Chereads / when the cat carries thorns / Chapter 3 - chapter 2 feline bonds

Chapter 3 - chapter 2 feline bonds

Sitting in a nice cold room, staring out of the windows at the snow falling on every plant in their beautiful garden, was a very different feeling than it should've been when you knew you were just here to meet someone you'd be forced to marry because your family can't stand the sight of you.

The feeling in the room was calming and quiet. Treats lined the table where she sat on a cozy, satin-lined couch. Lucian stood quietly behind Moon with her head down, a red handprint stained her cheek, presumably from the obvious.

The nice cold feeling Moon felt was quickly swapped with a sudden warm feeling. From how it felt, you would've thought that she was sitting in front of a cozy fire.

The sudden warmth made Moon snap her head to the boy who was now sitting across from her. How long had she been zoned out before he had entered? Had something been said to her to garner her attention? A million questions raced through Moon's pretty head, and admittedly, she was a little embarrassed that she had not noticed, which caused a slight pinkish color to flush her cheeks.

"Ahem..." Clearing her throat, she continued, "Have you been sitting there long?" Moon questioned in her usually heavy-accented quiet tone.

"Not at all, my lady," he said with a shrewd grin on his face. The look on his face didn't help with Moon being embarrassed; it only caused her to blush a little more, but maybe that was just his intention. "I simply didn't wish to disturb you. You looked rather... peaceful. I did not feel the need to take away from that."

"Well, I appreciate it. I suppose you are the boy I am supposed to be on good terms with to appease my mother." Her gaze never seemed to quite meet his. "I'd like to know your name if that is the case. No point in being formal for this situation."

"Yes, I suppose so, Soltero Docenal, Lady Moon."

The boy that sat across from her looked more of Hispanic descent, unlike Moon with her unnaturally pale skin tone and delicate features. Though his race of demon was that of a dragon demon, so of course his features would be more sharp-looking compared to hers.

His horns, along with his tail and small wings he had tucked away behind him, had shades of muted purple and something like maroon. The features themselves resembled something of a Japanese type of dragon, which made little sense in itself, though that wasn't something Moon had the energy to question right now. She was far too exhausted from what she had dealt with this morning.

His hair, however, was such a fiery shade of orange it might as well have been red, which definitely seemed to suit the rest of his looks.

"Zoning out again, Lady Moon?"

Just as Moon's blush had begun to disappear from her face, it had once again returned from his comment.

"I was not," lies. Her words were met with his laughter. It didn't help that the young girl had a habit of analyzing people she'd first meet. Something she would just have to work on, especially if crude boys like Soltero were going to be pointing out to her, and Moon had a feeling he would be doing things like that a lot just to get some kind of rise out of her. The kind of boys Moon dreaded the most.

"Tell me, Lady Moon," he continued after his laughter died down, but that cheeky grin still on his face. "You may just call me Moon. I already stated I wished to forget the formalities."

"Fine, Moon, do you always look so down? Tell me things that I may do to bring a smile to your face."

"And why might you wish to do that? I feel quite content right now. Must a smile truly be shown to display the extent of my happiness in every moment?" It wasn't just about that. Moon felt like she truly never had any reason to wear a smile on her face. She may feel calm and at peace in this moment, but nothing that really set a burst of joy, happiness, or even fulfillment in any part of her. But her mother would probably rip out her horns herself if she knew Moon was making sharp-tongued comments, especially in an important moment like this, when she was supposed to be getting along with her future husband whom she didn't seem quite thrilled to meet.

Soltero couldn't help but seem to be fascinated by this girl he sat opposite of, rather amusing that she seemed so hard on in not forming a smile to appease whatever he was thinking.

"I heard that a rose with the sharpest thorns can still prove to be quite extraordinary when it blooms," he stated, resting his head on his hand that rested at his knee. "I want to see if that statement is true."

Moon was silent for a moment before speaking. "You are comparing me to a rose?"

It sounded cliche in Moon's opinion, leaving a dry taste on her tongue. "I don't particularly have many interests, though I suppose I've never truly gotten the chance to explore that."

"Let me help you then. How about we make a promise? If we are to be wed by contract to our families, then let me bring happiness into your heart and have it bloom by the time we are wed."

She gave him a speculating look but reluctantly held out her pinky finger. "Fine, shall I rip out your horns on our wedding day when you fail to fulfill your promise?"

"Indeed you shall, Lady Moon." Wrapped pinkies signifying their deal, and for a moment, it appeared as though a faint smile softly tugged at her lips.

It had maybe been a few days since that meeting, and for some reason, Moon really couldn't get what Soltero had asked of her out of her head. What did she like doing? Had she ever truly found joy in anything? It sounded really depressing when she thought more about it, that's for sure.

Once again, she found herself walking these cold hallways, though there was a commotion a few doors down, which suspiciously was her father's study. Moon knew Lucian wouldn't put up a fight if she went to take a peek, and yet Lucian spoke anyway, trying to garner her attention away.

"My lady, I heard the frost lilies are in bloom. How about we go have a look, hm?"

Moon didn't even respond to Lucian's attempt at swaying her away from the commotion. She just moved fast towards it, coming to a halt at the peak of the door to see her mother and father. Her father was leaning over his desk, rubbing his temples with a stressed look plastered on his face. Her mother was circling back and forth behind him, going on a rant, ruffing out barks at him. God, she had always been like a pitbull with no training, or perhaps a cat too beautiful for the way it acts.

"You are ill! How much longer do we have before you end up like your dried-up corpse of a mother, Mortis?" Although Comet was a screaming hell dog, she genuinely had a worried expression on her face.

"I don't know, Comet.. But I promise you, things will go according to plan, even if we have to rush things."

"I told you we should've gotten rid of her sooner! She's a dent in our plan!" Her fists slammed down into the desk as she glared at Mortis.

He let out a drawn-out sigh, standing up from his desk and grabbing the back of Comet's neck, pulling her into a tongue-down-deep-in-her-throat kiss before pulling back a few moments later to leave her there breathless and staring at him with a wild gaze.

"We will carry on with Sirius's coronation in 2 weeks' time.. Afterwards, we will send off Moon to be wed to the heir of Piffedal.."

"You must be patient, dear.. I am the one being affected.." He gripped her face. "You just need to stand there and do what I tell you.. Lord knows these people don't listen to men," he grunted through his deep voice, releasing her face.

Comet let out a huff and stormed out of the office, where Moon had already vanished as to not get caught. Though somehow, Comet would just go to find Moon to release her anger on her instead. Moon wouldn't understand why; she should be happy her son is finally getting into a higher position of power.

All of this situation just continued to leave cracks in her soul. The anger and resentment would just continue to bubble up until it was fit to burst, leaving the corruption passed down from their family to take over her very being.