Chereads / Strongest Gamer in the MCU / Chapter 4 - Panic

Chapter 4 - Panic

Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, of all the worlds to reincarnate into, I isekai'd into the Marvel Unvierse!? Wait, it wasn't the Marvel Universe. If it had Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, then more accurately, it was the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck I was now living in New York! Do you even know how much shit this city goes through across the Marvel movies!?

There were like a dozen different crime organizations and gangs warring with each other.

Hulk and Abomination was going to go on a rampage through the cities.

The Chitauri was going to invade and start slaughtering people on the streets!

Bloody Hell, Thanos was going to dust half the universe! On a 50-50 chance that I might be dusted, that was way too shitty of an odds to bet my life on!

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh- why am I panicking for no reason…

[Gamer's Mind] was working overtime suppressing the panic and anxiety in me. All that remained was objective rationality and dispassionate coherence. I looked at myself not as the person inhabiting the body of Lee Jae Sung, but from the perspective of a member of the audience.

Instead of asking useless, inane questions that had was of no immediate urgency like, 'Why was I reincarnated in the MCU?' or 'How do I feel about this?', I took a more detached approach. As though looking through the screen of my computer monitor, watching the life of a character in 2D and rationalizing with the indifference of an observer rather than as someone living that reality.

Think, Jae Sung, think!

I had the powers of the Gamer System, one of the most powerful and versatile abilities with the highest potential possible that had limitless growth. And I had more than 10 years before things like the Chitauri and Thanos would become a genuine concern.

What should I be doing with the time that I was granted? Play around and do fuck all? Hell no!

I needed to start planning. I needed to start learning. I needed to level up! Gain stats, learn skills, and if I have the time, achieve omnipotence. Should be a breeze, right?

If Thanos was the final villain in the MCU, what did I need to do to prevent myself from getting dusted? Because no matter who you were, as long as you were a mortal, no one could resist the absolute power and authority of the Infinity Gauntlet fuelled by all the Infinity Stones.

So, duh, collect the infinity gems before Thanos can lay their hands on them. Some of those gems were at genuinely hard to reach locations like fucking outer space. The Power Stone was on a planet god knows how far away. The Reality Stone was in another realm in the form of the Aether.

How the hell was I supposed to reach those cosmic pebbles?

No, I was being too obsessive with the Infinity Gems. With the Gamer System and 10 years of time, I could become strong enough that even Thanos would be like a mewling kitten in front of me, so long as he did not have all six Infinity Stones.

That should be priority numero uno. Gaining strength, and fully utilizing the limitless potential of the Gamer System to broaden my abilities. I wanted my skill list to extend to the center of the fucking Earth, baby!

And my first step in doing so, was making my first formal request to my parents.


"I want to go to the library." I asked them the next morning during breakfast.

My mother turned to my father with a raised eyebrow, "Darling, why is our son so good at English suddenly?"

"I don't know, but… should we speak more English in front of Jae Sung? He seems to like it." My father responded, the second half of his sentence in poorly enunciated English.

They were both first-generation immigrants, so their command of the English language was not as fluent as native speakers. 

My father was as good looking as my mother. Tall, with broad shoulders and a chiselled jaw. It made me wonder what he was doing running a convenience store when he probably could have made a decent living as a male model.

Both my parents were tall, attractive individuals. It gave me high hopes for what I would look like when I grew up with both their genes in this body.

"He said he wants to go to the library. He really likes reading, huh?" My father continued. "Do you want to bring him? I can take care of the store alone."

She looked a little reluctant, "Do you know where the nearest library is? Is it free?"

"Dear, say in English. And I saw one library not far from the store. Even if it you need to pay, it is fine. Anything for Jae Sung." He cheerily countered.

Mother was still hesitant, "It is Sunday, you might need a lot of help at the store."

With my level 1 [Language Comprehension] I was able to understand some of her concerns. I looked to her and turned on my puppy dog eyes.

 "Mom, please?" Such basic Korean words were already in my admittedly limited vocabulary.

She flushed before swooning over me and putting me in her embrace, "Aigoo, Jae Sung is too cute!! Okay, okay, let's go to the library!"

The two looked at each other and shrugged helplessly. Clearly my newly discovered hobby was harmless enough and even beneficial as it would appear on the surface. The convenience store my parents owned was small enough that my father could run it alone, allowing my mother to bring me to the Parkslope Public Library.