This is my third life and still no magical world just earth fro the third time I wish I was like those fanfic protagonist getting to go to cool new worlds or worlds that they know about but me it's my third life and I'm still slaving away in this nine to five office job. But hay my first life I was decently well off all things considered I had a good family a good job and new some great people but it wasn't ever enough I always envied the people around me who had it better I wanted to be like them be better than them.
I died in a plane crash. In my second life I was even more envious of those who had it better than me I was mad that I was not in a better position than my first life but this time I thought I had it better because I knew what to invest in and I was doing pretty well until the stock market crashed I lost everything I went into debt and was eventually killed by the people I was barely paying off my debt to I broke I didn't even have money to look at a place of bread with out getting kicked out of the store for looking like I was going to steal it.
Now for my third life I'm a video game programer in Japan so you could get a pretty good look at my life right now from that this was a serious change of pace to because I was American in my first two lives. I'm currently on my way home from a twenty six hour shift did I say nine to five I ment nine to when ever you finish your work. Crossing the street I was at I see a little red hair girl falling and so like the polite half dead man I am I help the girl up just to hear the sound of truck-kun coming right at us so like a man who has nothing to lose I push the girl out of the way just in time for me to become a close to dead man. Well I guess this is it all that time I spent envying people was for nothing damn that truck did a number on me
(Conditions met acquisition of unique skill envy has been obtained physicall attack resistance obtained)
What is that voice never mind. But if I was to combine all three of my lives that makes me fifty years old I'm a sage sucker but that is fifty years of being single never did have luck with the ladies.
(Conditions met acquisition of extra skill sage has been granted . Conditions met acquisition of extra skill charm has ben granted )
This voice man oh shit death is hot never experienced this before my death is usually faster.
(Conditions met extra skill heat resistance granted)
To think that one of the things to get humanity to were it is to day was fire. It give light keeps us warm in winter cooks are food. Why am I thinking of fire well perhaps we're I'm going there will be a lot I don't doubt I'm going to hell for how I lived. Then there is my three lives did they brack some divine rule or something. But it is I trusting to think if are ancestors did not find fire learn to control it and make it we would not be here to day. It's the fact one of the most dangerous things in our world is what got us so far.
( acquisition of divine law unsuccessfully acquisition of unique skill fire has been granted. Location accepted changing hosts race from cambion to demon acquiring intrinsic skills magic resistance, material creation, possession and affinity to all magic demon core has ben created )
I can hear the girl saying something but I can't hear her my last thought before death was how cold it was.
( acquisition of cold resistance heat and cold resistance merged into abnormal temperature resistance converting space time manipulation in hosts blood to intrinsic skill space time manipulation)
When I wake up I'm on something ruff and cold feeling around I realize I'm on a rock. So hold up I'm on a rock by the looks of things I'm outside somewhere and it's dark so I'm going to guess I'm dead to bad I can't see a damn thing.
( acquisition of extra skill night vision successfully)
Well I can see at least still wonder what that voice was hold on what the fuck is that. Oh shit it's looking at me did I say that out loud what is that in it's hands is that a ball of fire. That's a ball of fire.
I jumped up just in time to doge.
(common skill danger sense acquired)
Did he just use magic for some reason I feel I can do the same so I imagine a fire ball forming in my head and a ball of blue and black fire begins to form I Aimed it at the thig and threw it as hard as I could I heard the what looked to be a demon cry out in pain or fear and then just disappeared.
(An unknown amount of time later)
I don't know how long I've been here but I find some answers to some of my questions first that voice I hear when I gain new skills is called the voice of the world and second I'm a demon I found this out due to on of my extra skills sage when I analyzed my self using sage and the commen skill magicule sense which let's me sense well surprisingly a lot more than just magicules and than takes that information and gives me a detailed visual of my surroundings. I have it up constantly to inform me of danger till I can find a place to rest and by the looks of things there is a cave up ahead so I drop my magicule sense and go in side.
I also found out that I have envy as one of my unique skills which let's just say if unique skills are common than yikes I'm cooked but envy gives me a couple of busted abilities like copying skills and arts,stealing energy or skills and inversion and reflection. Arts as I've come to find magic is an art and I'm going to guess martial arts are arts as we just because it's in the name
Than there's hell fire my blue and black flame that's apparently apart of my unique skill fire it gives me control over all fire to an extent and let's me become fire for a time as long as I have magicules so I've been training it along side envy and my intrinsic skill's except for possession because I need a material body for that and everything down here is spiritual in nature so can't possess anything
Squelch squelch squelch
Did I just get turned into Julius Caerar leave it to the time I'm not using my magicule sense or my space time ability to be dollar store gojo and regulus mix. I quickly activate magicule sense and my space time ability as defense then I us sage to see if they have any unique skills and fuck yes they don't but they do have more magicules than me so are you ready envy for some reason I could almost feel envy was saying it was but I need to focus so while there taunting me I was discreetly stealing there magicules to recharge my own.
Envy for the win it wasn't till I was nearly done refilling my reserves one of them noticed and alerted the other two and they were on me in seconds with all sorts of magic I took the liberty of copying they also had weapons I wasn't to worried because of discount infinity until I somehow lost control of my magic I was casting and my discount infinity to stop working causing the spell I was casting to blow up in my face the demans didn't miss this opportunity to try to kill me.
We kill you.
What? Then as if in slow motion I watch as a fire ball hits me in the chest. Know I refuse to die here I will make it to the top of this place I will get so strong that no matter how many enemies come l will always win. With my resolve reaffirmed I activate my unique skill fire and envy at the same time and begin to focus it into an arrow kind of like sukunas arrow and when I felt I was going to die I began to take the magicules of the demons around me and feed them to my fire arrow and released it right before losing consciousness I heard the voice of the world
(Conditions met evolution into greater demon has begun)