Chereads / THE LAST LEYEND / Chapter 12 - The Portal to the Unknown

Chapter 12 - The Portal to the Unknown

Ten o'clock at night. Gabriel walked slowly toward the old man's house. The streets looked unlike ever before—lonely and sad under the drizzle that had not ceased since morning. Everyone was at home, gathered in front of their televisions, watching the latest news coming from the United States.

As the hours passed, a growing nervousness—mixed with fear, anxiety, and the desire to leave—had taken hold of his heart. The memory of his parents had surfaced more than ever. During the day, he had gone to the cemetery, something he hadn't done in years. He cleaned and tidied their graves, placed fresh flowers, and let the happy memories of his childhood come back to him, piercing his heart like needles. For the first time since that fateful day he lost them, he cried. It was mourning he owed them.

He continued walking with his head down, soaked from head to toe, his hands tucked into the pockets of his old and beloved denim jacket. As he walked, a conversation with his father came to mind:

—When you're scared and feel alone, remember that even if you can't see me, I will always be there with you. And if you ever have to make a decision, just listen to your heart, son. Close your eyes for a moment and listen to your heart. It always has the right answer.

He arrived at Don Anselmo's house, knocked on the door, and, without waiting for an answer, stepped inside.

—I'm down here, Gabriel! —The old man's voice came from the basement.

Gabriel went down and found the old man rummaging through piles of ancient books, grumbling and sweating. Judging by the scene, he had been at it for hours, searching for something.

—I've been absent-minded and messy all my life —the old man said—, but I never thought I'd reach this level.

—What did you lose? —Gabriel asked, standing by the table, still with his hands in his pockets.

—Lose? I haven't actually lost anything. It's here, in this room, hidden among all this junk. I just need to remember where I left it.

—But what is it? —Gabriel asked impatiently.

—A book. An old hardcover book with a closed eye drawn on it. That's where I've hidden The Key that opens the portal.

—Is it a yellow-covered book?

The old man turned around, removed his glasses, and looked at Gabriel in astonishment.

—Yes. How do you know?

—There's one just like that here, on the table —Gabriel said, lifting the heavy tome.

—By all the demons in Dante's Inferno! —the old man exclaimed—. That's the book! I've spent hours looking for it, and it was right here on the table the whole damn time!

The old man walked over to where Gabriel stood, took the book in both hands, and set it back down where it had been. He searched among his tools for a sharp knife and slid the tip along one of the book's cover edges.

—I couldn't think of a better place to hide it than here, inside the covers of this old tome that no one would ever care about. That way, in case of a robbery, this book would be completely ignored as loot. I took this precaution after misplacing The Key for five years, back in 1820 in Berlin. I thought I'd never recover it, but I managed to track down the thieves. By the way, they tried to melt it down—what they didn't know is that it's indestructible.

He finished cutting along the top edge of the cover and inserted the knife inside. With a twist, he pried it open completely. From within, he pulled out a thin golden plate, about twenty centimeters long, ten wide, and three millimeters thick. It was an ancient, gleaming golden plate, crafted by the Five. On one of its surfaces, a closed eye was engraved in low relief, positioned at the upper center. Below the eye, there was an inscription in characters indecipherable to Gabriel, though he had no doubt it was written in a strange language.

—This is The Key, Gabriel! This is the Primordial Key, the one that opens the portal—the portal of hope or total destruction! Stand up.

Gabriel obeyed, dazed, his gaze fixed on the golden plate gleaming in the old man's hands. The man stepped closer and handed it to him.

—Am I leaving now? —Gabriel asked.

—It is time, Gabriel. When you are on the other side, I don't know if it will be day or night, if it will be cold or warm, or how much my world has changed since I left. Remember everything we discussed today. You will appear beside an old tree, which I hope is still standing. Inside, you will find a map and proper clothes to wear. The map will guide you to Valarion, where you must present yourself to the reigning king. Also, remember that the Tranquil Forest is guarded by the Scrillch. They were my friends and knew all about this plan, which is why it was decided that your arrival would be in that forest—a place few dare to enter.

—I wonder why I can't just appear directly in Valarion. It would save a lot of trouble.

—Valarion was in turmoil when I left. I even fear that Valarion might already be in the enemy's hands. That's why the tree's guardian will give you the latest news. If anything has changed, you must make your own decisions.

—And will I never see you again?

—I already told you, Gabriel, my time has ended. This is no moment for sentimentality.

