So, just want to clarify something before I drop the next chapters.
Samael here for one, in his previous life was 16 ish, so close to his age now, so same maturity. This is so it won't be weird if he gets with anyone close to his age.
Now for the important bit.
Samael is the Hulk. Literally.
Meaning, he has anger issues. Big anger issues.
He isn't like Bruce Banner, who because of his abusive household since childhood learned to deal with anger and therefore was far more experienced in not being angry unless the situation truly called for it.
Samael's journey to control will be difficult. So expect him to snap, to sometimes even appear like an a hole, but that's because of anger issues.
He does try his best though, since he loves his family and friends, especially Jazz and Danny.
As for his powers, his more Ghost like capabilities will manifest more later down the line. Think of Vlad, but in Samael's case, his Hulk nature is far more prominent in the beginning.
This is because I don't want Samael to just appear like an unhinged Danny on steroids.
Eventually Samael will get into his more ghost like powers such as intangibility, ectoblasts, etc.
But that's a bit more down the line. Maybe not intangibility though, since I'll probably give him that soon enough.
Also, keep in mind, they're teenagers. The main cast right now and the people at school. And they're quite hormonal too. Just for you all to remember when it comes to their actions being sometimes too much.
So yeah, hope this cleared things up and I hope to see you all later,