Chapter 3 - chapter 3

That peaks Aika's attention as she walks towards Issei and snatched the magazine off his hands, much to his surprise, before she reads the article. She then shows to Asia. "Check this out, Asia." The blond girl looks at the article. "Says here that Stella Girl has fought on monster on the railroad bridge leaving only minimal damage."

"Sugoi." Asia seems really impressed.

"True that!" Matsuda exclaimed. "Makes me glad we have someone like her around, I feel safe!"

"But, I wonder." Motohama said. "Where the hell do these monsters came from?"

"Who cares." Matsuda retorted. "Like every mahou shoujo series, as long as we have Stella Girl and believe in her, we can live our lives peacefully."

"So you guys can enjoy some perverted things in peace." Aika claimed earning angry reaction from the two.

In the 3rd year classroom, we found our red haired beauty sitting on her desk with another girl with long black hair tied in a ponytail, they were looking at a magazine on Rias' desk.

"Ara, it seems like the town's hero has done it again." Akeno said after reading the article.

"Yes, and as for the damage report, I give 7 out of 10 for leaving minimal damage this time." Rias said.

"Oh~? Are you evaluate her as if she's a student?" Akeno joked.

"Akeno," Rias turns her head to look at her best friend. "Don't forget that this town is still my territory, if any mythological-related is involved I must step in and stop it. And as for Stella Girl, we have yet to know who she is, and where those monsters came from." It is her job as a high class devil in charge of her territory on a look out for any troublesome stray devils or any mythology beings.

"That's true." Akeno agreed. "But we have yet to apprehend the one who's responsible for those monsters."

"True." Rias turns away as she looks at the window. It has been two whole months now since the appearance of those monsters and Stella Girl, she and her peerage been trying to take action as the monsters attack and investigating for any clues but no luck.

A man was walking on the neighborhood street carrying a vacuum cleaner, he stops facing a pill of garbage bags and other broken everyday items.

The man threw the vacuum in. "Once it's broken and useless, say goodbye to your hank of junk." The man said before walking away.

Unknown to the man, a person came floating down and landed in front of the pile of trash. The person was a woman with tanned skin and brownish orange hair tied in a long braid with an orange gem ornament. She wears a sleeveless skintight red leotard with a short orange skirt, long white boots with black stockings and white gloves exposing her fingers.

"A vacuum Cleaner, hmmm..." The woman said in wonder. She then produce an octahedron-shape black gem, size of a soft ball.

"It may be broken at the moment, but it still has it's usage. Safufufufu." The woman giggles. She raises the black gem in the air and declare. "Awakened from your slumber, and take form! Shadow Beast!"

The black gem glows before emitting a purplish light.

… and what comes next would surely cause big disaster.

School was over, as students were prepared to leave, or going to their clubs. Two students went ahead to go to one club they attended, those two are Issei and Asia as they got inside of the clubroom, receiving greetings from Rias and the members.

As they begin preparing themselves for their usual routine, Yuuto Kiba came in a rush, noticing the unusual action of her Knight Rias knew something was off.

"Buchou, there's trouble." Yuuto said as he approach.

"What is it, Yuuto-kun?" Rias asked.

"Another one of those monsters appeared." Yuuto responded earning reaction by the sudden news.

"Eh?! Another one?" Issei asked disbelief. "And so soon on top of that?" The last monster was yesterday and now a new one appeared today, usually those monsters would appear after one was defeated and several days would have passed.

"Are you certain?" Rias asked, Yuuto pulls out his phone and shows her the article. It says that a monster appeared on the streets and attacking a shopping district.

She got off her chair and looks at her servants. "We can't afford to ignore those monsters, we must go and defeat it." She ordered.

"Yes!" Everybody agreed.

The people screamed and ran as fast as they could from a terrible disaster maker, suddenly all the air and wind are being sucked into the opposite of the citizens' direction with objects flying over there. The cause of this strange phenomenon was a monster, the beast in question resembles that of 20 ft tall vacuum cleaner with six arthropod legs, the hose moves acting as a neck and a pair of purplish glass eyes on the vacuum's head, and there is an electrical cord acting as a tail. On the center of the vacuum's front/chest is a diamond shape black gem.

The monster continues to inhale as any kind of objects were being sucked in, then a car came flying as well before hitting the monster's 'mouth'. With the vehicle on its 'mouth' and keeping it, thanks to the powerful suction, the monster barking its head before moving forward as it blows away the car off, sending it flying away before crashing on to one of the stores.

With no one else in this part of the district, the Occult Research Club soon arrived on the scene of the destruction.