Gabriel stepped forward and hugged the old man.

—The fate of all rests in your hands, boy. Whether you like it or not, you must take on this responsibility. Give it your all and more. My people will aid you, for their future also depends on you. Now, it is time for you to leave. Take The Key with both hands. You must read what is written there.

—But I don't understand any of it! It's all hieroglyphics!

—Let me finish explaining. Calm yourself, relax, and soon you will understand the unreadable. And please, no matter what happens, do not let go of it under any circumstance. Now, focus and carefully look at the engraved eye.

Gabriel stared in confusion at the gleaming golden plate in his hands, especially the closed eye carved into it. A millennia-old relic, built and forged by powerful beings—The Legacy of the Five.

This is what the human saw written in Luminëlfic:

Nu i Mírëo Sáma,

Lúmenna calma emeralda,

Neldor Valin Máronë,

Marnë andon úolva.

Nu i laumëa lammen,

Nu i viswa lilmë,

Tëannar sindar latya,

Mettë mirwa umbar.

Ai, lélya i Elenwë,

Lasta i linna,

Nai tyë Imin, i manwen,

Umbar cenin.

Nu tyë ná úló,

Úvalmë né falmar,

Tyë ná i asina tello,

I andon an i alcar.

Lirë nu vára ar estel,

I quetta antaina,

Sensë manwë orlya,

Ar lúmëan lanta.

Tirmë an i lelya,

An i ruinë nu sáma,

An quenelya yá tyë tanna

Nai osto latya.

Úri, úë atarin i Tellë,

Nu sina lussë senda,

An i ruinë cena,

Mal úmëa anta.

Nai arinwa ar vanima,

Marë andon,

Na i menelló lómë,

Tyë umbar enta.

Gabriel was extremely nervous, and calming himself was the last thing he could do. A quarter of an hour passed before he managed to focus all his thoughts on that golden plate. Suddenly, what had seemed like a simple engraved eye appeared to come to life and slowly began to open. Gabriel was about to let go of the plate, but the old man reassured him.

—Do not let your mind drift, Gabriel! Do not release The Key, or all will be lost.

The eye finished opening completely. A beam of golden light shot out from its center and projected directly onto Gabriel's forehead. For an instant, the room around him darkened completely before his eyes, and the ethereal image of five elders leaning on their staffs appeared, staring at him with piercing, severe eyes, probing his mind. It was just a flash, and suddenly he was back in Don Anselmo's basement, still gripping the golden plate.

The Eye of the Five had opened, had scanned his mind, and had acquired his knowledge. And with this knowledge, it had begun to transform the indecipherable characters into a language he could understand. Slowly, the hieroglyphs shifted, twisted, and translated themselves, allowing him to read the magical words that would open the portal to the other land.

This is what Gabriel read:

In the Sphere of the Mind

Under an emerald sky,

Five mighty wizards

Forge a gate without mesh.

In the echo of their voices,

In the whisper of the wind,

They weave threads of spells,

In a mysterious shroud.

You, traveler of the universe,

Listen to their call,

You are the chosen one, the bearer

Of a fate unveiled.

Within you, there is no lie,

No cowardice nor fear,

You are the longed-for key,

To the portal of radiance.

Recite with pause and faith,

The enchanted words,

Feel how power rises,

And magic is unleashed.

Prepare for the journey,

For the fire in your mind,

For within each verse dwells

A latent power.

Do not flee, nor release The Key,

Upon this winding path,

For the fire is seen,

Yet its burn unfelt.

With bravery and honor,

Cross the threshold,

Into a different world,

Your final destiny.

Immediately, before Gabriel's frightened eyes, the golden plate began to melt in his hands.

—Do not let go, Gabriel, and do not move! —the old man shouted. —It is only an illusion for those who lack faith!

Gabriel thought he felt an intense pain, but then he remembered the words inscribed on the plate: "the burning is not felt." Yet the golden plate kept melting in his hands—and now his hands, too, were beginning to melt as if they were made of wax!

Gabriel's mind wavered between horror, madness, and calm. He thought he felt unbearable pain, and in the next second, it was gone.

—There is no pain! There is no pain! There is no pain!...—he repeated to himself.

The golden fire consumed his entire body, which melted away like a wax statue. Through the flames, Gabriel saw Don Anselmo and everything around him slowly dissolve, until at last, total darkness swallowed him whole.