"I did it i won" these where the thoughts of Shirou Emiya as he lay on the ground waiting for all of it to end. Shirou emiya the orange haired youth knew the his end is near but he did't care because Miyu was safe now and he could finally rest. All his life was constant suffering losing his Parents in the fire tho he don't even know if he had any parents in the first place as he lost his memories of before the fire. He then meet Kiritsugu emiya his teacher and father the man who smiled at him in that unholy abomination fire and Shirou who had lost everything in that fire but looking at t e joy of Kiritsugu wanted to feel the same thing at any and all cost. Kiritsugu took him in and raised him as him onw flesh and blood and Shirou also felt about his ideals about being a "Hero of justice" it was in few years that Shirou met Miyu his Sister to be who had the powers to change the very flow of the world if she just wishes for it and it flowed in her blood for centuries. It was around time Kiritsugu passed away telling Shirou about his intentions with Miyu .
Shirou felt alone yet again the the death of his adoptive father but he had someone to share his feelings , his happiness , his loneliness and his sadness it was Miyu his sister who in all her Godlike powers just wanted to be a true family to him and Shirou embraced that wish and led a simple life for some years Helping students around , doing archery , schoolwork , talking with his only friends Julius and Sakura and returning to his large but lonely house where his sister wait for him that was all his life and he was happy with it but as every good thing most comes to an end he lost it all. His sister who was everything to him was also a way to stop the end of the world that was nearing as at the cost of Miyu's life world could be saved it was also the reason Kiritsugu took Miyu in and even told Shirou at his deathbed that when the time comes he would have to make a choice and Even Kiritsugu told Shirou to do the right thing and 1 life isn't as worth as the whole world. But how could he accept it . How could Shirou left behind the sister whoes only wish was to be with her Big brother .
Shirou took the different approach as if being a Hero would mean he had to sacrifice his sister then he don't need to be a hero and he would protect Miyu with his life and if the world burns then let it burn.
Shirou fought in Holy grail war just for the reason to protect his sister the war was his training Shirou at this point was ready to go to hell for his choices if not for the world Shirou would become the HERO for the little girl who called him big brother and he was going to fight for tooth and nail for her smile and he won.
Shirou lost to angelica in battle but he didnt lost the war his sister was safe knowing everything he knew his world is going to collapse he did felt something but it wasnt regret he would do the same thing again and again if given the choice as he lays of the cold ground he think all about his life and a smile crept up on his lips as he was satisfied with his end .
At the same time Light engulf him and his surrounding and everything remain still .
Shirou open his eyes and he found himself in his House as it was he was shocked with everything and the moment he stand up he felt light and he saw he lot smaller than he remember panic formed on his face and he ran towards the nearby Mirror.
He was shocked to see the little boy in front of his eyes he saw himself when he was 7 year old.
Shirou hadn't even comprehended what's up with him when a screen comes up in his face which read
"Welcome host" Shirou couldnt help but let out a dry chuckel as he saysÂ
"What the hell is going on"