Chapter 3 - Chapter 3


"Oh Sam," I moaned, "please don't stop," I said, throwing my head back as my boyfriend's tongue wrapped around my nipple. My hands tangled in his curly blond hair, and his hands slip down to cup my ass.


This had been our early morning routine for the last few months since he moved in with me and the twins.


I loved early morning sex with Sam; actually, I loved any sex with Samuel because he was always eager to please me.


When we first started dating, he wasn't quite this good. He didn't really know how to please me, but he quickly asked me to show him what I liked, and ever since then, he has been getting an A+ response from my body every time.


Sam was just about to pull my pants off, but the sudden pitter-patter of small feet had us ripping away from each other like the other person's body was made of hot burning coal. I just barely had enough time to pull my top down before my two little boys burst into the room with a shout."


"Mommy, Mommy, Dylan peed on the bed again," Tyler squealed before jumping on the bed.


Dylan stormed in after him with a red face. "I didn't do that, Mommy. Tyler is lying!" Dylan yelled back furiously. "I don't pee on the bed anymore, Uncle Samuel, please tell them!" Dylan yelled.


My boyfriend, Samuel, laughed and pulled the furious Dylan into a hug. "Come on, Tyler, don't tease your brother like that. You know he doesn't wet the bed. Stop trying to get him in trouble."


Tyler pouted and grumbled something under his breath, and I giggled. This was also the routine of my twin boys: one was always messing with the other, but most times, they were inseparable.


"Okay, boys," I said, interrupting their quarrel. "Off you go, come on, it's time to get ready for school." I said, and they scampered away excitedly, happy at the thought of seeing their friends again today.


I smiled at them, but my face immediately paled when I caught sight of the time on my phone.


"Oh shoot!" I exclaimed. "I'm going to be late for work, and I haven't even dropped the kids at school yet," I groaned.


Sam pulled me closer and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "Don't worry, I can take them to school. Just go to work."


I looked at him in doubt. "Are you sure? Didn't you have an important meeting with some billionaire investors today?" I asked, and Samuel just shrugged.


"They can wait. The most important thing is for my boys to be in school and for my girl to be at work saving the lives of those young children who look up to her," he said and pulled me in for a kiss.


I smiled at him. This is why I love Samuel. He was so caring and sweet, and he always put me and the boys first in his life no matter what. He was the very opposite of the only other person in my life I had been with, the father of my twins, Knox.


I met Samuel six years ago, not long after I was banished from the Crimson Pack. I had nowhere to go, no money, no family. But I managed to survive in this foreign land. I got a meager job and managed to put myself through medical school. I decided to study pediatrics because my only goal was to be a great mom who could protect her children.


But then I met Samuel just after I had my twins. He came into my life like an angel. He took care of me and helped me to establish my own children's clinic.


Now I was a well-renowned pediatrician. I had saved countless children's lives from death, written three bestselling books, spoke five languages, and was a happy mom. And most surprisingly, I found a way to awaken my dormant wolf!


I was no longer that weak timid Omega in the Crimson pack, I had revived my wolf, and I had trained her to be the best fuck warrior there ever could be. I was so grateful for my life now, and I really couldn't ask for more.


I owed all these things to my amazing boyfriend Samuel, who had been my rock and fortress these past few years. He was the only person in the world I would trust with my children.


He was the only father figure they had ever known, and most likely would be the only father figure they would ever know for the rest of their lives.


I kissed Samuel and rushed to get changed into my work clothes. We shared a big wardrobe, so sometimes I had to touch some of his things to get to mine. This was one of those times, and as I was trying to move one of Samuel's jackets, a small box fell out of his pockets and landed onthe ground. I slowly picked it up.


I immediately recognized what it was. It was a ring box, an engagement ring box.


I hurriedly opened it and gasped when I realized that I was right. There was the prettiest diamond ring I had ever seen sitting inside the box. And it had just fallen out of Samuel's pocket.


