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The intercom beeped pleasantly and the iron gate opened automatically. August returned to the hire car and drove into the courtyard of the mansion.
Next to the entrance was a concreted area, on which a number of parked cars were already parked. August drove into this lot and parked his car next to the others.
While he was dealing with the car park, an elderly woman dressed in a typical maid's outfit approached him from the side of the house.
- Welcome to the Osborne family estate. Follow me sir, I will guide you to the mansion through the courtyard.
August smiled at the woman and followed her. On the way, he talked to her a bit and learnt that she was the head maid in the Ozborn family's estate. The concreted area where the mercenary had put his car was the guest parking area. It is used by the guests who come to the mansion, and it is also used by Norma Osborne herself as a second parking space. Not all of her cars fit in the garage, so she started to use the guest parking area partially as a spare garage.
So carrying on a casual conversation with the maid, they reached the large multi-storey mansion in a dozen minutes. The maid was the first to reach the door and opened it, gesturing for August to enter.
The man went inside and the young black-haired mistress of the mansion came out to meet him. At first glance August noticed the differences from the girl's previous appearance. This time Hera's face was painted and she was wearing a tight black dress that emphasised her still forming curves.
Augustus cast a fleeting appraising glance at the girl, but didn't even raise an eyebrow, keeping his composure. Compared to the searing figure of Stark, to whom the mercenary had already developed an immunity, Hera had room to grow. She was eighteen now, and her body was still forming, taking shape. If she were five years older, then the mercenary's gaze might have lingered on her longer.
- Hi, you've finally arrived! - Hera approached August with quick steps and hugged him tightly, pressing herself against the man's body. The mercenary felt the girl's breasts pressed against him, slowly riding up and down.
- It's good to see you too, Hera," Augustus patted the girl on the back. In this world it was normal for an unmarried girl to hug a guy as a greeting. Of course, such a gesture was quite intimate and one did not give such signs of attention when greeting someone else. Stark also tried to play these games with him, but August quickly recognised Anita's perverted nature, and every time she approached him, he simply dodged.
- Let's go to the kitchen to greet my mother, - Hera reluctantly pulled away from the man and trying to behave naturally, took August by the hand.
The mercenary saw how Hera was gathering courage before her action and how she was panicking inside herself now, leading him by the hand into the kitchen. He didn't say anything to her, he didn't want to spoil his relationship with Norma's daughter over such a trifle.
The kitchen in the mansion was combined with the dining room. Entering it, August noticed a single figure standing by the electric cooker. Norma was dressed in simple household clothes, over which was worn a snow-white apron. This picture surprised the man.
On the way from the guest car park to the mansion, reluctantly, Augustus' gaze stumbled over the various servants of the estate, guards, maids, gardeners. There were a lot of people working on the Osborne estate and Norma was sure to have cooks, so why was she standing behind the cooker and preparing the holiday dinner herself?
- 'My mum always cooks her own food,' Hera noticed the mercenary's slightly surprised expression. - 'She loves doing it. Does it look strange?
- No, Norma just surprised me. I didn't realise she was such a great housewife.
- Hmm," a mature female voice grinned, and Norma, standing behind the cooker, turned round. - Thanks for the praise. I really like cooking, it's my little hobby," the woman looked at the touchscreen clock on the fridge. - Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.
- While we have time, let's go to my room," Hera pulled August with her.
Norma, standing at the cooker, grinned at her daughter's inexperienced efforts to seduce August. She had a maternal smile on her face, but there was a wistfulness in her eyes.
Going up to the first floor, the girl led August to her room.
Hera Osborn's private room was decorated in neutral colours. In the very middle stood a huge double bed. To the left were panoramic windows overlooking a pond in the garden, and next to it was a desk. On the right side of the bed was a wide, almost full-wall glass cabinet filled with various diplomas and medals.
It was to this glass cabinet that Hera led Augustus. Stopping at the very beginning, she began to slowly list her awards. School, sports, pageants. Hera was quite a versatile person and in every direction she had some achievement.
- Look, and this is what I got at the business forum for young entrepreneurs for the best project and its defence, - Hera kept bragging.
Having asked around her friends who had boyfriends and having searched a bit on the Internet, the girl understood how to easily attract the attention of the male sex. You just had to get a man interested in something.
