In the midst of Frans' busy schedule as an intern doctor, his relationship with Viona grew even closer. They both committed to maintaining good communication and always made time to be together, despite their hectic schedules. Every night, before sleeping, they found time to talk on the phone, sharing stories about their day and supporting each other.
Meanwhile, Steve began to feel deeper emotions for Viona. Memories of them playing the piano together and watching movies kept flashing through his mind. This feeling unconsciously made him more indifferent toward Sharone, who started to sense the change in Steve's behavior.
One day, Sharone invited Steve for lunch at a quiet café.
Sharone and Steve sat facing each other at a café they often visited. However, this time the atmosphere felt different; there was tension hanging between them.
"Steve, lately I've felt that something has changed in you," Sharone said, trying to initiate the conversation.
Steve diverted his gaze from the coffee cup in front of him and looked at Sharone. "What do you mean?"
"I don't know, you often seem lost in thought and it seems like your mind is elsewhere. Is there something you want to talk about?" Sharone asked gently.
Steve sighed, trying to find the right words. "I'm sorry, Sharone. I'm just... overwhelmed with thoughts lately."
Sharone looked at him closely, trying to find honesty in Steve's eyes. "Is this about Viona?"
Steve was taken aback by that question. "Why do you think that?"
"Because I've seen the way you look at her when we have dinner together. There's something different," Sharone said, her voice trembling.
Steve looked down, feeling guilty. "Sharone, I... I don't know what to say."
"Be honest with me, Steve. I deserve to know what's really going on," Sharone pleaded, tears beginning to form in her eyes.
Steve took a deep breath, then looked at Sharone with regret. "I still love you, Sharone. But I admit, my feelings for Viona confuse me."
Tears started to flow down Sharone's cheeks. "Why haven't you been honest with me from the start? We could have found a solution together."
Steve reached for Sharone's hand, gripping it tightly. "I'm sorry. I was afraid of hurting you and losing you."
Sharone withdrew her hand, wiping away her tears. "Steve, honesty is the foundation of our relationship. If you can't be honest, how can we move forward?"
Steve felt his heart break seeing Sharone in pain. "I promise I will be more open from now on. Please give me a chance to fix this."
Sharone looked at him deeply, trying to find sincerity in Steve's eyes. "I need time to think about this, Steve. I hope you are truly serious about your promise."
Steve nodded, realizing that honesty and communication were key to improving their relationship.
After the tense conversation, Sharone and Steve decided to meet again at the same café, hoping to mend their relationship. However, the tension was still palpable between them.
"Steve, I've been thinking about our conversation yesterday," Sharone said cautiously to open the discussion.
"Really?" Steve replied briefly, sipping his coffee without looking at Sharone.
Sharone sighed, trying to find the right words. "I just want us to be more open with each other. I want what's best for both of us."
Steve looked at her for a moment, then turned his gaze outside the window. "Sure, I want what's best too."
Feeling that there was a gap still to bridge, Sharone tried another approach. "Steve, how about your work? Is your private tutoring going well?"
Steve nodded slowly. "Yeah, it's going pretty well. My students seem satisfied."
Sharone smiled faintly. "That's great. But have you ever thought about looking for bigger opportunities? I mean, with your talent and knowledge, maybe you could consider teaching in a formal school or even starting your own tutoring center."
Steve looked at Sharone with raised eyebrows. "So you mean my current job isn't good enough?"
Sharone was taken aback by Steve's response. "That's not what I meant, Steve. I just think you have greater potential. I want to see you grow and get the recognition you deserve."
Steve leaned back in his chair, looking at Sharone with a sharp gaze. "So, you think being a private tutor isn't something to be proud of? Just because you're successful in the music world now doesn't mean my job is less meaningful."
Sharone felt her heart break hearing Steve's words. "Steve, I never meant to undermine your work. I'm proud of what you do. I just want to see you achieve more because I know you can."
Steve shook his head, smiling bitterly. "Sometimes, I feel like you see me as a project to be improved, not as an equal partner."
Tears began to well up in Sharone's eyes. "Steve, I love you. I just want us to grow together and support each other."
Steve took a deep breath, staring at the table in front of him. "Maybe we have different views on what it means to support each other."
