Chapter 8 - The Night of War


"Keep the destruction of buildings and infrastructure to a minimum. There's a chance some civilians still haven't evacuated; if you find any, evacuate them," Principal Yaga instructed as he turned toward us.

With the vast expanse of the Shinjuku area, it was impossible to evacuate everyone quickly. There were bound to be civilians who hadn't evacuated yet.

"Are you listening, Satoru?" Yaga specifically addressed Gojo.

Gojo, capable of easily dispatching all the curses with his area-of-effect technique, was ordered to refrained from using his cursed technique as per the principal's instructions. The destruction of infrastructure would be inevitable if he did so, unless absolutely necessary.

"There are two people who look like trouble," Gojo remarked, disregarding Yaga's words as he fixed his gaze in a certain direction.

Shiki, noticing Gojo's attention, followed his gaze and spotted three individuals standing on a distant building.

Among them was a male foreigner, accompanied by two females. Shiki's interest was piqued by one of the women with glowing red eyes. Though she felt a sense of familiarity in the woman's gaze, she chose to ignore it and maintained her stare.


On the distance building.

"I see. That bandaged guy," the male foreigner broke the silence, his tone carrying a hint of intrigue.

"Yes. We'll take on the rest," said the light-haired female, addressing the foreigner with a nod. "I've said this many times, but..."

Before she could finish, the male foreigner cut in, his voice confident "I know. We're only stalling them, right? Let's just take it easy and have some fun until Geto finishes his job."

The other female, Asagami, her expression serious, interjected with a warning. "Also, be careful with the girl beside him, the one in the kimono. Geto-sama ordered me to investigate her background, but it seems she's the same type of person as that infamous Sorcerer killer."

"Really?" The male foreigner's curiosity was evident in his voice.

"Yeah, but..." Asagami hesitated, struggling to articulate her unease.

"I don't know how to say this, but...she's weird," she finally admitted, casting a wary glance in Shiki's direction.

"Weird how exactly?"

"She just gives off a strange vibe," Asagami replied, recalling the unsettling way Shiki had stared down at the corpse the other day. "Anyway, just make sure to watch your back around her."


Back on the ground.

Shiki is quietly stare down at them. but her was quickly disturb by someone calling for gojo

Shiki stood silently, her gaze fixed on the trio in the distance, but her concentration was interrupted by someone calling for Gojo.

"Gojo-san! I have a report!" the man, Ichijou Kiyotaka, approached Gojo with urgency evident in his voice.

"I know this isn't the best time, but I thought it wise to speak up sooner. It's about the investigation into Okkotsu-kun that you previously requested," Ichijou explained, his voice slightly muffled by the distance.

Shiki strained to hear the conversation, but the murmurs from the bustling crowd made it difficult to catch every word.

Shiki watched as Gojo's expression shifted, his focus now on the urgent report brought by Ichijou.

"Panda! Toge!" Gojo's voice rang out, cutting through the din of the crowd as he called for their attention.

"What is—Woah!" Panda and Toge were startled as Gojo swiftly pulled them along.

"No questions! I'm sending you two to Jujutsu High right now!" Gojo's voice was urgent, his actions leaving no room for hesitation.

Gojo swiftly bent down, tracing intricate symbols on top of the ground

"Geto is there now. I'm absolutely, probably, certain!" Gojo's words were a mix of certainty and uncertainty

"Which is it?!"

"If my intuition is right, in the worst case, Yuta and Maki could both die!"

"I'll head there right after I take care of that foreigner. Protect those two. Sorry, but defend them with your lives!" Gojo's directive was clear, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

"Right! Salmon!" Both Panda and Toge responded in unison,

"Should I come as well?" Shiki approached Gojo fom behind.

He turned his head towards her, hesitating for a moment before speaking. "Sur—" But before he could finish his sentence, he paused, reconsidering.

