence, or dreading their Patrons' malevolence.
Mysterious Places
The Shadowed Forest: the shadowed forest is a demi plane that has formed at the borders between Crestfall, Shadowfell, and the bonegrave yard, which holds characteristics of all of them. it largely resembles a dim, colorless forest, where foliage can range from sparse, dead willow trees to dense forests with ivy creeping up the bark of gigantic trees that touch the sky. the forests are best known for how easy it is to get lost, with trees shifting and spreading, natural landscapes merging and splitting apart, making it even harder to map out than the shadowfell. another thing that this demiplane is known for is its unique flora and fauna. since it borders four different areas of the planar regions, various plants and animals from these planes spread here, creating new species that can be only found there. for example, shadow weed is a fast-growing plant that, contrary to the plants name, is one of the brightest and vibrant of plants you can find there. however, once it is picked, it slowly reverts to its actual form, a gnarled grey root.
Eternal Realm: This realm is the Border between the Etheral and Astral plane. It also overlaps the Inner planes, as well, and could functions for both of those two planes if your campaign setting doesn't have the Astral and Etheral Planes. The area that overlaps the Inner planes, its terrain is made of a different gem for each plane. Topaz for the Material Plane, Onyx for Shadowfell, Rose Quartz for Feywild, Ruby for Fire, Pearl for Water, Emerald for Earth, and Sapphire for Air.