The obvious interest in Hera for many guys at school was money. After all, she was the daughter of a well-to-do family, and many guys tried to hit on her because of that. But her mother had easily taught Hera how to spot such guys, and she avoided them.
August was rude to her the first time they met, and that was what caught her attention. Of course the man's beauty also played a key role in the girl's interest. It all came together.
After consulting with her mother about August, Hera realised that money was not much of an attraction. If he was that kind of man, he would have been in Anita Stark's bunk long ago and would have tried to get Hera's or Norma's attention himself at their first meeting.
So she had decided to come at it from an unexpected angle and show off her academic and athletic achievements. She had an impressive collection and Hera was pretty sure that such a large number of accomplishments in eighteen years should have at least attracted August's interest.
- Hera has been falling behind in her schoolwork lately," Norma appeared, interrupting her daughter half-heartedly.
Augustus and Hera turned round at the voice. Leaning back against the doorjamb and with her hands folded across her chest, Norma stood smiling slightly. Apparently more than twenty minutes had passed. The woman had already changed her clothes, taking off her apron and house clothes and replacing them with a gorgeous scarlet evening gown.
- I've long ago learnt the whole school curriculum, and I'm just not interested in sitting in classes, and teachers lower my grades because of it," Hera crossed her arms in a protective pose, her face reddening with embarrassment.
- You just need to start talking less to Gwen and concentrate more on studying like Petra," Norma replied.
Hera's eyebrows furrowed. Her mother was always telling her about studying. Normally the girl wouldn't pay attention to it, but now there was a guy standing next to her who she was trying to like. Her mother's usual words about studying were now tantamount to a verbal assault for the girl.
- When I was the same age as Hera and went to school, my grades were just terrible. So many different awards at such a young age can be considered a real achievement," August patted the girl's bare shoulder. His actions made the anger on Hera's face instantly disappear.
Augustus decided to intervene because he had an assignment for tonight at Osborne Manor. He needed to stay here for the evening. A dinner disrupted by a mother-daughter disagreement would hardly do the trick.
- Come on, let's go to the table, dinner's ready," Norma said, peeling herself off the doorjamb.
On the ground floor in the dining-room a small table for three people was already set. Norma sat down first, August sat opposite her, and Hera sat in the middle, pulling her chair closer to August.
The company began to eat dinner. Norma pulled out a bottle of strong wine from somewhere and offered it to Augustus. The mercenary did not refuse the offer.
- August, please try my drink and tell me how it tastes to you, - Hera slipped her glass under the mercenary's hand. Throughout the dinner, the girl tried to look after August. Norma, sitting a little away from them, watched her daughter's actions and could hardly contain her laughter. The mercenary was also holding on with the last of his strength not to smile.
Without a backward glance, August took the offered glass of juice and thought about it. The last reward from the system had given him an ability related to creating poisons. He had originally thought that the ability would be a normal skill and provide him with advanced knowledge of poison creation, but it turned out to be much more complicated than that. Aside from the obvious knowledge of poisons, August's body had gained the ability to produce the deadliest snake poisons within it.
Roughly speaking, the mercenary could infuse his saliva with poison right now and discreetly add it to Hera's glass. The girl would not even realise that she had already been poisoned by the deadly venom.
The usefulness of this ability can be debated for a long time, but in August's opinion, this ability was very useful. With it he could improve his lethality in close combat, from the banal smearing of weapons with poisons, to perverted spitting in the face of the enemy. Well, why? His saliva could become poisonous at any moment, so why not use it in battle?
Dinner was coming to an end, and August began to think about how he could persuade Norma and get permission to spend the night. In fact, he already had a plan, which he began to execute as soon as he saw the bottle of strong wine on the table. He decided to artificially delay dinner by talking to Norma and Hera. He had to improvise and use all his eloquence. Mostly August told about his life in Afghanistan. How he had to live in the steppes of a country consumed by war.
The conversation was so long that he and Norma drank three litre bottles of strong wine. August realised from the floating gaze of the lady of the manor that it was time to put the second part of the plan into action.
Just as he was about to open his mouth, Norma interrupted him:
- August, would you like to stay at our estate for the night? There are plenty of free guest rooms on the first floor.
(Hera, I'm duplicating the picture, because it happens that pictures get forgotten.)
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