A pale-faced boy with bright golden hair was sent tumbling into a dark, dirty alleyway.
"Come on, Apollo. Just tell me where you hid it", a dark-haired man said menacingly as the boy crashed into the trashcans.
"I told you, Mark, I don't have it and I didn't take it", a feeble voice echoed out of the trashcans.
The older man moved forward with vicious intent towards the boy trapped in the alleyway.
A short and powerful blue beam of water shot out from behind the man and the man was sent flying into the walls of the alleyway. His back covered in dirt and grime.
"Leave him alone Mark"
A feminine but confident voice sounded from the entrance of the alleyway. Seeing his chance, the golden-haired boy bolted past the older man who was slouched against the wall and clutching his stomach with one hand.
The boy stopped for a second by the man then hastily grabbed a trashcan next to him and poured its contents upon the man slouched on the wall.
Mark angrily looked up at the boy and sent a message through his pearl black eyes.
'I'll kill you'
Apollo seemed to not care about the violent look in Mark's eyes then sprinted towards the entrance of the alleyway and past the woman who had blasted Mark into the wall.
"And where do you think you're going young man"
Seemingly frozen in place by the voice, Apollo gingerly turned towards the woman.
A baby blue haired woman, wearing a leather tunic and black leather pants was standing with both arms crossed and a frustrated look hung on her face.
"Sorry, sister Aqua. I really didn't take anything. I promise".
Apollo said earnestly, his dark blue eyes wide open in pleading as he leaned forward in an attempt to sway the woman.
"What am I going to do with you…".
Aqua sighed and tiredly brought her hand to her forehead, resting upon it.
"Hopefully they made chicken stew tonight"
Apollo hopefully said as the pair made their way through the outskirts of the city towards their location.
"Wow, looking good today Aqua"
A few whistles rang out from dark corners of the street as a few chuckles followed the whistling. While they may have said something, none of them dared to get close or do anything, after all, she was quite famous for a short temper despite her peaceful demeanor.
While the city outskirts were not the safest and cleanest, they were far better than the hells of living in the perilous camps and dirty factories, where the danger was not the cruel people living it but the abominations that came from below.
As the pair neared the orphanage, a group of shining silver and blue knights was stationed outside of the orphanage, waiting for someone. There were 4 knights, each equipped with a short silver sword hanging by the side and a set of armor with a blue slithering snake engraved upon the front and sides.
'Hel's soldiers'
The unmistakable wavey and ferocious snake was a symbol of the great clan which ruled this land. A short-statured but regally dressed man stepped passed the knights and pompously unfurled a scroll.
"By the grace of leader Dimitri, Hel's orphanage will be permitted to bring 3 orphans to the festival of Terastal".
The pompous man arrogantly glanced up from the scroll and then put the scroll back away into his leather bag.
Without waiting for a response, the group then turned and left towards the castle in the distance north.
Frowning, Aqua watched as the group of knights left and then pulled a small key from a small leather pouch hanging on her waist.
In front of the pair, a decrepit stone house stood with rubble serving as fences and weed growing all over the front garden. Through the windows which were surprisingly clean and well-kept, a warm light shone through, and the sound of childish laughter rang out from the house.
"Seems like dinner has already been served"
With a slight smile dancing on her lips, Aqua turned the key in the gate and both walked towards the orphanage.
"Welcome home!"Â
A warm smile greeted the both of them as they entered the decrepit house. While the outside may have looked barren and abandoned, the jovial atmosphere and warm lighting inside proved anything but. An old but large wooden table sat in the center of the room, taking up most of it's already small space.
However, what interested Apollo the most was the food that was sitting on the middle of the table, electing a delectable aroma. His hopes had not gone unheard, in the big pot was a beef stew simmering with all sorts of vegetables inside.
Normally, this kind of meal would happen once a month but today was a special day for the orphanage. It was sister Aqua's birthday.