The new children of Maya Village have slowly adapted to their newfound environment.
A couple of months prior, their parents had told them that they needed to move out of Kirka Village.
Due to the lord being a complete asshole, who is making things up against them.
He even threatened our family with expulsion from the village.
Ha! We showed him, and we all left on our own accord.
But before that, our father and his friend Uncle Jonathan told us to wait near the gatehouse; they seemed to be going somewhere first.
They must be heading towards that ugly fat lord who acts high and mighty wherever he goes.
After almost an hour of waiting, we saw Father and Uncle Jonathan being badly beaten up; they have wounds all over their bodies, but Uncle Jonathan had it worse; you can see him bleeding left and right.
Fortunately, they manage to arrive in the gatehouse.
It was directed towards another uncle, who asked that question; he came and stayed with us in the gatehouse.
With us was actually our mother and another uncle named Christopher, who was with us in the gatehouse the entire time.
We all ran as fast as we could towards a random direction.
But we went towards one of the famed great forests.
The horrors that we've gone through when we got deeper and deeper into the forest region.
At first it was the devilish beasts, the famed Grimfangs that we have encountered; then it was the famed Skitterpigs, which was indeed pretty delicious, by the way, as it was the talk of the town when the villagers got to hunt one.
The adults managed to kill them but not without sustained heavy injuries that crippled our momentum.
After a couple of weeks journey, we were already so deep in the forest floor with no civilization in sight.
Then and there we almost met our end with another Grimfang pack; they have surrounded us.
But then just before we would lose our lives, our heroes arrived just in time, although they seem to be children too?
And no less older than us at that?
This confused the siblings.
How? How did they get so strong? They are almost on par with the experienced adults.
When the Grimfangs were all killed, one of those children was actually Uncle Jonathan's child.
It was Angeline!
A very good friend of theirs, they were actually very confused when they no longer saw her in the village.
They thought that they had moved away somewhere.
So confusing.
(Ah, the innocence of children.)
Right, they were led to a cave that Angeline and these other children had stayed in before they met us.
There we were resting; we seemed to be waiting for that other one who shouted and dragged that big and scary-looking doggy away.
Almost an hour had passed, and one of the kids, Erik, was it?
Alerted our group that the other kid has returned, ah, so his name was August, okay, we got it.
He also got up on the stage and greeted everyone.
Angeline also rushed towards him and checked him.
She had that concerned look on her face.
Are they?
Nah, it can't be right?
Yeah, there is nothing between the two children.
What is more shocking, though, is that apparently August managed to kill that huge, scary-looking doggy.
We also saw him drag both dogs that our group had killed.
He was strong; yes, that is the only way to describe it.
We basically camped there for the night; the following morning we would go to the village that Angeline and her group were staying in.
During the early morning, we were all woken up by the sound of Angeline and her group doing weird stuff. (Exercise/Training)
We didn't understand its purpose.
Only when Uncle Jonathan told us what it was for; at least that is what that Erik kid told him.
After breakfast, August was the one that briefed the adults on our day's journey towards their village.
During our journey there, we saw how monstrous August really was.
He was dragging along the massive doggy with him, like it was nothing.
While Father and the adults were helping each other drag the other two doggies.
We also have to kill those delicious piggies that would attack us.
But it was mostly August who did all of that; he was amazing and very cool, to say the least.
And Angie and her group were surrounding us, dealing with stragglers who managed to get past August and the adults.
We got there by nightfall, and the village was truly dark.
We thought that there were other people with them, but it seems like it was only them who lived here.
A few weeks forward, and we have mostly incorporated into life here in the village.
We also joined their morning routine a few weeks back.
Uncle Jonathan was left unconscious after a fierce battle that happened inside and outside the village.
Those pesky dogs! They dared to attack us here.
Thankfully, nobody died.
Then what was more shocking was that there was a massive bird that made its nest here in the village.
It seems to be the Guardian Beast of August; no wonder he was so strong!
But we were no longer shocked by most of the things that happened in this place.
We have already adjusted to it and found it as a normal thing in this village.
You have to be at least that strong, like August, to survive here.
That is why we are joining their training sessions.
I mean, they could do it; surely we could also, right?
Even that meek Angie was already so strong.
But fear not; we will be on par with them soon!