"In the vast expanse of time,where moments blend and eras unfold,the fabric of existence is woven with the threads of past, present and future. As the cosmos dance to the rhythm of eternity,the chronicles of human experience were etched upon the parchment of history.So that you and I can be informed on how, and why everything came to be in the ethereal kingdom of Aethoria.
Aethoria, the peaceful home of the four forces of nature. With a land that differs from domain to domain. The green vegetation, to old-fashioned but beautiful hut built on water and lilies all over, to colourful treehouses with glowing roots, to a busy technological and scientifically advanced community with skyscrapers, was the home of the elemental force, time force, energy force and light force respectively.
The energy force had the power to give or take life. The core of the energy force sustained the life of all the four forces. They had two lives and could sustain one incident that could have led to death. Or they can give one life to another person when they die. They built houses in the trees and some of them had never even stepped on land because the first energy forcers had sworn to stay there to protect the core of life. And they didn't have any reason to since they had everything they needed. But they were the weakest force because they couldn't fight. The power they had to drain life was too slow except for the very powerful ones. They could be caught off guard anytime because they had to feel extreme pain or hatred to take someone's life. The only very powerful power they had was mind reading and control. But it didn't matter because the other forces wouldn't attack them since they couldn't threaten their lives because they were the only ones who could control the core of life.
The time forcers could travel through time or reverse time. They could see the future but that wasn't voluntarily possible. It only came on a particular time forcer when needed. They lived in huts built on water. There were white lilies blooming in the water all over. The huts were circular and was built with gray wood. The roofing was a hard waterproof smooth black wood that formed a pyramid pattern that covered the hut. They mostly ate seafood and seaweed since they practically lived on water. They had to go to other domains to trade their seafood for fruit and vegetables,meat,furniture,wood, wine and clothes. They didn't trade for gray wood because it was grown in water. The sea around them was calm. There was also an object called the time orb. It was hidden because it was too powerful and dangerous. With it one could change the past and disrupt the present and the future. It had never been used but it's power was greatly feared. The time forcers were skilled fighters and also had the power to teleport. They led a simple but serious life and was greatly respected.
The elemental forcers could control all four elements that is, fire,water,earth and wind. But some could only control one element and some two elements while others could control three. They were very powerful and no other force could face them except the light force. They could put on a fight but could never win against the light forcers. They lived their lives trying to build a civilised city like that of the light forcers. But they lacked resources and expertise.And even when the light forcers tried to help them, their land was so poor it couldn't even hold a two storey building. Places with thick soil were all filled with trees and it was a curse to cut a tree no matter the circumstance as it was said to be the prime source of the elements. They couldn't also build houses near the water source and the only place they could dwell on was on a land far from the water and with little or no trees. And so land was scarce especially since storeys couldn't be built as well. They also didn't have any thing like the core of life or the time orb like the other forcers. So one might ask why were they even the second most powerful force? Well the thing is they had the weakness of the energy and time force that is fire and ice respectively. The mention of fire alone could make an energy forcer surrender. And the touch of ice could make a time forcer freeze in time and gradually suck the life out of them. So they were greatly feared. And they led their lives with the purpose of becoming better than the light forcers.
The light forcers, the most powerful of all the forces. They brought peace and unity between all the forces. They made sure each of the forces were comfortable and they treated others with dignity and respect and kindness. They are said to have lived in a civilised community with huge skyscrapers and technologically advanced systems. But the power they held still remains a mystery.
Like they say, nothing good lasts forever. The wizard at the time went rogue. He was once called Albus meaning wisdom but when he turned his back on them they named him Xelthar meaning twisted magic. The wizards had the power of the fifth element that was lightning and they could also cast spells and curses. They were neutral and were not under any of the other forces. After a wizard die, his powers go to another person from another domain. But their personality differs from wizard to wizard. And this wizard Xelthar, was from the domain of the elements. He casted a huge curse on the domain of the light forcers. Suddenly their bright light turned eerie dark. And they started to attack the other forcers. The world was in chaos. And the wizard had drained his power so much that he was on the brink of death. The elemental forcers were 'forced' to bury them underground. And the light domain was lost forever.
After that, the other forcers fought on who would lead. The elemental forcers were sure they will rule because they were the second most powerful and they were the ones that saved them from the light forcers. But the other forcers disagreed because the wizard who caused all this was from the domain of elements. So the other two forcers agreed that each should stay in his own domain and rule. But the elemental forcers diagreed. They kept attacking the other forcers in hope that they will accept their rule. And eventually they got the energy forcers under them. But the time forcers kept fighting back. But just recently the elemental forcers had taken over their capital city and they were going from the city to city and village to village with hopes of taking over the time domain.
But one time forcer saw the future. She said she saw a woman who originated from the enemies' domain. But she chose the right path and brought balance to the domains. She had the power of all four forces and the fifth and sixth force. The fifth force is lightning but no one knew of a sixth force. And that she was the only hope of the light forcers. But it has been a millennium and no one of such power has ever been born. And hope for a better future seems to be lost."
"Okay so darling I'm done with the story. You can now go to bed."Sasha said to Ailey,her daughter.
"Alright but, can I ask a question before that?"Ailey asked with a pleading and curious tone.
"Okay, sure" Sasha replied.
"Okay so mom, why did the wizard just attack the light forcers if they had done nothing to him? Why didn't the time forcers turn back time and stop the wizard before he did what he did? And now that they can't change what happened since it's too big of an event and they could only had done that if it was right after the incident happened, why should we all just sit back and watch this happen. If we don't change something now, it might go on forever. Why don't we take a step forward by at least trying to find the angel of a woman who will bring balance back and fix everything so we can live in a better world." Ailey said firmly.
"Honey not everything is within our grasp. How do we even know where to search and even if she exists in this time?" Sasha said.
"Mom you are the one who always reminds me that if we are together, we can do anything." Ailey retorted.
"Anything but this. How can you even think of this when we literally live in a world where you can't even get out of your own domain to another." Sasha said seriously.
"But mom…"Ailey tried retorting but her mom cut her off.
"Enough! Maybe it was a mistake to tell you this story in the first place. We only need to survive this world. The others to come might get lucky enough to have that woman in their world. And if not they'll learn how to cope with it."Sasha said a tad bit of anger in her voice.
"Maybe you're right. But there's no harm in trying. And no matter what, I'll make it my life aim to find her."Ailey said clearly not backing down.
"Whatever, good night sweetheart."Sasha said tucking Ailey in bed and kissing her forehead.
"Good night mom."
Sasha turned of the lights and closed the door behind her. She sighed out of exasperation and headed for her room.