Chapter 27 - Anastasia Arrives

Note: Lieutenant Arima's name has been changed from "Katsutoshi" to "Katsumi."

Under the Regent's orders, Anastasia was to be secretly protected by the Arima family.

April 21, 1920

Lieutenant Katsumi Arima returned to Japan and reported to the Regent. His father, Major General Arima, remained in Siberia for further investigation.

"Your Highness, I have returned from my mission."

"Lieutenant Arima, you've done well. Protecting a Russian grand duchess is no small feat. How is Grand Duchess Anastasia?"

"Your Highness, she is currently undergoing medical examinations at Tokyo First Garrison Hospital. In three days, she will move to my home to recuperate. Unfortunately, her servant Rubanov did not survive..."

"I see. Please take good care of Grand Duchess Anastasia. It must be lonely for her to be alone in a foreign land. Having you, who is fluent in Russian, by her side will be a great comfort. And she is the same age as us, isn't she? Be a good friend to her."

The meeting between Anastasia and the Regent was postponed until she had settled in.

Three Days Later, Arima Residence

"Hey, Anastasia! Take off your shoes before coming in!"

"What, Katsumi? You should've told me that earlier! I don't understand Japanese houses at all! Honestly, how can you walk around barefoot like this? And what's with the low ceilings? You said you're a noble, right? How is this a noble's house? Are all Japanese people this short? Even for short people, this is too small!"

"Sorry for being short! You don't need to be 170cm to have human rights! And I'm exactly 170cm! Japanese nobles don't live extravagantly like Europeans!"

Anastasia fired back in rapid Russian. By the way, Anastasia was 157cm tall—about 10cm taller than the average Japanese woman at the time.

The Arima family, originally a daimyo family, now held the title of viscount. However, Japanese nobility (kazoku) were not much different from wealthy merchant families unless they were of particularly high status.

"Welcome home, young master. Is the young lady having any trouble?"

The Arima family's elderly maid, kneeling at the entrance, looked up with concern.

"No, Grandma. She's just a bit confused by cultural differences. Don't worry."

Anastasia, under the Arima family's secret protection, began learning about Japanese history, politics, and society from Lieutenant Arima.

August 1920

Two years earlier than in history, the Siberian Intervention ended, and the Japanese troops and civilians returned home.

"Your Highness, this is a summary of the combat reports from our investigation in Siberia."

Colonel Arima (reverted from his temporary rank of major general after returning from Siberia) bowed respectfully to the Regent.

The Regent flipped through the report, reading carefully. Colonel Arima remained bowed, not moving a muscle.

"Colonel Arima, you've done well. Siberia was a harsher battlefield than I imagined."

"Yes, Your Highness. The Red Army didn't even wear uniforms, making it impossible to distinguish soldiers from civilians. Our troops were often confused, leading to unnecessary casualties and, regrettably, the killing of innocent villagers."

"I see. Partisans have no qualms about involving civilians. When pushed to the brink, such things are unavoidable. However, to hide these losses and pretend the operation was proceeding smoothly is foolish. Had the situation been reported accurately, appropriate measures could have been taken."

"Yes, Your Highness. It's deeply shameful."

"This is not your fault, Colonel Arima. It's my responsibility for not noticing sooner. Ignoring orders from the General Staff to avoid expanding the combat zone shows a disregard for the Emperor's command. Had the combat zone not been expanded, clashes with partisans might have been less severe. We must enforce stricter discipline."

"Yes, Your Highness. You are absolutely right."

"By the way, the rescue of the Polish refugees and orphans detained in Siberia was fortunate. No, it was due to your skill. Well done. I am grateful."

"Your Highness, your words are too kind. It was only possible because of the information you provided about the detained Polish refugees."

Colonel Arima was promoted to major general for his defense of Nikolayevsk and then to lieutenant general for his investigation in Siberia, the rescue of Polish refugees, and the swift withdrawal of troops.

As for the civilian killings in Siberia, since intentional wrongdoing couldn't be proven, no charges were filed. However, the division commander and several of his aides, who had ignored the General Staff's orders and expanded the combat zone, were dismissed and transferred to the reserves.

"The division commander was dismissed and transferred to the reserves. What's going on?"

"This is unacceptable. We fought so hard, lost so many comrades, and finally secured our interests, only to abandon them. And now we're treated like criminals for killing civilians! Those who watched safely from afar know nothing about the battlefield!"

"I heard Lieutenant General Arima was involved, but the real mastermind is someone close to the Regent."

"Who is it?"

"Lieutenant Takashiro of the Space Force. He's using his childhood friendship with the Regent to weaken the Army and advance his own career. He's a traitor harming the nation's interests."

The Japanese government secretly decided to establish the "Legitimate Government of the Russian Empire" in Sakhalin, with preparations underway for its founding on February 11, 1921. The emperor, of course, would be Anastasia, making her the first empress of Russia since Catherine the Great in the 18th century.

Meanwhile, the Japanese government quietly encouraged White Army factions in the Russian Civil War to relocate to Sakhalin. As a result, within two years of the government's establishment, 10 million Russians migrated to Sakhalin.


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A/N: Thank you for reading Chapter 27!

Historically, Anastasia was known to be a spirited young woman. And now, dark clouds gather around the protagonist...

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