| September 30, 2023 – 6:00 PM
The smell of stir-fried garlic, soy sauce, and sizzling vegetables filled the kitchen as Lin set down a steaming plate of dumplings. Richard was at the stove, wielding a wok like he was in a professional kitchen, flipping pieces of crispy pork belly with practiced ease. Helen stood at the counter, chopping scallions with a speed that made Lin's knife skills look embarrassing.
For the first time in twenty years, all three of them were in the same kitchen, making a meal together.
No rushed dinners. No one eating at different times. No work interruptions.
Lin leaned against the counter, watching them cook, arms crossed. "We should mark this day on the calendar."
Helen glanced up. "Why?"
Lin smirked. "Because we're all here, actually cooking, and no one is yelling."
Richard chuckled, tossing the pork in the wok. "Give it time."
Helen rolled her eyes but hid a small smile as she slid the chopped scallions into the pan. "You act like we didn't used to do this all the time."
Lin raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. Twenty years ago."
A silence stretched for a moment—not awkward, just heavy with memory.
Then Richard turned off the stove, plating the pork belly. "Well, we're doing it now. So sit your ass down before the food gets cold."
Lin grinned and grabbed the plates, carrying them to the worn wooden dining table in the center of the room.
A table that, for years, had only ever seated one person at a time.
| September 30, 2023 – 6:45 PM
The plates were empty, the last of the dumplings long gone, and the tea had been refilled twice. The conversation had slowed, stretching into something softer, more familiar.
Lin leaned back in her chair, rolling her teacup between her hands, feeling… comfortable. A rare thing.
Helen sighed, tapping her fingers lightly against the table. "So. Now that we're all settled… when are you going to start thinking about your future?"
Lin arched an eyebrow. "This isn't my future?" She gestured vaguely around her.
Helen gave her a look. "You know exactly what I mean."
Richard smirked, stretching his arms behind his head. "Your mother wants grandkids."
Lin nearly spilled her tea. "What? Since when?"
Helen sighed dramatically. "I want you to have a stable, happy life."
Lin smirked. "And apparently that involves diapers and college tuition?"
Richard chuckled. "We'd settle for you just bringing someone home for dinner, honestly."
Lin rolled her eyes. "Oh, I had a boyfriend once. You two hated him."
Helen scoffed. "For good reason."
Richard leaned forward, pointing a chopstick at her. "Nathan was a walking red flag, and you know it."
Lin sighed, sipping her tea. "Yeah, well. That problem solved itself."
Helen frowned. "What do you mean?"
Lin smirked. "I dumped him."
Helen blinked, then exhaled in relief. "Finally. That man was useless."
Richard chuckled, shaking his head. "You sure took your time seeing what we saw from day one."
Lin shrugged. "I had to confirm the data."
Helen huffed. "And what did your 'data' tell you?"
Lin leaned back, ticking off on her fingers. "Financially irresponsible. Lied constantly. Thought 'hard work' was a personality trait, not an action. Couldn't handle pressure. Thought I was 'too intense.'"
Richard snorted. "He actually said that?"
Lin smirked. "More than once."
Helen shook her head, unimpressed. "Good riddance."
Lin took another sip of tea, watching them both brickering like two old hens.
They must have really hated him.
| September 30, 2023 – 6:50 PM
Helen gave Lin a pointed look over her teacup. "So? Anyone else?"
Lin smirked, swirling her tea. "Not at the moment."
Richard raised an eyebrow. "What about that guy? The kid's dad. The one you babysat for six days."
Lin paused mid-sip.
Helen's head snapped up. "Wait, what? Babysat?"
Richard smirked, clearly enjoying himself. "Oh, she didn't tell you? Some single dad dumped his kid on her for almost a week."
Lin sighed, setting her tea down. "It wasn't like that. It was… a favor."
Helen narrowed her eyes. "A favor for who? A friend? Or the father?"
Lin opened her mouth—then shut it.
Helen's gaze sharpened. "What's his name?"
Richard leaned back, clearly amused. "Lucas something, right?"
Helen's expression lit up with interest. "Lucas. That sounds like a strong name."
Lin groaned. "Oh, here we go."
Helen ignored her. "So? What's he like?"
Richard shrugged. "Seemed like a good guy. Polite. Sharp. Not an idiot."
Helen tapped her fingers against the table. "And? Was he useless like Nathan?"
Lin rolled her eyes. "No. He's the opposite of Nathan. Strong, capable, actually knows how to handle himself."
Helen nodded approvingly. "I like him already."
Lin huffed. "Mom, you haven't even met him."
Helen waved a hand. "Doesn't matter. A man who takes responsibility for his kid, is strong, polite, and not useless? That's already better than your last one."
Richard chuckled. "She's got a point."
Lin shook her head, smirking. "You two are impossible."
Helen leaned forward. "So? Are you seeing him?"
Lin sighed, picking up a dumpling. "No. He's just a… business connection."
| September 30, 2023 – 6:55 PM
Richard snorted, clearly unconvinced. "Sure. Business."
Lin rolled her eyes, reaching for another dumpling. "It is. He helped me out, I helped him out. That's it."
Richard smirked. "Didn't you just buy food for them the other day?"
Lin paused mid-bite.
Helen's head snapped up. "You're buying him food?"
Lin sighed, setting her dumpling down. "Not just him. His kid. It's called being a decent person."
Helen gave her a long, knowing look. "Mhm. And does this 'business connection' buy you food in return?"
Lin picked up her tea, sipping slowly. "He has."
Richard leaned back, arms crossed, smirking like he had just won something. "Interesting."
Helen tapped a finger against the table. "I'll check out the local schools later."
Lin blinked. "Why?"
Helen sipped her tea, completely calm. "Thinking ahead."
Lin groaned. "Mom, it's not like that."
Helen simply shrugged. "That's what you say now."
Richard chuckled, shaking his head. "You're already feeding them. Might as well plan for the kid's education."
Lin sighed, rubbing her temple. "You two are ridiculous."
Helen smiled into her tea. "We'll see."
| September 30, 2023 – 7:10 PM
Helen set down her teacup, stretching her arms. "I need some air."
Richard pushed back his chair, grabbing his jacket. "I'll go with you."
Lin raised an eyebrow. "You two going on a romantic stroll or something?"
Helen gave her a look. "We used to do this all the time. Back when we weren't too busy working."
Richard smirked. "Figured we'd start again. Since, you know, we're unemployed now."
Helen rolled her eyes but didn't argue. She turned to Lin. "You coming?"
Lin leaned back in her chair, picking up another dumpling. "Nah. You two go. I'll clean up."
Richard huffed a laugh. "That's a first."
Lin smirked. "Enjoy it while it lasts."
Helen grabbed her coat, pausing at the door. She looked back, her expression softer now. "Don't stay up too late working."
Lin lifted her teacup in a lazy salute. "No promises."
Helen shook her head, amused, before stepping outside with Richard.
As the door shut behind them, Lin let out a slow breath, the house suddenly quieter.
For the first time in years, her parents had time.
And for the first time in her life, they were actually using it.