The four of them stayed with the woman for the night as they had no where else to go. As they slept, the Oracle appeared in their dreams. Foolish children I told you to wait patiently for the raise of the someone but you've decided to take things into your own hands. Now get ready to face the wrath of the ancient spirit. It said. They all woke up simultaneously scared and panting. Did you all dream of the Oracle? Pat asked. They all nodded in response. I don't care about what that stupid Oracle says. We can't let this curse be transferred to our children and their children while we wait for a supposed "someone ". Pat said. Who's with me? We all are Anita responded. They went back to sleep. The following day when they woke up, Pat gave them a fight like fruit and asked them to eat it as a form of protection from the spirit. The three ate the fruit in obedience. During noon the three were soo tired and weak to go anywhere. Pat asked the woman if there was anything they could do to look for this man/spirit. The woman suggested they see the priest of the town. He is so powerful that perhaps he could trace the spirit for them. The three couldn't go giving their condition. Pat offered to go alone since every minute counts.