"Nevermind, you should stay here. Panda and Toge can take care of Yuta,"

Shiki shrugged, agreeing with Gojo's decision. "Alright."

As Gojo made a hand sign, Panda and Toge vanished into thin air, leaving Shiki momentarily stunned by the sudden display of teleportation.

She blinked in surprise, her eyes widening as she watched the empty space where her comrades had stood just moments before. Gojo's abilities extended far beyond what she had initially thought.

"Wow," she murmured to herself.

Shiki then turned her attention toward the incoming horde of cursed spirits, The air crackled with tension as the spirits drew closer, their malevolent presence palpable even from a distance.

Almost immedietly, the sea of curses flooded the streets, a myriad of flying insects, amphibious creatures, and various other cursed entities launched their attacks.

Shiki unsheathed her sword for the first time, a slight grin adorning her face as she dashed forward towards the onslaught of curses. Her normally black eyes shifted into a striking blue hue as she focused her perception, revealing a literal red hell landscape before her very eyes.

Following her lead, numerous other sorcerers also charged forward, engaging in fierce battles with the curses.

Shiki dashed into the sea of curses, her sword slashing through them with remarkable speed and precision. Each movement was executed with fluidity, her blade cutting through the curses like a water ripple.

As she slashed, stabbed, and decapitated countless curses, the surrounding sorcerers watched in awe, their mouths agape at the sheer skill and efficiency of her attacks. With each swing of her sword, a curse met its inevitable demise.

Amidst the chaos, Shiki's keen eyes caught sight of a monstrous creature lurking behind a nearby building. A giant snake-like creature emerged, its jaws crunching on something grotesque. Shiki's saw a dangling arm in the beast's mouth, realizing that it was feeding on the unfortunate victims caught in its way.

Shiki dashed forward toward the massive snake.

Sensing her presence, the snake turned its gaze toward the approaching threat, its serpentine eyes narrowing in turn. The snake quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and move to attack shiki.

The huge snake head lunged down, fortunately Shiki was able to evade it just in time, the impact of the snake's head hitting the ground and its size alone caused the ground to crack, a fissure appeared, it was as if a meteor had crashed there.

Undeterred, the snake pressed on with its assault, aiming to launch another bite at Shiki. However, to its surprise, she seemed to vanish into thin air.

Currently in one of the buildings, Shiki watched the snake search for her with confusion from one of the windows. Gripping her sword tightly, she leaped out of the window toward the snake.

As if sensing her presence, the snake quickly turned its head toward Shiki, its eyes wide open to the point that shiki could see her own reflection in them. But it was already too late—the "lines" in its head were wide open. With a simple swing, she split the snake's head into two.

As the snake's head is cut apart, the entire body began to fall to the ground. The impact from its body was felt, and a gust of wind could be felt by all the sorcerers present, before slowly turning into dust.

"Haaaaaa..." She exhaled deeply, looking at the dust, her heart is beating wildly and the excitement she feels right now is something she never felt before, she wanted more.

The fight is not yet over, and a lot of curses are still running rampant around the city,

She ran to the direction where a large amount of curses is located.


Gojo faced the stranger, his expression composed despite the tension in the air. Beside the foreigner stood the melancholic-looking girl, her presence somehow hauntingly familiar to him, reminiscent of Shiki.

"I've been waiting for this! I am your opponent, special class," declared the stranger.

"Sorry, but I'm in a hurry now," Gojo replied tersely.

As Gojo removed his blindfold, his striking blue eyes met the girl's gaze, drawing a momentary look of awe from her. With a fluid motion, Gojo dashed forward, initiating the confrontation.

For the first few minutes, they exchanged punches with remarkable speed and precision. Gojo couldn't help but notice the girl standing by, her demeanor strangely passive as she observed their battle.

"You're not bad, but you'll have to do better than that," Gojo declared, his voice calm and collected.

