Teacher speaking but suddenly got interrupted by the director who entered the classroom with two new faces and the class president asked for silence so that the director could talk to the class room;
Robert (director): Pay attention and welcome our new students and let them introduce themselves.
The students welcomed the new comers with the director guiding them to introduce themselves;
X: Morning my name is Marcus and I hope we will become good friends.
Y: Hi you all me its Veronica, I am the tween sister of Marcus here and I hope we will get along well.
Lidia (Teacher): Does anyone have any question?
Z: Can I ask something?
Lidia: Go on Hunter but be quick.
Hunter: Yea so… why did you choose to come here at Norway academy of all schools you could find?
Marcus: I don't know maybe because it was the only school with free space in the middle of the term.
Hunter: And u (looking at veronica).
Veronica: Who? Me! I had no choice I came because he came.
The class started laughing and the teacher directed Marcus and Veronica to their sits and then the course continued. In the afternoon students where gathered on Marcus and Veronica asking them different questions out of curiosity like if they were really twins but there was one who was shocked to see Marcus but didn't bother going to talk to him .
And day ended.
Story on the side
When Marcus turned his head and saw someone and wasn't pleased to see him and that student who was named Dara. He had the same reaction but him he look more sad while Marcuse was enraged and troubled because those two had a back story.
What was between them?
Did they really know each other?
Why was Marcus more on the edge more than Dara who was sad?
If you want to know go to the next chapter.
..... END OF CHAPTER 1 .....