[A.P.E.X industrial prison]
Inside a dark boxed room, There is only two chairs on opposite sides of the table. Jimmy is inside the room in hand-cuffs as a tall slim male with light skin, brown iris eyes and black slicked back hair with cut Short sides, wearing a black lounge suit walks into the room and sits down across from him on the chair with a black file of documents in Hand.
?: (the man pulls out a few documents and reads them before speaking to jimmy) Jimmy fucking Winston... Also known as The Oiwkman...
(Jimmy doesn't say anything to the man)
?: You know... I heard alot of stories about you, Jason McKnight, Seto Sanchez, Barry Griffin, Kelvin shaw, Johnny I'lan...
Jimmy: What do you want? (He says interrupting the man's words.)
?: To understand... (he pulls out a different Document and reads it out aloud) In 2022 your team and the Zx were sent to protect the mayor of hamilton, yet Odiz Olams, Ezra Darhk, and Zeke Takaya were the only ones there. Ezra did manage to get the so called bomb out of the city but it... wasn't a bomb right?
Jimmy: ... Yes.
?: hmm... It exploded in the air and... Particles, RED particles just rain down on the whole area, turning mutants into... the infected. Do you know what we found out about those particles?
Jimmy: They were M16s...
?: Exactly! (He stands up) M16s... Drugs that YOU made... so I wanna know... (he places both hands on the table) How the hell... did Inferno get his hands on those Drugs, Jimmy? Because Last I checked... there was an announcement of you saying that NO mutant or human could get them... only you and your colleagues could get and use them properly and the ohms. So... how'd he get em?
Jimmy: ... I don't know...
?: (He slaps him across the face furiously before pointing at him) Don't bullshit me Oiwkman! You know exactly how he got em!
Jimmy: (he grunts) Inferno had access to the vault...
?: Aah... Exactly... Access that you give to people you trust. (He shakes his head.) Tsk tsk tsk... With that said that makes you and the rest of your team Accomplices in (he takes out the document that holds records of events that has happened) the destruction of New York, the bombing of the Washington monument, The resurrection of Adolf Hitler, and much much more Jimmyyy.
Jimmy: When... When will you fuck-turds realize.. That We are trying to help you people!!
?: You think creating more problems like the undead speedster, Troy Harper is helping!!? (He tosses a document of villains the Zx, Defenders, The squad have faced to Jimmy.)
Jimmy: Tch... (He looks down at the document.)
?: See that... That's a document full every Villain you and your team have faced and created. Hell You even in it Jimmy... for all the crimes that YOU'VE committed. And it really makes me wonder... Like dead ass... why on gods earth would The smartest man alive such as Viktor recruit you unstable terrostists?
Jimmy: ...To have us all... Suffer doing what... others won't. He promised us freedom, promised us that... the world would have seen us differently.
?: ... Well Jim. Looks like you and your friends have gotten Exactly what you all wanted... THE WHOLE world sees you all as a dangerous organization... an organization that will be terminated. With you being the first to fall.
Jimmy: (He sighs before looking to the side in sadness.)
?: Gaurds! (He shouts out, calling three gaurds into the room. Two grabbing hold of Jimmy's arms) Take him to the chamber.
The guards take Jimmy out the room And down the quiet hallway into the much more darker hallway.
[Newcastle upon Tyne, 7:15 A.M.]
The scene changes to Samuel, Zack, Ethan and Kyle inside a Hotel room. Kyle is assembling a sniper rifle on the bedsheets, Zack and Samuel are looking out the windows making sure that there's no inhuman insight. There Is a TV on the wall that's playing a cartoon that Ethan is watching.
Ethan: (Chuckles as he lays on the bedsheet and eats from a cereal box.)
Zack: Tch... (he clenches his teeth and fists.) ARE you seriously watching a cartoon instead of preparing?
Ethan: mmmm, yep.
Zack: Childish... How are you even the son of Satoshi.
Ethan: Tch... (He gets off the bed and stands closely to Zack's face.) Don't ever say my father's name...
Zack: Or else what?
Ethan: I'll...
Samuel: Hey! Dickheads...
Both Zack and Ethan turn their heads to Samuel.
Samuel: Nows not the bloody time to be on each others necks. We a team not douches working together just for the hell of it.
Zack: Hm... (he walks away from Ethan to Stand infront of Samuel with his arms crossed.) That's Easy enough for you to say dead man...
A female voice is heard behind them in a more ominous tone as she says "Greetings." After hearing her voice they all turn over to her direction with their guards up.
Seku: Whoa... I'm one of you guys.
Zack: If that's so, Odiz would have told us.
Seku: Urgh I wasn't sent by him. I was sent by Klaus.
Kyle: Klaus? But he's dead. Odiz told us he died in his arms and shit.
Seku: Klaus... made a recording. Wanting me to find the shard of the nexus in this very area.
Samuel: Hmmm... Just how and why should we trust you Ma'am?
Seku: Uhm... First of all call me Seku... second I would have killed you guys or tipped off the inhumans where you guys are. But I didn't.
Samuel: Hmmm... Alright.. Demon.
Zack: (He grunts) We wasting time here! Jimmy and the others are probably fighting Aggregor... We need to hurry the fuck up and find this damn shard already.
Seku: (She grunts and rolls her eyes after hearing Samuel call her a demon before speaking to Zack) The shard in the Castle. Klaus told me that the shards are located in only the areas were time had been tempered with.
Samuel: Oooh... So thats why most of the shards on earth. (He chuckles.)
Kyle: Huh? What could be tempering with time?
Seku: A speedster.
Samuel: Oo! She right... Ha ha haaa!! The castle is where the battle between David and Darksmoke took place at.
Ethan: ...Forreal?
Kyle: David fought Ethan?
Samuel: Yeah! And no... it was Johnathan Walker.
Seku: (She snaps her fingers 3 times) Aye aye aye... Getting side track here.
Zack: Agreed... We need to get to that castle ASASP.
Kyle: (clears his throat) ASAP...
Zack: What?
Kyle: It's ASAP.
Zack: Thhat's what I said.
Kyle: No you said ASASP.
Zack: Urgh! Same fucking thing Mercer Don't correct me! And you... Samuel make us a portal for us to get to the castle.
Samuel: Oooo uhm... Hate to break it to you ya but Unfortunately I can't do that. I don't have the sword of executioners, Dimitri has it.
Zack: (he grunts in frustration) Well then Ill take flight... (He walks over to the windows and opens them.)
Kyle: ... Wait? I'm sorry what?
They all stare at Zack wondering what he's about to do.
Kyle: Uhm... Zack, what are you doing?
Zack: See you guys there. (He jumps out the window and begins flying into the sky)
Kyle: Huh... that's... new did you know he could do that? (He looks at Ethan.)
Ethan: Nope....
Samuel: Hold on You guys never seen him fly?
Kyle: Well yeah... We still the newbies man.
Samuel: Oh right... Try not to mess up this mission Yeah? Last guy died from having intercourse.
Kyle: Forreal?
Samuel: Yeah... died getting his soul sucked out of him.
Ethan: uhm... guys... The demon's gone.
Kyle: HUUH?! She can teleport!?
Samuel: Wow... well Pack whatever you need we need to catch up to them.
Kyle and Ethan both nod their heads and they all pack their equipments.