The foreigner then produced what looked like a woven rope and hurled it toward Gojo. Without evading, Gojo instinctively put his arm on guard, blocking the rope, but he was surprised by how it managed to hit him.

"That rope...It has an unusual curse woven into it. It's disrupting my techniques."

"How many decades do you think it took the sorcerers in my country to weave this one rope?!"

"Like I care."

The foreigner continued his relentless assault, swinging his rope like a whip. Despite the intensity of the battle, his gaze kept flickering toward the girl standing in the distance. Gojo, ever observant, didn't miss the subtle shifts in his focus.

While engaging in combat with the man, Gojo focused on evading his attacks while delivering precise counterattacks whenever possible. However, the cursed rope posed problem, disrupting Gojo's cursed techniques and forcing him to be more cautious in his movements. 

There were moments when he was nearly struck by the rope, managing to block it just in time.

This time, however, Gojo's attention was divided as he noticed the girl's eyes shifting from black to red. Sensing danger, he reacted swiftly, leaping backward just as the space in front of him distorted. The sudden distortion caused the roof beneath them to collapse, narrowly avoiding disaster.

As Gojo and the foreigner fell to the ground, Gojo couldn't help but be surprised by the girl's power. He witnessed how she distorted the space in front of him, her power already makes her a quite dangerous sorcerer.

Turning his attention back to the foreigner, Gojo noticed that his expression wasn't one of surprise; it was as if he had anticipated this outcome all along.

He then retrieved something from behind his clothes—a pistol. Gojo expected the foreigner to aim the pistol at him, but unexpectedly, the stranger's aim was directed elsewhere.

Following the direction of the foreigner's aim, Gojo's eyes narrowed in recognition. He understood the danger posed by the barrel the stranger was targeting.


"Tha bastard!" Gojo then saw the foreigner smile before he pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of gunfire echoed through the building as the stranger shot directly at the barrel. With impeccable timing, he leaped backward, exiting the building through the window just before the barrel erupted into a spectacular explosion.




Shiki, near the area where Gojo was battling, heard the sound of explosions and the ground tremble, she then saw smoke billowing into the sky.

"That's coming from where Gojo is fighting," she muttered to herself.

Curious, Shiki made her way to the source of the explosion. Along the way, she didn't forget to dispatch the cursed spirits scattered around.

Arriving at the scene, Shiki witnessed a collapsed building surrounded by flames. Amidst the blaze, she spotted a small silhouette that gradually grew larger, taking the shape of a person.

It was Gojo, emerging from the inferno unscathed, not a single speck of dust on his clothes.

"Are you okay?" Shiki asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Of course, who do you think I am? Besides, that foreigner annoyed me a little bit." Gojo replied casually.

Shiki then turned her attention to where Gojo was looking. There stood the foreigner, with a woman behind him, her eyes glowing red.

"Can you handle her, Shiki?" Gojo inquired, referring to the woman behind the foreigner.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" Shiki responded confidently.

Gojo's lips curled into a smile at Shiki's response.

"Huuu" Shiki exhaled deeply, regaining her focus.

She bent down and focused her power on her legs, sprinting towards them with incredible speed. The foreigner attempted to intervene, but in an instant, Gojo appeared before him and sent him flying far away.

Startled, the woman tried to guard against Shiki, but it was too late. Shiki grabbed her collar and dragged her across the pavement before hurling her with all her might towards a nearby building, where she collided with the wall with a resounding sound.

Amidst the rubble where she threw the girl, a hand emerged, followed by coughing.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

"You damn woman," the girl spat, glaring at Shiki. But Shiki simply returned her gaze with a smile, unfazed by the hostility.

After pulling herself out of the rubble, the girl dusted off her clothes and fixed her appearance. Despite her blank expression, Shiki could sense frustration emanating from her.

Shiki with her mesmerizing shade of blue eyes.

Asagami with her piercing red eyes.

In that moment, amidst the debris and chaos, Shiki and Asagami faced each other for the first time.

