The two Elder Iron Salamanders soon directed her to enter their spacious cave.
It seemed the Pikeakes retreated a while ago while the Iron Salamanders took significant damage. The loss of the two other Elder Iron Salamanders was especially catastrophic, but it was still considered a victory.
Both of the remaining Elder Iron Salamanders were remarkably intelligent, incredibly so being comparable to most humans.
The Elder Iron Salamanders shared the technique of transmitting her thoughts through Qi, which was far more straightforward than she imagined.
It was incredibly easy for anyone superior in cultivation to do so, and the Elder Iron Salamanders could guide her on how to project her thoughts back to them.
They took the lead and showed her the technique slowly so she grasped it quickly.
It was also incredibly easy to block out such transmissions, with the two Elder Iron Salamanders explaining she was subconsciously allowing them to transmit their thoughts to her since they were similar. For instance, if she were to meet a Pikeake with whom she shares a hostile association, she would be far more guarded, thus subconsciously preventing the transmission.
The technique could also be transmitted in three ways. They could connect their thoughts, allowing them to share information. It was rather interesting, yet Tara knew the Elders were doing most of the work in utilising the technique.
The two Elder Iron Salamanders explained that she would improve with the technique through practice and gain far more control with time. However, the method was relatively simple, and many magical beasts developed similar means of communication. Most even have traits that allow communication among their kind anyway, not requiring the technique, yet as they grow in intelligence, they appreciate the advantages that quick, silent communication brings.
The two Elder Iron Salamanders explained that not all magical beasts shared their intellect; they were very surprised by her.
The two explained that they were hundreds of years old and that it took them many years to develop their spiritual intelligence.
Most Iron Salamanders present in this herd at a similar cultivation stage to her possessed the intelligence of very clever dogs, with them able to communicate with short, simple answers; it made the Salamander duo even more shocked she did not know how to transmit Qi through her thoughts since most elders such as them can impart the technique rather simply especially to one as sharp as her.
Tara knew she would have to discuss that eventually. After all, this was a pair of very experienced magical beasts, and they instantly knew she was highly unique.
Soon, she discovered they had names themselves.
'My name is Lady.' The female Elder Iron Salamander declared rather proudly, and Tara knew there was a story behind that one.
The other male, Elder Iron Salamander, said his name was 'Claw' with a gruff, dismissive tone, no doubt not nearly finding his name as sentimental as the female.
After she explained, she said her name was Tara when asked by the female. She almost cringed at how she tried the pronunciation, yet she was too worried about offending the female who was earnestly trying her absolute best.
'T-A-L-Z-A', the salamander Lady said as slowly as possible, utmost concentration on her salamander-like head.
Tara would find it cute if not for the fact that she was a truck-sized murder machine.
Yet the bright curiosity and pure kindness that radiated from her eyes made it easy for Tara to grow fond of her, even with the short meeting between them.
That meant even when she butchered her name continuously; Tara could not find it in her to even have the slightest bit of annoyance.
She would have long lost her calm and begun raging if that were her little sister.
'Your name sounds very weird, like a human. I love humans. Especially Lady Humans.' Lady said with eyes filled with fondness.
Claw seemed to let out a deep snort at that response. He didn't share the same fondness, though even she was intrigued by Lady's apparent liking of humans.
The pair explained magical beasts like them usually come up with names to demonstrate their spiritual intelligence, reaching a certain threshold.
Lady explained, 'My name came about in a unique encounter with a human.'
It turned out that when Lady was a very young Iron Salamander, she was curious and went alone to explore things outside her herd despite being warned that it was unsafe outside their community.
Deciding to ignore the dangers, she went out wanting to see what the world was like outside her little herd, and it was there that she ended up in trouble with hunters.
The hunters were human cultivators; this was her first encounter with them. Tara was surprised and wondered why she would have a favourable view of them if humans had attacked her.
That was until Lady said, 'The human cultivators were far beyond my level. I tried to defend myself, but they played with me, knowing I was outmatched. I thought I was going to die; the warnings of my clutch mates were to come true. Yet, that was when I saw her. A human cultivator, a female, she was far stronger than the previous two. I did not understand their conversation exactly, but I knew she was the most noble, generous being I had ever seen. The other cultivators referred to her as 'Lady Qin', and I decided that from then on, I would be a 'Lady' and follow after her.'
Claw scoffed at her comments, 'Humans noble? They're more savage than the Pikeakes.'
Lady's eyes grew angry with the seemingly gentle Elder Iron Salamander suddenly showing her horns, 'I know not all humans are like Lady Qin! But have you met other magical beasts other than our clutch mates who would save another not of their kind as Lady Qin looked out for me? We live in hostility and have to look out for ourselves and the survival of our herd constantly, whereas humans like Lady Qin are willing to look out for others. They protect the weak. Do you see the humans having their young fight like ours are forced to do?'
Claw's giant head seemed to lower at her comment, which appeared to show his acceptance. He did not continue to deny Lady's remarks, though he still harboured distrust towards humans.
Tara seemed to realise that Lady was the thinker of the two and was emotionally intelligent in how she viewed the world.
Lady had the mindset of a magical beast who grew up developing insight. She did not like the way things were. Lady saw human society as idealistic, seeing the good in humans and ignoring their imperfections. She liked the idea of human society and became fixated on the image of a female cultivator whom she idolised.
