When you see a girl and you feel the desire to approach her, I'm sure you ask yourself "will she be attracted to me? Can I make her feel attracted to me or is it something natural, chemical?".
Both options are correct.
What I mean by this? Yes, the attraction in most cases is natural and immediate. Sometimes it doesn't take more than a few seconds to realize if you are attracted to someone else, and vice versa.
You might be wondering: "is the attraction just physical?"
Not always, my friend.
Some men believe that by having good bodies all women will be physically attracted to them, but let me tell you, that's just the cover of the book. The real attraction is the one that goes beyond the cover, making a girl lose herself in the chapters and not wanting to stop reading.
So, attraction is very important. Without it, you can't win the attention —and the heart, if that's what you also want— of the girl that you want.
How can I show her that I'm attracted to her?
Most women prefer to wait until men send a sign. It's not very probable that women show you how much they're attracted you if they don't see that the feeling is mutual. So, even if it's a bit old a medieval, guys need to take the first step.
By steps I mean signs. Here I give you some:Make eye contact with her, remove your shyness. Look her straight in the eyes.
Listen to her carefully, and if possible, smile at her but not too much. Just enough for her to know she has your attention.