Was this for me? Was he trying to ask me to marry him?


Just as I had this thought, Samuel walked in and saw me with the ring in my hands.


"Oh shit!" he said. "This is so not how I wanted you to see it," he said, coming to stand in front of me.


I was speechless as I looked between him and the ring, but Samuel seemed to understand my nonverbal question.


"Yes, Melissa," he said, "I was going to ask you to be my wife, but this is not how I was going to do it. I actually had a whole thing planned. There were going to be balloons, we were supposed to be in a field of flowers, and then a plane was supposed to fly across the sky with a banner saying 'Will you marry me?'"


Tears filled my eyes as he described how he had planned to propose to me. It sounded magical.


Sam was always been thinking of ways to make me happy. He had already done so much for me, and he was always still thinking about ways to do more for me. I was so in love with this man.


Sam took the ring out of my hands. "But now that the cat is out of the bag, I guess this will have to do for now," Samuel said and got down on one knee in front of me. "Melissa, you and the boys have been the light of my life for the last few years, and the only thing I want to do is spend the rest of my life loving all of you. Please, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and making me the happiest man on Earth?"


Tears were pouring down my face now, and I nodded quickly. "Yes, I will. A thousand times yes," I screamed and pulled him into a hug.


He gave a shout of joy and peppered kisses all over my face.


We wanted to spend more time celebrating our engagement, but we had to part ways because I still had to get to work.


I entered my car, and was about to drive off but I suddenly caught sight of a strange man in all black standing across the street, looking directly into my house and staring straight at me.


I felt goosebumps rise all over my body, but I didn't know why. Something about the man seemed familiar, but I couldn't point out what it was.


I turned around to see if there was something in particular he was looking at. But by l the time I turned back, he was gone like a ghost.


It was weird, but I thought that I might have been seeing things.


I soon got drove work, and I was flooded with greetings from staff on all sides, who wanted a chance to impress or just catch a brief glimpse of their renowned, successful boss.


I smiled at all of them and went straight to my office. The first thing I did was check my emails for any emergency messages I might have received.


As I scrolled through my emails, my finger immediately paused on one particular new email. It was the name of the sender that made my blood suddenly cool down in my body.


The subject of the email said: A message from the office of the Crimson Pack.


I opened the message and read it:


**Dear Miss Melissa,**


We would like to offer you our congratulations, for you have been officially summoned back to the Crimson Pack and have been blessed with the opportunity to use your renowned skills as a pediatrician to treat and medically diagnose the Alpha's sick son who is the only heir and future Alpha of the Crimson Pack.


Congratulations once again.


I read the message and reread it again because I couldn't believe my eyes. Was this supposed to be a joke?


Did the Crimson Pack just congratulate me andthen order me to come and treat the son that my sister had given birth to for Alpha Knox, the same man who abandoned and banished me?


I bursted out laughing by the third time I reread the message.


If I remembered correctly, Alpha Knox had threatened to kill me if I ever returned to the pack, and now they were officially summoning me back there and believed they were doing me a favor?


They must be out of their minds, because there was no way in this life that I would ever step foot back in the Crimson Pack for any reason at all—not after how they treated me, not after how Knox treated me.


My blood boiled at the memory, and I immediately deleted the message, not wanting to even see their name in my folder again.


After deleting the message, I spent the day between taking care of my patients and mentally planning for my upcoming wedding.


I still couldn't believe it: I was getting married! The mere thought sent me to cloud nine, and I couldn't stop smiling.


When I finished work, I received a message from Samuel saying that he had already made dinner, put the twins to bed, and was now waiting for me to come home so he could give me a massage.


I smiled to myself as I pulled up to the driveway of our house. Dear God, I love this man.


But just as I had this thought, I looked up and noticed that same man in all black, staring at me and my house from across the street. I tried to quickly take a picture of him, but by the time I pulled my phone out, the man had suddenly disappeared. I felt my blood run cold as I wondered who he was and why he was targeting me.