Saturday, Time _1200 hrs midnight
Something happened on that day, it happened so fast that no one understood what happened, even the top scientist couldn't explain this strange phenomenon, a red beam , faster than light ,passed through planet earth , colouring the dark sky with a hue of red light ,since that day ,things changed . People woke up with a ring attached on their left pinky, and the ring appears for those who turned 18 and upwards , then those rings will form a thread leading you to another ,that people believe that it must be their destined soulmates. Scientist tried to investigate more but they could only get limited information about it ,people began to make their own speculation, 'the God of love blessed them ', 'cupid must be tired of throwing arrows' , 'I guess some broken soul must have fasted to find true love and it blessed the entire planet' . Regardless of what everyone called or thought about it, the Internet called it 'the thread of faith' , and till this day , the date is celebrated and made it into events , and now it is taught in school, people get connected and get married using the thread of faith . This is a story of how the threat of faith turned soulmates into happy endings , sad ending and some into complicated endings