Chereads / Super soldier system in Marvel / Chapter 3 - My call sign is Ratnik

Chapter 3 - My call sign is Ratnik

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August travelled a long way and reached the mercenary base. He was not greeted with much friendliness, probably because he looked like an average bum, only armed with a AK. He probably stank badly too, the man couldn't remember the last time he had bathed.

When he got into the queue for registration of homeless people like him. August noticed how the homeless in front and behind him shunned him. So he definitely stank like a corpse, but there was nothing the man could do about it. Good thing he couldn't smell it himself. From the bums' wry faces, the man realised that the smell coming from him was terrifying.

After half an hour the turn came to him and he was able to register as a mercenary, he didn't think about the call sign and chose "Ratnik". It sounded good and that was enough.

The girl at the reception desk looked at August strangely. The man was a little confused by her frequent glances and thought that perhaps his face mask had fallen off and the woman saw his ugly face. Probing the mask, Augustus made sure everything was fine, then what was the problem?

- Say "Ratnik", are you a man? - The girl at the front desk asked.

- Yes.

- You can show your face then, your words don't sound very convincing," the blonde American woman smiled sweetly.

- You can give me a million dollars and I will show my face right after that, - August tried to make the same sweet voice. The girl's face soured and she held out the documents for signature, the man signed and left, making room for the next person.

As soon as August signed the documents, he was showered with dozens of system alerts. He was even deafened for a moment by the beeping of alerts in his head. Stepping away from the counter, the man stood near the wall and "drifted off", looking at what had happened.

[Shawshank Escape Mission Accomplished!

As a reward, you receive: Level 4 edged weapon proficiency, level 3 firearms proficiency, level 3 hand-to-hand combat, polyglot.]

Four abilities at once! August smiled widely as he felt the knowledge of hand-to-hand combat techniques, swordsmanship with all types of edged weapons, proper use of all types of firearms, and as the icing on the cake, knowledge of over ten different languages began to appear in his head. Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Arabic, French, German... This amount of knowledge made August's head ache, but this pain was nothing to him. The man was completely absorbed in acquiring new knowledge.

So "immersed in himself" he stood for more than an hour. No one tried to approach him, his homeless appearance and the stench emanating from him served as a perfect defence against all the curious.

Immediately after he returned to the real world, August brought up a characterisation window.

[Name: Augustus


Strength - 0.58 (0.7)

Dexterity - 0.87 (1.1)

Stamina - 0.37 (0.8)

Perception - 7 (11)

Magic Power - 1

Available Characters:



Regenerative Healing Factor Level 1

Superhuman Reflexes Level 1

Cold Weapon Proficiency Level 4

Firearms Proficiency Level 3

Hand-to-Hand Combat Level 3


Cash: 0]

Thanks to regeneration, August was able to recover some of his characteristics. The extra points in the perception characteristic came from the "superhuman reflexes" skill. This skill at the first level gave ten points to the Perception characteristic.

The perception characteristic was responsible, strangely enough, for perception. The speed of information processing in the head, the clarity of vision, the clarity of hearing, and all that sort of thing. If you could swing this characteristic too much, you could go into a slow-motion mode for a while. This is when the information in your head starts to process so fast that the world slows down in your eyes.

Even now August could enter this mode for a few seconds, the world slowed down by about three or four times when activated. With this slowdown you could follow the trajectory of a bullet.

About the cash at the very end of the features list. This is the system's money. These coins can be obtained both for completing quests and for exchanging various Earth resources. The most traded commodity for exchanging system coins was this world's money. Why it was money, August did not understand. In fact, there should be nothing valuable in these printed pieces of paper for the system, but it highly valued the American dollar, euros, pounds, rubles and the like. Of course each currency had its own rate of exchange, the dollar was worth the most, it had the most favourable exchange rate of one to two. One coin of the system was worth two American dollars.

If there is a currency of the system, then there is a place where this currency can be spent? Yes, there was, but August couldn't think of a nastier place. The only way to spend the system's coins is to play random roulette, where the chance of getting anything is almost zero. The cheapest roulette costs one million coins, it has an extremely low chance of dropping a character like Defstroke, and the list of possible characters does not shine with something legendary.

No Hulk and Wolverine, no Thanos and the gauntlet. The list of cheap roulette is made up of some unknown characters, only a few of them have superhero titles. The character named "Soldier A" killed August the most, right below him was a character named "Soldier B". Of course, one would think that they were the ones with such superhero titles, but August didn't seem like a sucker who could just be scammed out of money. He felt that 'soldier A' and 'soldier B' and 'soldier C' and further down the alphabet were just ordinary soldiers.

Finished with looking at his stats and wailing on the Chinese gacha stuff. Augustus came to life and peeled himself off the wall. After registering, he was given access to the order board. There hung portraits of Afghan terrorists for whom the U.S. Army was willing to pay generously. The flyers showed the faces and names of the insurgents, each with a prescribed reward at the bottom.

For a living terrorist the full amount of the reward was paid, for a dead one half. None of the hunters ever brought a live terrorist with them. The terrorists were always in groups, and to capture the right target you would have to shoot a couple of dozen more. After such shootings the target rarely survived, and if he did, it was a challenge to bring him to the American mercenary base. After all, you have to follow a live person for about a week, or even two. In general, to bring live targets of orders was not accepted, but no one was going to drag a dead corpse. Afghan mercenaries used to bring severed heads to the base as proof of contract fulfilment.

A bit barbaric method, but in August's opinion the most adequate. After all, no one will take your word for it, and proof of fulfilment of the task to get money must be obligatory.

After studying the entire list of orders, the man chose the most expensive ones. After receiving defstroke combat skills, August was sure that in a firefight he could cope with a dozen armed men, and in close combat with two or three. His physical stats were too low.

Taking the three-man flyers, the man headed for the terminal and punched them through it. With the terminals set up, the mercenaries could find out information about the purpose of the order. The information included the approximate location of the target and the possible number of opponents, as well as their armament.

All three selected targets were serious women in their forties. The numbers of their groups exceeded a hundred people and their armament was up to BMPs, one of them even had a helicopter. So far they were beyond August's grasp, and he had no practical combat experience. So he remembered these orders for the future and decided to choose something simpler for himself.

Something simpler turned out to be the head of a gang, intimidating the nearest settlements and collecting tribute from them. Under her was a gang of thirty or forty men. The most dangerous weapon was an ordinary American machine gun attached to a pickup truck. In general, August thought he could cope with such an order.

Checking the terminal for the name of the gang, the man found two more small orders for other gang members. That is three targets in all, a good start for a rookie mercenary.

Stashing the three flyers in his rucksack, August set off. Thus began the story of the legendary Afghan male mercenary with the call sign Ratnik.


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