She wanted to share the civility of human society with magical beasts, creating a structured environment where they all looked out for one another.
On the other hand, Claw has chosen to embrace his magical beast nature. He is rigid and firm in his views and likes how things are.
He also had far more bad experiences with humans. Tara knew Claw was right about many things regarding humans and their capabilities. She also knew Lady wasn't wrong about things as well. There is good and evil in any society.
Nonetheless, she did have to consider that both developed their intelligence over a long period, and neither would have had the formal education offered to humans. They had learned from others or themselves, so it was no wonder their views significantly differed based on their experiences.
It was similar to those on Earth who were every bit as intelligent as others but maybe less fortunate not having the opportunities to have an education like someone else. It may mean the one who is educated speech sounds more refined and knowledgable, but that does not make the other less capable.
It was also undeniable that Claw was far too fond of Lady to argue too much with her. He tried to act casual, yet his big eyes seemed to light up whenever she went into a monologue showing her ideals.
Seeing the relationship between the two made her think of how she would have treated them if she had been born human.
It even made her self-conscious about the treatment of animals on Earth in general; the thought of inflicting pain on something that feels this much sounded horrifying.
Either way, she was grateful she had no such conundrum with the whole reborn Salalander as a thing and all.
Claw described the origins of his name, which had far less thought behind it than Lady's.
Claw just decided on the name 'Claw'.
When he decided he wanted a name for himself, as most magical beasts do when their intelligence grows to the point they desire one, though not wanting to waste much thought on his name, he picked out the first thing he saw, which happened to be his claws.
The origin of his name fits him well in that way, perfectly describing his character as the simple, straightforward individual he seemed to be.
He may not be a dreamer like Lady, but he has his way about him.
All this talk made Tara curious about one thing: 'Are the Pikeakes just as smart as the both of you?'
Lady chuckled in response, replying, 'You show wisdom that hints at the age then speak things even most of our young know the next.'
Though Lady said playfully, she continued answering her question, 'The Pikeake are brutes; they are pure creatures made for killing, yet they do not lack intelligence, making them dangerous. The big two-headed one is a magical beast far younger than us, yet he is more vigorous and cunning. We tried to be peaceful with them before, but the damn brute tricked us into thinking we could live here and have our herd live in peace, but I admit I was wrong in trusting it. It has been its plan at the start to fatten us up before it sends its horde to feast on us. It had rebutted our attempts to leave, and it left us no choice but to grow our herd as much as possible, laying our eggs at great risk to our hatchlings so we could form the numbers we needed to defeat a stronger foe. Yet the beast was riled up by that, despite its best efforts to kill off our hatchlings to control our numbers, it could not keep an eye on all the areas we were laying our clutch.'
Tara couldn't help but share her thoughts; the complications of her birth explained, 'Oh, so that's why my birth was so… complicated.'
Claw and Lady's large eyes widened in response, and even with their salamander-like features, Tara could tell their look was akin to one of shock.
'You can't be one of our clutches… if that is so that makes you… weeks old at most, but your intelligence and… development.' Lady's voice filled her mind, muttering with disbelief.
Tara knew she had some explanation to do with the confusion of the two Salamanders.
'I have a unique ability. Let's say I'm efficient regarding the absorption of resources…' Tara decided to use this as an explanation; after all, the system seemed to make her absorb resources like the Iron Body Fruit more efficiently.
Afterwards, Lady seemed filled with happiness and trust as she said, 'That's wonderful. Maybe you could be the solution to our problem.'
However, Claw seemed highly sceptical about how he looked her over suspiciously. He seemed to know their situation was dire even after Pikeake's retreat.
'I think I can get rid of that Pikeake problem once and for all. I developed a poison in my time in the wild; I found a strange fruit that had a strange effect on my body. I wonder if you know the location of other fruits like it? Anything that can improve a magical beast's utilisation of poison. If so, I believe I can take down the big brute.' Tara said she knew her only means of downing the large two-headed Pikeake was poison, yet her current poison did not have the lethality she required. Looking at her new level requirement, she knew it would take a while for her next level.
Being pressed for time, she had to find other means other than level, and her acquiring similar fruits, such as the Iron Dragon Fruit, provided a means to enhance her abilities in the short term.
Lady seemed ready to reply, yet Claw took this time to step in.
'I know a place. But first, I want to test you; we have some natural treasures here, so why don't we put this to the test? You must have consumed resources such as the Iron Dragon Fruit, judging by the gleam of your skin. Most Salamanders take many years and are above you in cultivation before they develop, so I mostly believe you, but don't take offence when I want to see it for myself; the place I'd have to take you is hazardous to the point even the two-headed brute is wary about going there.' Claw said firmly.
Tara couldn't find any reason to refuse. It also allowed her to develop new or improved existing traits for whatever resources they planned to give her, so she saw no problems doing it, even without the incentive.
Lady seemed ready to lecture Claw on his strict tone toward her but decided to follow similarly interested in seeing her utilise this ability.
Therefore, Tara followed the two large Salamanders deeper into the cave, towards the location of the den where they stored any treasures; it was there that Tara would demonstrate the effectiveness of the system for the Elder Iron Salamanders to see and hopefully gain their complete allegiance.