Sharone grasped Steve's hand tightly. "Please, don't misunderstand. I never meant to belittle you."
Steve looked at Sharone's hand that was holding his and then slowly pulled his hand back. "I need time to think about all this."
Sharone lowered her head as tears fell on her cheeks. "Alright, I will wait."
Steve stood up, grabbed his jacket, and walked out of the café without looking back. Sharone sat frozen, feeling the distance between them growing wider and harder to bridge.
That evening, Theresia and her boyfriend, James, invited Frans and Viona to enjoy a BBQ party in their backyard. Theresia had prepared various delicious dishes, including chicken satay with peanut sauce, grilled sausages, and assorted grilled vegetables. The delicious aroma of the grilled food filled the air, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.
"Welcome! I'm so glad you could come," Theresia greeted with a broad smile as Frans and Viona arrived.
"Thank you for inviting us. Wow, it smells delicious!" Viona replied while taking a deep breath of the aroma.
James, who was flipping the satay on the grill, added, "We've prepared various special dishes for tonight. Hope you enjoy it."
After all the dishes were ready, they sat together at a table adorned with small candles, creating an intimate and comfortable setting. The conversation flowed smoothly, punctuated by laughter and funny stories.
"Theresia, the marinade on the chicken satay is so good. Did you make it yourself?" Frans asked while enjoying a piece of satay.
Theresia nodded. "Yes, I tried a new recipe. I'm glad to hear you like it."
Viona added, "We should do this more often. It feels nice to gather like this."
James smiled and said, "Agreed. Maybe we can take turns hosting."
That night continued with warmth and togetherness, strengthening the bond of friendship among them.
As the evening progressed in Theresia and James' backyard, the atmosphere was further enhanced by the delicious aroma from the BBQ grill. Frans and Viona had arrived earlier, enjoying the food while engaging in friendly conversation with their hosts.
Suddenly, the sound of a car approached. Theresia turned to see her sister, Sharone, getting out of the car with her boyfriend, Steve. They looked surprised to see the gathering in the yard.
"Sharone! Steve! What brings you here?" Theresia greeted with a wide smile.
Sharone smiled as she hugged her sister. "We just finished an event in the city center. I thought I'd stop by to pick up some things I left here."
Steve, who had initially only intended to drop Sharone off, looked at the table and realized Viona was present. His eyes briefly brightened before he greeted cheerfully, "Hi everyone. Wow, it seems like you're having a party."
James nodded, smiling. "Yes, we're having a small BBQ. Do you want to join?"
Sharone hesitated for a moment, glancing at Steve. "Actually, we were planning to stop by for a bit..."
However, before Sharone could finish her sentence, Steve enthusiastically interrupted, "Why not? I think we have time to relax for a bit."
Sharone looked at Steve with a hint of surprise, but finally nodded in agreement. "Alright, then."
They both then joined the others at the table. Steve chose to sit near Viona, while Sharone sat next to Theresia.
"So, how was your event earlier?" Viona asked, trying to lighten the mood.
Sharone smiled faintly. "Pretty exhausting, but fun. There were a lot of things to take care of."
Steve added, "Yeah, but I think tonight is a perfect ending. Good food and good friends."
The conversation continued with light topics, but Viona could sense the tension between Sharone and Steve. She noticed a few sharp glances from Sharone toward Steve, especially when Steve was too enthusiastic in talking to her.
Theresia, who also felt the slightly awkward atmosphere, tried to shift attention by offering dessert. "Who wants to try my chocolate cake?"
Everyone nodded in agreement, and Theresia got up to fetch the cake. Meanwhile, Sharone seized the opportunity to speak quietly to Steve.
"Steve, I thought we were just stopping by for a bit," she whispered, her tone slightly tense.
Steve looked at her calmly. "I know, but there's no harm in relaxing for a moment, right? It's been a while since we gathered like this."
Sharone exhaled, trying to hold back her emotions. "Alright, but don't forget we still have other matters to attend to."
Steve nodded, then rejoined the conversation with the others. However, Viona couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss between Sharone and Steve.
That night continued with laughter and chatter, but beneath the smiles, there was tension felt by some of the people at the table.